
Vivid dreams

Disappointment flickers in Hunter's eyes as Alice explains she'll be busy. He opens his mouth to suggest another time maybe, but before he can even say more, she's already turned and leaving. he was too much of a gentleman to make her stay.

Sighing, he feels his arm where she'd touched him. Finally he turns around, going back into the room with the others.

"Yo, what's keeping you?" Heath bugs him teasingly. "We were just ready to draw straws to see who gets the beds this time."

Hunter grins and shakes his head. "You guys fight over it. I can stand to sleep on the floor." He glances around the room. "Where's Kyle?"

"Shower," Blake informs. "He had first dibs and we weren't gonna stop him."

Shawn laughs. "He left a trail of sand."

Though joining in the laughter, Hunter grabs his leather jacket. "I think I'm gonna get some fresh air, guys. I need to breathe before I sleep."

The night air is cool, and Hunter makes his way out of the hotel onto the sidewalk. He was unfamiliar with this town, but it seemed quiet enough. He felt safe. It wasn't like he feared not being able to defend himself.

Heading left, he isn't sure where he's going, but he doesn't mind. He tries to shake off the lingering disappointment in the back of his mind, but it was holding on tightly. He felt just a little foolish, and was just as glad that no one else had seen him crash and burn with Alice. He could tell that she'd made up an excuse not to go with him. He knew she was busy with her work, but he also knew that she could take time out if she wanted to. After all, she'd taken off on the spur of the moment with Kyle...

Again, Hunter wondered if there really was more between those two than Kyle would admit. He just didn't know.

Sighing, he heads across a street, down, then makes another turn. He saw a small park ahead and opts to scout it out. It had a few warm lights that glowed, making the atmosphere appealing. He shrugs. Why not?

Hunter meanders into the park, taking his time. It was late, and they had an early start tomorrow, but he didn't mind. Every once in a while, he needed to be alone, even if it meant sacrificing some sleep time.

Wandering around for a few minutes, a figure on one of the benches catches his eye. It looked as though he wasn't the only night owl. He would have ignored it, but something made him go for a closer look. Drawing nearer, he has to squint. The bench was just far enough away from any lights that it made it hard for him to make out any features. But getting just a little closer, he recognizes her.

Stopping, Hunter almost turns around. Though a little confused, he suddenly felt as though he was invading Alice's privacy. And as he studied her still form, it looked as though something was bothering her. Was it him? Had he been more forward than he'd thought? Was it something he'd said to her earlier? It almost seemed to coincidental.

He turns, ready to walk away. But something stops him. He sighs and rolls his eyes. He'd already made an idiot of himself once tonight - what was one more time?

Hunter walks slowly, cautiously, his hands in his pockets. He stops a few feet from Alice, his eyes showing a soft concern. He didn't know what to say. "If you're out here because of me... I'm sorry." His eyes drift to the ground, then back up again. "I didn't follow you," he establishes quickly. "I just... needed some air and... well... I'm sorry if I offended you earlier."

"Great." Carson nods to Nate. "Let me go get him, then come with us. We'll go to the empty interrogation room so we're out of anyone else's way."

Turning, he goes straight to Ty, not allowing the younger man time to get to the lower level where he would have started work for the night. “Hey, Ty… got a minute?”

Ty lifts an eyebrow in question. “Um… yeah. Whatcha need?”

Carson slings an arm around his shoulders, starting to guide him towards the hall, joining up with Nate again. “We just got a couple questions for you is all.”

“Questions?” Ty looks between Carson and Nate, his eyes showing concern. “About what?” He tries to stop, but Carson doesn’t let him.

“You’ll see. Just come with us.”

Turning into the hall, Ty realizes they’re headed for the interrogation room. He balks, but Carson finally wrenches his arm behind his back, forcing him towards the door.

“No!” Ty still struggles, his eyes growing wide with fear. “I didn’t do anything! Nate, tell him!”

Scott feels Hope's hand to his shoulder, but he doesn't move. He was too exhausted. Just knowing that someone he trusted was near was enough to help him relax. Rick wasn't here at the moment, and Misty was in and out. But he had someone here... someone watching over him.

Though slitting one eye open once to catch a glimpse of Hope reading, Scott slips into sleep once more. It isn't long though, before his mind is overtaken by dreams that he wished would stay buried.

The images were dark and frightening. They were full of people from the Agency, but the feeling of death lingered in the halls. Blood was smattered on the walls, and it ran out from under one of the closed doors where screaming could be heard. Scott tried to stop - he wanted to help, but he was pushed forward with merciless jabs and kicks. He was being taken from one room to the next, put through tests and questioning. They gave him the terrible shots that he remembered, sending pain through his whole body.

Scott started to writhe in bed, the pain from his sore ribs just making the nightmare seem all the more real.

Half the people were living, but half seemed like zombies - robots caught up in the world of the Agency. They shouted questions at him, and tears ran down his face as he begged for mercy. The only escape was the cold, dark cell. No... they were taking him there again to that horrid dungeon. No, he didn't want to go!

Scott groaned and his fingers tightened around his pillow, twisting the bedsheets as sweat started to pour down his face.

