
Is he ok?

*Katie is alittle saprised Clint answers Jason phone.* "Hey Clint. Its going I guess. Where is Jason?" *Katie holds her hand up tp Phil telling him one moment.* "Is everything ok? I got one of my feelings something was wrong." *A worryed look pass through Katie's eyes. It wasent like Jason to let someone alse answer his phone. Katie mouths to Kyle.* "Sorry....I'll explain in a second."

*Jamie smiles up at Con.* "Ya I figured I should. I am alittle behind and If I dont get these papers to Reese monday he is gonna kill me." *Jamie finishes up what she was working on.* "I was having a hard time typing I was thinking about so much. I was thinking how it was good Katie made some new friend, but I still wish Jason would come back for her. Its just not fair ya know." *Jamie lets out a sigh.* "I was also thinking about doing something for my mom and dad. I havent in a long time but I just couldent think of what. I know since the opend "Mom and Pop's" they havent had much time away. I was thinking maybe I could run things for alittle bit for them, but there is no way I could do it alone. and its not like I could pick someone right off the street I'd have to know and trust them. Blah blah blah..." * Jamie gets a silly look on her face relizing she was babbling. She laughs.* "Sorry Con dident mean to get carryed away."

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