Down the stairs and through the dingy corridor. The fingers that were wrapped around his arm tightened to the point of bruising. They were like cold bones with no warmth or feeling. The smell of rotting flesh hit Scott's nose, making his stomach churn. Falling, his hands and knees hit the cold, damp stone floor. He was kicked in the gut until he rolled into the next open cell. The door was slammed shut, sealing his fate for the night. His body unable to stand the horrors, he pulled himself to the corner where he threw up. A rat crawled across his hand, looking for a meal.

Still writhing in bed, Scott winces. Somehow, something snaps him back to reality before he has to face the next gruesome scene.

He sits bolt upright in bed, shaking all over, his pulse racing and his breathing rapid and shallow. He blinks in the light and looks around wildly, trying to figure out where he is with limited vision. Still in a fog, the only thing that hits his mind next is the sensation that had carried over from his dream. But this time it was real.

Quickly rolling out of bed, Scott aims for the infirmary bathroom. Still groggy and not focused, his foot catches on the cot, sending him to the floor. He doesn't wait for any help though, and can only crawl the rest of the way, barely making it to the toilet before he throws up.

“You didn’t even track him?!” Jason stared at Reese with disbelief. “I know we didn’t mention it in the meeting, but come on! Even you should know better than that!”

Reese was on his feet in his office, and he looked sternly at Jason. “I made the decision that I thought was best. We couldn’t risk the Agency finding Phinox wired.”

“Oh, but you could risk him walking away and trashing this whole case?”

“He’s not going to walk away.”

“How do you know that?!”

A new figure appeared in the office doorway, and Derek looked back and forth between the two men. Despite Reese’s order for sleep, it looked like only a few people were actually doing it. Not that he could blame any of them. “Sorry for interrupting,” he apologizes. “Jay and I just wondered was the latest was.”

Jason spins around to roll his eyes. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Unless you count Phinox walking out of here with us having no idea where he was going!”

“I told you my reasons,” Reese intervenes. “Now either get on board with this and learn to trust me and Phinox both, or go wait in your office until it’s over.”

“I can’t stay out of it!” Jason raises his voice. All of his pent-up frustrations were starting to boil over. “Katie’s being tortured, we got more than one traitor in our midst, and on top of it, we dragged in two dead weights who could blow the whole thing for us!”

Derek straightens, his eyes narrowing just a bit. “Hey.” He forces Jason to look at him. Both men were the same height, and they stared each other in the eye. “I was in this game long before you. Now I know you don’t like me. You probably downright hate me. But Jay and I came because we care about Katie’s life too. Don’t continue judging us just because you’re an agent here. We’re here to be a team. And Reese is the leader. How about respecting his decisions for once?”

Reese gives a nod. “Thank you.” He looks sternly back to Jason. “I think we’re clear on this.”

Being talked down by his father was not something Jason had planned on, nor was it something he appreciated. Instead of calming him, it only made him feel more frustrated. “No, we’re not clear! Why aren’t we out trying to find Katie’s location?! I don’t understand why we keep doing things Phinox’s way, acting like we’re so afraid of the Agency!”

Reese had had enough. “Stand down, Jason. Or you’re off the case for good.”

“You can’t tell me to stand down when it’s Katie who’s out there!” Jason slams his fist down on the desk. “You’re not being fair!”

“That’s it, Jase!” Reese points to the door. “You’re off the case.”

“You can’t do that!”

“I can and I just did! You have the choice of staying in your office or going home. There are no other options. You have pushed too far.”


“No! You are dismissed.”

Jason looks at Derek, then Reese, his eyes blazing. Spinning around, he stalks out of the office.

Reese groans and sinks into his chair, putting his face in his hands. “I wanted him on this case,” he mumbles. “He’s one of the best we got, and if anything went wrong, I wanted him on top of it.”

“Sometimes the best aren’t the best option.” Derek sighs. “He and Katie are close, huh?”

“Extremely. Where there’s one, the other’s not far behind. I’ve never seen a better team, though they have had their rough times too.”


Reese nods. “Yeah. Quite frankly, I’m surprised they’re not married yet. Though it’s probably just as good they’re not. They’re both young with a lot of growing up to do. Someday though… won’t shock anybody if they do wind up together.”

A pang in Derek’s heart, reminds him of how much of Jason’s life he’s missed. His son… a grown man with a life of his own, maybe starting a family of his own not to long from now. If only Derek had known Austin’s lies. If only he’d found out the truth sooner so he could be a part of Jason’s life. But life wasn’t always the way anybody wanted it. “I can’t blame Jason for being this upset then. Can’t say I’d be any different.”

“No… I just wish… I don’t know what I wish.”


He looks up quickly at the new voice, lifting his eyebrows at Con. “Yes?”

Con had been resting, then had been with Ryder and Laura for a little while. Now he was trying to stay in the loop. “I just saw Jason take off. Wondered what was happening.”

“He left huh?” Reese shrugs. “Well, it’s probably better than him moping in his office.”

“Couldn’t take it?”

Reese shakes his head. “Not well, anyway. I told him he couldn’t be on this case anymore. He was getting too hot.”

“You think he’ll go home, or try his own way of solving this thing?”

“I hadn’t thought of that… You wanna check and see if he went home?”

Con nods. “I can do that.” He pauses before leaving though, giving Derek a nod. “Stick around for a while when this is over… once tempers cool, I think it might be worth it.”

Derek watches him go, then looks back to Reese. He seen Con from a distance, but didn’t know who he was. “Who was that?”

“Conrad Gibbs. Jason’s best friend, besides Katie. Good man. Trying to get him back as an agent.”


Smiling and giving a good last laugh Alice says goodnight to help and starts to head with Chloe out the door.

Being stoped by Hunter saprises Alice just a little but she turns and smile at Hunter anyways. She liked everyone in the group and though they might do somethings that saprised her she new she had nothing to fear.

Hearing Hunter's comment about having her along and keeping Kyle in line Alice smiles. It felt good to be complmented like that and to know she was welcomed in this small group.

"Hey someones got to do it you know. Not to mention its nice breaking out of the norm. Having someone like Kyle to keep up with me as well is pretty nice too."

Getting prepaired to walk away again Alice is cut off by Hunter's next question. For a moment she just stands there stairing at him not to sure what to say. This was the second time in one night she had someone who found intrust in her. The heavy beating of Alice's heart echo in her ears.

She didnt dislike Hunter, and he gave her a flutter but something held her back. It braough a ping to her heart and the same look that passed off happyness and excitment had quickly changed to a small sadness like it had on the beach with Kyle.

"I'm sorry Hunter, I have a report I need to finish tomarrow and I think I'll be working on it all day. Its rather important and I have been naglecting it for a few days now. I...I am sorry. Thank you though for asking."

Giving Hunter's arm a small squeeze Alice's smile never left her face. Hurring quickly into the other room Alice shuts the door and for a moment leans aganst it closing her eyes.

What was wrong with her? After a year a longly year she still was scaired to open to anyone and be closer to them. Hunter was a nice guy, good looking, and Alice new she could have fun with him, but she mad up some lame reason why she couldnt go. Kyle made her smile, and when he touched her she could feel the heat rise to her cheeks and could feel what was almost like an eletric shock hit her, but yet...she had kept him at bay when it was clear he liked her too.

A small tear rolled down from Alice's eye making its path over her cheek and to the floor. When she was with her friends she felt so happy, whole, but when she was alone...she was alone. Though she new she wasnt and he had God's lover to keep her company she still new she was missing something. Something she had so long ago.

Pushing off the door Alice takes a few steps into the room but keeps her back turned a little to make sure Chloe couldnt see the tears that formed in Alice's eyes.

"Chloe, I am going to go for a little walk. I'll be back shortly."

Alice new it was late but she had to clear her head even if it was just sitting on a park bench and clearing her head.

Turning she lets the door fall shut behind her and makes her way down the hall to the elevator.


Kyle lifts one eyebrow, staring back at Alice with a silly look of competitiveness. "I have eaten enough sand tonight without needing any more dust."

Chloe smirks. "So not only were you rolling in it, you were eating it too."


"Oh, gag." Chloe slaps down a card. "It's your turn, bozo."

"Great! I shall...." Kyle holds out his cards, ready to lay one down, but discovers he has nothing to play. "I shall draw a card."

The others involved in the game can't help but laugh, teasing Kyle as he starts to draw one card, then another... then another. Winding up with a handfull of cards, he finally pulls out a wild draw-four card. "Ha! Hunter, that one is for you, buddy!"

Hunter groans as his turn is skipped and four cards are added to his own hand. "Thanks a heap."

The hours roll on, no one wanting the fun and games to end. But as a few start to yawn, everyone had won at least twice. No one had kept track of who won the most games, but no one really cared.

Jordan is the first to stand up and stretch, helping Myla up as well. "Goodnight, y'all. See you in the morning."

"Yeah, goodnight." Chloe waves as the couple goes to their own room. She sighs and stands up, piling the UNO cards on the table. "Well, Alice, looks like you and I are next door. I doubt these boys want company too much longer."

The guys laugh and finally stand up too, ready to prepare the room for the night.

Chloe disappears into the hall, making sure Alice is close behind. But Hunter is also on their heels, stopping Alice at the door. "Hey, Alice?" He leans on the doorway, giving her a soft smile. "I'm glad you're traveling with us. You really add a lot, you know that?"

He gives a short laugh. "And you help keep Kyle in line too." Glancing over his shoulder, he make sure he's still alone before looking back down to Alice. "Listen, um... tomorrow night we'll be stopping again. It'll be the last night for a while that we'll actually get to settle in for an evening, and... I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go out to dinner... with me? ...Just the two of us?"


Day goes on

Watching what Hunter was showing her and telling her how to play. Moving cards around she sets up her hand thinking she probley has the hang on it.

"Ok, I can do this it dosnt seem to hard."

Giving a laugh and looking at Hunter as her cross the table Alice smile is bright with excitment for the new game.

"Ready to eat my dust Kyle?"

Alice throws a playful wink at Kyle before looking down at her cards and throwng a blue 4 down.

Hope gives a nod to Reese and goes over to the cot. Grabbing it she pulls it close to Scott's bed trying to make as little sound as she can.

Looking over at him to see if he was a sleep or not She gives his shoulder a little rub to let him know she was there again and sits down on the cot.

She was right there is Scott needed her, only second away from her friend. Hope could tell her feels for Scott had sifted and they had formed a deeper relationship to a certin level. She liked the feeling of having Scott for a friend.

Pulling out her book next Hope starts to read it. She was far from tired and this would keep her mind busy for now.

Heading up and out of TJY Phinox sits in his car for a moment and lets out a long sigh. His mind going everything that would go down tonight. Trying to keep his nerves at bay he new Rod would pick up on them if he didnt.

Finally pulling out of the parking lot Phinox makes his way to the meeting spot. It was now or never and he couldnt let Katie have to suffer longer than needed.

Nate cant help but be a bit surprised to hear that it was Ty who had been the one to over ride the security. This was another thing to add to the bizzar list.

At least for now though it was something to take there mind off everything going on with Katie. They were sitting on the sidelines right now anyways until Phinox came back anyways. If he sat, just waiting he would end up going crazy.

"Ok, lets question him now. We really dont have anything else we can do at the moment."

Standing Nate lets out a sigh as the lines under his eyes show how tired he was. Though he has slept for a little over an hour it wasnt very well. He just wanted this to be over so life could go back to normal. But how normal would it really be with people like the Agency out there or people who would hurt someone like Scott.

"I'll follow your lead."

Welcomed distraction

Hunter's grin spreads, his eyes twinkling. He ambles up behind Alice to look at her cards. "You could learn this game in ten seconds flat." He laughs. "But that doesn't mean it's less competitive with this group."

Leaning down, he slings an arm over one of her shoulders, reaching around with his other hand to point to the cards she was holding. It doesn't take much to explain the game. The rules were simple, and they didn't have any bizarre house rules to contend with. "So if there's a blue seven down there, you could play your blue five, or your red seven, see?"

Kyle eases down in a chair across the table, grabbing some cards to shuffle absentmindedly. He glances to Hunter and Alice, watching them for several moments.

"Hey." Chloe nudges him with her elbow. "You awake?"

"Me? Ha!" Kyle grabs his can of pop, downing another mouthful. "You bet."

Chloe giggles. "Is it just me, or are you kinda wet?"

"And sandy," Kyle clarifies.

"How on earth did you manage that?"

"It's a long story involving a spider and my pantleg."

"I don't think I wanna know."

"Smart woman." Kyle grimaces. "I need a shower."

"So go take one."

"And miss out on all this fun?" Kyle glances around the table, his eyes pausing over Hunter and Alice again. "I'm not gonna be a party pooper." Her looks back to Chloe with a silly grin. "Not to mention, I'm not gonna pass up wooping everybody's butts."

Chloe's jaw drops. "Not mine! You're gonna be on my team, Bud."

"Well alright then." Kyle hands her the cards. "Madam Dealer, you're up." Glancing back across the table, he cups his hands over his mouth and speaks loudly. "If the training session can come to a close, we can actually play this game."

"Be nice," Jordan chides teasingly. "It's not every day that Hunter finds something he's smart enough about to teach someone else."

Hunter looks up and throws both men a smirk. "Thanks, guys." He cocks his head down and around to see Alice's face. "I think we need to knock these brutes down a peg or two, what do you say?"

He straightens and ruffles Alice's hair teasingly. Grabbing the chair next to her, he sits down and tosses Chloe the extra cards to shuffle. "Alright, lets go!"

Scott stirs a little as Sapphire gets up to leave, and curls up a little tighter, his head sinking further into his pillow. A few second later though, a sweet scent wafts through the air, and the corner of his mouth upturns. He didn't have to look. He knew Hope was back. And he knew that she would stay.

Rick sees Hope and gives her a warm smile, knowing why she was there. He respected her for it.

"I set up a cot in the corner," he offers. "It's going to be a long night around here, so if you get tired, feel free."

Reese stands up from his desk, giving Phinox a nod. "I appreciate your role in this, Simon. Be careful and make it back as soon as you can. We'll be waiting, but if we don't hear from you by three, we'll start to move on our own. Good luck."

After having spoken to Reese, then checked in on Wyatt and the monitor to find that all was quiet with Katie, Carson makes his way over to Nate's desk. He hadn't slept yet... he still needed to. But right now, he felt this was more important.

"Nate..." He approaches slowly, trying to keep his head together. The stress was getting to him, and in a bad way. But he had to keep going. "I just spoke with Reese, and he wanted me to let you in on this..."

Taking only a minute or two, Carson explains what Sapphire had discovered. "...so when Ty gets here, Reese wants us to question him and find out who it was that came. Scott's not going to say at this point. I think he's just scared. But we need to know who was able to get in."

Just as he's finished, the door to the main floor opens and Ty steps through, back for the night. Carson lifts his eyebrows. "Speak of the devil. Your call whether we grab him now or later... but the sooner the better."

Though most likely none of this had anything to do with Katie, Carson needed something to keep himself busy, and working on this was enough to keep his mind distracted from his friend that was in so much danger, at the mercy of the Agency.

One Am

Sitting at the table Alice laughter rings as a comment is tossed around and she makes another one that added to it. This group was always fun, it was nice to be around them they took her mind off other things and Kyle...he was a blast.

Seeing Hunter come back into the room Alice gives a smile as she holds up her cards.

"So...how do we play this game and I wanna be on Hunter's team. Its on now Kyle...its on now."

Though she felt a little silly for not knowing how to play a game that was pretty comman Alice hide the embarrassment well.

Sapphire smiles at her brother and gives his a hand a gentil squeeze as he falls into sleep. She didnt want to leave him, but she did have more work to day.

Gentily laying his hand down next to him she stans and makes her way for the room right as Hope is entering again. Giving a small smile she tells her Scott's message.

"Scott said you didnt have to stay."

Hope gives a small nod.

"Its ok, I want to."

Turning Sapphire continues to leave the infermary. She was kind of happy Hope said she would stay. Knowing her brother had a friend who stay by his side, and keep watch when she couldent put her mind at ease.

Taking both saringes Phinox gives a nod. He know people didnt trust him right now, but he was happy they were at least going with what he said. Getting Katie out was what was important right now, what happend after that he would deal with when the time came and new it was justice.

"Thank you Rick. As soon as I get Gage back here I will bring him to the intaragation room and than come to get you. He might need medical attachen I dont know."

Turning and heading out of the infermary Phinox stops for a moment and turns to see Scott sleeping. Letting out a sigh her felt sorry for the poor boy. But remembering he was on limited time Phinox continues along on his way and heads for Reese office.

Knocking on the door Phinox enters and steps into the room. Looking at Reese he gives a nod.

"Its time, I probley wont have any time to call you and let you know whats going on inbetween but if all goes well you should see me on the camra once Rod leaves. I am going to reasure Katie help is on the way. If I can give her any hope at all that should help."

Phinox lets out a sigh. Though he got a little sleep from the stress he felt like it had been ages since he really had slept at all.

"I have seditives for Gage, and my memorie is clear. I should have no problems at all. With any luck I should be back by one am."

Concern only for others

Kyle chuckles and shakes his head, letting himself get pulled along to the jeep. "Yeah well... even best friends can invade."

Contemplating Alice's final remark, Kyle opens his mouth to respond, but for once, lets it close again. For once, he held his tongue. A quiet "you're welcome" is all he finally manages to say before slipping into the jeep.

"Well, if we keep the windows down we might get dry by the time we get back to the hotel," he teases. As they pull from the parking lot, he sticks his head out the window, yelling at the top of his lungs. "Look out, world! Alice is driving!"

Arriving at the hotel, they find the two reserved rooms, but until everyone went to bed, they had gathered in the larger one for some fun and games. A knock at the door brings Hunter to let them both in.

"Well, hey guys. Thought we might need to send out a search party," he teases.

Kyle grins as he follows Alice in. "Aw, you were worried about us? How sweet."

"Come on an join us," Chloe begs from the table. "They're killing me in UNO. I need some support."

"After refueling," Kyle states flatly. He breaks away from the others and heads to the little kitchenette where he knew they'd have the sixpack of Mountain Dew from the bus. "Ahhh, heaven."

Hunter is right behind him, reaching around for a can of Pepsi. "So where'd you two run off to anyway?"

"Hmm?" Kyle was only half-listening as he took a swig of his pop. "Oh, just down to that beach we passed on the way in. Somebody was shooting off fireworks somewhere so we got to see them."

"Ah." Hunter nods a little. "So, um... have fun?"

"I always have fun." Kyle squints at him, sensing there was something more. "Why?"

"Oh, I don't know. Can't a guy ask his friend if he had fun on his date?"

Kyle's eyebrows shoot up. "Whoa. Who said anything about a date?"

"Well that's what it looks like."

"What? We were just out for a walk."

"Mm-hmm..." Hunter fingers Kyle's damp shirt, rubbing bits of sand between his fingers. "Tidal wave?"

Kyle rolls his eyes. "Knock it off."

"What? What did I do?" Hunter cocks his head. "Why don't you just admit it that you and Alice are closer than friends?"

Kyle swallows another mouthful of pop, starting to feel the caffeine kick in. "Because... I'd be lying?"

Hunter looks at him squarely. "You mean to tell me that you two are just friends. That's it. Nothing more."

"Right." Kyle nods. "I'd say we're..." He shrugs. "Best of friends. I probably rank somewhere between annoying brother and close cousin."

Hunter's eyes narrow as he studies Kyle's face. "Guess I read you wrong."

"Guess you did."

"Well, better for me anyway. I wasn't going to intrude by asking her out, but now I won't be intruding."

Kyle almost spits out his pop. "Ask her out?"

"Yeah, you know, one of those things where I take her to dinner.... we sit... we talk..." Hunter gives Kyle a slap upside the head. "One of those things you aren't doing."

"You? And Alice?"

"Well, I might not be the best looking guy around, but come on... I gotta at least try, right? Got a problem with it?"

"No, no.... no." Kyle shakes his head. "No.... why would I?"

"That, I wouldn't know." Hunter grins. "You should ask Chloe out sometime, just for the fun of it."

"Heh... right." Kyle watches as Hunter leaves to rejoin the others. He takes another sip of pop and just stands alone for several moments. No, Chloe was nice and they were friends, but that's as far as that went. His personality got to her after a while. Not like Alice. She could handle his quirkiness for days on end.

Taking another swig, Kyle realizes that he's just downed the whole can of pop. "Hmm." He goes to get another one, popping the tab before rejoining the group. Tonight, a lively mask was required. "Look out. Kyle, the master of cards is coming through!"

Scott swallows hard and lets his eyes fall shut once again. He knew what his sister meant... he knew she was trying to protect him. But at this point, he felt more like a file of information that had betrayed TJY, than an agent.

His grip on Sapphire's hand slowly loosens, and it's apparent that he's close to sleep. "Tell Hope... she doesn't have to stay," he mumbles. "She shouldn't have to... worry... about me." His breathing slows, his body finally starting to relax as exhaustion forces him into a shallow level of sleep.

Rick studies Simon for a moment, contemplating his choices. He didn't really trust him completely... but what would a couple sedatives hurt? They wouldn't kill anybody, and if they would help bring Katie back, then it was worth the risk.

"Okay." He goes to the cabinet and preps two syringes that he hands to Phinox. "One of these should knock an average man out for about half an hour. Be careful with Gage. I heard Carson say he was on drugs. That could make him more difficult to take down. If you have to, use both shots."

Never Uncomfortable

Alice gives a smile and a small nod. Sometimes she hated finding the deeper meaning of words, and sometimes she hated how it causes a small fear into the fearless. It was not a feeling she liked since so long ago it was so strong.

"I guess if we are talking about sand, than yes the best place for it is on the beach."

Looking up again Alice regains her smile as she gives Kyle a soft shove and gets the happy moon back.

"But, if we are talking about best friends they belong everywhere because its never uncomfortable to have them around."

Standing Alice gives herself a quick brush off before looking to the sky again to watch the last of the fireworks go off. Giving a content sigh Alice throws her arm around Kyle's shoulder and pulls his twords the Jeep once more.

"I guess we should get back before they really do think we ran away huh? Thanks Kyle for spending this time with me. It ment more than u will ever know."

Sapphire gives her brother a stern look. She didnt like that he though this way and whoever had scaired him so much. She wanted him to believe her she only wish he would.

"No, one life dosnt make up for many. This was wrong no matter the reason."

Figuring it was best for now to stray off the subject Sapphire's expression changed to a more soft one, with a smile that spread across her lips as a small laugh came from her lips.

"Hey ten minutes is ten minutes you know."

Looking up at the clock after waking Phinox takes note that there is only a half hour left till his meeting. He needed finishing getting ready now so he could leave in fifteen.

Phinox couldnt help the feeling in the pit of his stomach. Rod was good, and if Phinox made one wrong it would be game over. He had one shot and couldnt mess it up.

Standing and checking his gun alone with a few other personaly belonging he new that he might be asked for Phinox makes his way to the infermary. Entering he gives a quick glance around the room taking not to who was in there before making his way over to Rick and leabing on his desk a little.

"Hey Rick, I was wondering if you could saply me with two saringes of seditive. Once I get Gage alone it will be alot easyer if I knock him out and will take up less time. If you cant I understand and can do with out it will just be alot harder."


Ten minutes

Kyle's eyes don't leave Alice's, as he tries to decipher her feelings by the light of the fireworks. One second, he was so sure that the tingle down his spine hadn't been caused by his own assumptions or by a one-sided attraction. Then the next, he was just as sure that he'd overstepped his bounds as a friend, and that the implication of his prior words had been inappropriate.

As she lowers his hand and holds it, he continues to search her face as she speaks. Her words felt cryptic. But... were they? Or were they intended as clearly as they sounded? Either way, he could feel the heat on the back of his neck that slowly made its way into his face. He was glad it was dark. Sometimes he just didn't know when enough was enough.

Though he quirks his typical silly grin, he slowly withdraws his hand from hers. "Well, I guess if we're talking about sand, some people would prefer just letting it get between their toes as they walk on the beach, rather than letting it invade anywhere else it doesn't belong."

Rolling over, Kyle gets to his feet and starts brushing himself off. "I suppose a shower would be a good thing right about now. Guess they'll be waiting for us back at the hotel by now anyway."

Scott is silent for several long minutes. He lets his eyes fall shut, but his grip on Sapphire’s hand indicates that he hasn’t fallen asleep. He’s just thinking.

Eventually, he opens his eye again. "If a thousand people could be saved by losing the life of one... wouldn't it be worth it?"

He licks his dry lips, his tone indicating his surrender. He'd given up hope that he hadn't turned on TJY, even if he couldn't remember all of it. And he was convinced that if someone could use the information he had to help TJY, then no matter how they did it, it was worth it.

A brave smile emerges just on the corner of his mouth. "You like taking advantage of the fact that you're just ten minutes older than me, don't you?" He gives her hand a squeeze. He would crumble when he was alone... he would break down in front of Hope... he would be scared, lost and confused when once again the only sound was the beating of his heart. But in front of his sister... he would try to be strong.

"It's okay," he whispers, his eye falling shut once again. "I'm okay."

Good Feeling

Sitting on the edge of the bed next to her brother Sapphire keeps her hand on Scott's. Her heart hurt for her brother more than anything and though they hadnt been close, and though she would never let Scott know she had always been there not saying a word but watching him making sure he was ok. Though school and much else she watched quietly so if he ever did need her she would be ready.

And than, when she thought she wasnt needed anymore and her brother could do without out this had to happen. If only she he stoped and took the time months ago to get to know her brother again maybe she would of been there and this wouldnt of happend.

No matter how much she new it wasnt her fault, it still hurt and made her stop to think if only. It was hard to see her brother like this.

"Weather they were protecting TJY or not they had no right to do this. There are lines to draw even for us in The Elite, and when this was done to you it crossed that line."

Drawing in a breath Sapphire stops for a moment. She was the quiet one, but she had so many feeling that ran through her she just shaired not to voice. Finally look at her brother again she continues.

"There are rules, and ways to handle things that do not involve violance. There jobs were not to kick the crap out of you. They were wrong and thats the end of the story. Besides all that, your my little brother and I know your nothing but a good man. I know that deep in my heart no matter what anyone else says I know its true."

Just letting Kyle run his finger over her cheek Alice is comfortabel for the moment. Kyle was a friend and they did everything together who would of thought now this feeling would rise in the pit of her stomach like butterflys were moving around.

Keeping her eyes closed Alice enjoys Kyle's hand for a moment longer untill his coment hits her ears. Not being able to help it Alice breaks down the words to see the deeper meaning to them.

Opening her eyes she looks into Kyle's and though she wouldnt admit it she new what he was saying. As her cheeks turn red Alice's eyes seems to contradick eachother with in minutes one moment saying they were happy with Kyle's words and they made her feel good, only to be replaced with a sadness.

Looking into Kyle's a little longer Alice felt so confused with her feelings. She had grown close to Kyle and it was nice for someone to give her, her own attchen but she couldnt help a small bit a guilt.

Looking down to the ground Alice takes Kyle's hand in her own and though she looked a little side a small smile was still on her lips.

"Its funny to think how fast someone can attach themself to something not wanting to let go. The hard part is figured if the attachen is a good feeling or not."


Wet sand

With Alice’s face returning to rest in Kyle’s palm, he doesn’t withdraw. Strangely, his heart skips a beat.

A small grin quirks the corner of his mouth at her comment about the sand. His thumb gently strokes her cheek, feeling how soft and smooth her face really was. He swallows hard, not quite knowing what to do with the strange feeling that had settled over the moment.

His tone is so mellow and quiet, a stark contrast to his earlier boisterous teasing. “Yeah… it’s hard to get rid of once it gets to know you…”

Scott nods a little at Hope, unable to express that he really did appreciate her willingness to keep an eye on him while he was here. Though she was leaving, he believed her, that she would be back, and knowing that brought a small amount of comfort. There was a reassurance about her… a peace that Scott needed right now.

His eyes closed, he just lies still, listening to the various sounds around him. Rick had returned… Misty was working in the corner. Voices carried from down the hall. He was much more attentive to sounds than he used to be. Unfortunately, it just added to him being skittish.

Almost dozing off from pure exhaustion, a new presence is felt. He hadn’t heard her enter, but he knew someone was close and he tenses. Feeling Sapphire’s hand and hearing her voice though, he relaxes again. He shifts his hand to curl his thin fingers around her own, giving her hand a little squeeze. “I’m okay,” he responds softly.

Managing to get his good eye open, he looks up at his sister. Despite having failed at so many things… despite feeling so small and weak… he always wanted to be stronger for her. There were so many times when they’d been younger that he hadn’t been there for her. Both had had a tough time in school, neither popular, and both getting picked on. But Scott had never been strong enough to help defend her. He’d had too much trouble just trying to keep himself from getting locked in the bathroom or pushed around in the halls. And here at TJY… Sapphire didn’t need him. Their jobs didn’t often overlap and Scott really never got a chance to talk to her much, let alone be a brother to her.

Though after his supposed death, they’d made more of an effort to talk more, there was still a gap there. It was one that Scott didn’t like, but one that he just didn’t know how to fix.

“They were just doing their job,” he speaks again, remaining quiet. “I was a threat to TJY.”

A feeling

Giving a small smile to Scott Hope seemed to understand what he was saying even though he didnt say it out loud. She new how he must feel lost and alone.

"Ok, well I am gonna run home and change, grab something to eat and than I will be back. I like spending time with you Scott. I wont be long."

Turning Hope leaves the infermary and heads back out of TJY to make her rout home. Some new cloths and a little food would keep her energised.

Sapphire gives Carson a nod knowing he would tell Reese when he saw fit. As long as whoever was question and justince was served for her brother Sapphire was happy.

Turning around and going back inside Sapphire gives a shake of her head. She wasnt close to her brother much anymore, and she didnt talk to him much but that didnt mean she felt less about him. He was her brother and she loved him. Know someone had hurt him made her upset and she didnt want them to get away with it.

Heads down stairs Sapphire takes a new rout insted of back to her desk and heads for the infermary.

Entering Sapphire is hesatint but walks slowly over to her brother. Not seeing Hope in the room she moves to the front of her brother and rests her hand on top of his. Her heart acked for him.

"Hey little brother, how are you feeling?"

Looking back down at Kyle Alice's smile stays ferm as she continues to let small laughs escape. She deffintly had a fun time being around Kyle and he helped her keep the smile on her face in place.

As a new look forms in Kyle's eyes Alice's smile fades a little but not to a displeased look. Closing her own eyes for a moment she leans her head into Kyle's hand feeling his warmth on her skin. This time is was much differnt than before, this time it felt much more than a friendly gest. It was a feeling that she had missed.

Her voice small, and almost a bit weak Alice whispers.

"Darn wet sand sticking to me!"


You know what happens

Carson's head snaps as he hears Sapphire's voice. Caught, there's not much he can do but smirk at her. "Yeah, well just make sure Doc Miller don't know and we'll be fine."

Finishing off his cigarette, he crushes it out on the ground, turning his concentration to what Sapphire had to show him. Learning of Ty, his eyes widen. "What?"

He takes the papers and scans them, making sure Sapphire was right. "Why would he...?" Carson shakes his head. "I just don't get it." He glances at his watch. He'd seen Ty leave about an hour ago, but he'd be back before morning.

"Don't show this to anybody else," Carson directs Sapphire. "I'll tell Reese, but we have to let Ty come back not knowing that we found out. Then we can grab him and question him."

Scott manages to open his one eye and study Hope's face as she talks. He was a little calmer now, but still, having her close and hearing her voice again continued to put him in a more relaxed state.

He shakes his head a little. He wasn't hungry. At best, he was nauseas more than anything else. The thought of food just made his stomach turn.

The offer of Domino makes him stop and think though. But he finally just shakes his head again.

"Ty is checking on her," he responds quietly. "She shouldn't.... be here right now."

Scott searches Hope's eyes for a moment, wishing beyond wishing that just once he could just be himself without needing her help. He was glad she was there, and glad she offered that help, but just once he wanted to be strong enough that he could stand on his own two feet in front of her. But as it sat... he was still on the receiving end... and whether he liked it or not, he needed it. Her company wasn't disliked though. A part of him was not only grateful that she had come, but her presence was so calming.

He takes in a deep breath slowly, wincing at the pain in his ribs that it caused. "I'll still be here though," he finishes lamely. He didn't know how to say that even though he didn't want food and didn't think she should pick up Domino that he still wanted her company during her late supper.

Kyle finally uncovers his face, still laughing. He takes a deep breath, trying to stop, and blinks, looking up at Alice. There was so much running through his mind. All of her prior words, he knew he would revisit in his mind later when he was alone. For now though, another laugh escapes. The silliness was too fun to let go of too quickly. "He's either crushed or I scared him so much he'll never be back. Either way, I'm happy."

The grin on his face is as silly one, the humor twinkling in his eye. His gaze still on Alice, his peripheral vision still sees the fireworks going off in the distance.

For a couple seconds, he's quiet, the moment seeming to grow more solemn, but suddenly another grin breaks out. "You know what happens when you're wet and you roll in the sand, don't you?" He laughs. Sand stuck to everything.

Reaching up, he brushes some sand off the side of Alice's face. As his fingers touch her skin, something flickers in his eyes. The humor felt like it had just been sucked out of the moment, replaced by something completely different. Not bad, but very different.

His eyes catch hers. Why he felt like he'd just done something, wrong, he didn't know. He retracts his arm a little, his hand just hovering near her face, not knowing whether to finish the job or let her do it herself.


Promises. Relationships. Comfort

Standing from her own cubicle Sapphire can just make out Carson leaving the building. Not to sure if he was just steping out for a moment or if He would be gone for sometime she looks down at the papers in hand.

Her scans, and the information she had been going through was complete and she new who's pass code had been used and who did, but the question lied in why? A bunch of mixed emotions ran through her. She though she cold trust everyone in TJY but now with that happend to her brother she felt almost betrayed.

This was to important to wait, if Carson was just getting some air than she would talk to him. Papers in hand Sapphire head up and out of TJY. The cool air felt nice on her skin as she welcomed it into her lungs. The air had gotten stail in TJY so a little change and freshness was nice.

Seeing Carson around the courne Shappire walks that was as well taking note he was on the phone. Waiting till he sliped it back into his pocked she steps around around the courner. A small smile on her face.

"You know smoking dosnt only kill you it kills the earth too."

Not dwelling to much on that fact Sapphire just gives a shake of her head as her looks becomes more stern.

Holding out the papers from Carson she speaks softly but with as much strangth in her voice as Misty, or Jamie proving under the layers there was more to her.

"I finished figureing everything out, and though it took my longer than I exspected I did in facet finish. The resalts are a little saprising and leave me a little confused."

Letting go of the papers while Carson look at them Sapphire rattles off everything that was there as if she had looked at them a million times over.

"It was Ty who opened the door. As to who came in, I dont know. Whoever it was, was cloaked and I couldnt see a face but ask him and I am sure he could tell you."

Though she had told who it was and Carson was smart enough to know she was upset about it a deeper look of trouble was in her eyes.

"What I dont understand though is why he used Katie's number to open the door let alone know what it was. I dont know if maybe he didnt know there was a camra and in using Katie's number he wouldnt be found out I dont know its just a little bit puzzling though."

Letting out a sigh Hope makes her way back to Scott but this time she walks around till she is in front of the table. Squating down Hope becomes eye level with Scott, a small smile on her face.

It had grown late but she didnt really fell tired it was strange how wanting to be with a friend could work like that.

"I am going to stay with you ok? I dont want you to feel alone. However I do need something to eat and I am going to run home and change into something more comfortable. I'd hate to eat dinner alone though so would you like me to bring u something and we could eat together? I could see about stoping by your apartment and getting Domino too."

"We cant always run away from our problems. Sometimes the best thing we can do it look them in the face and over come them. If we keep running we will never be happy."

Alice's eyes held so much of the emotions she felt, sometimes she didnt even relize when he was letting it all show. But it was there, and she new when the time was right she would always say it.

"Home, it can be the place that hold the most dispair, but it can also hold so much comfort. Its the place promises, relationships, and comfort can be found the most. Be lucky Kyle, you still have a family for that. Some people dont have that anymore because they lost the people closest to them, and though they have found joy nothing is quite like a family."

Sadness passed through Alice eyes only for a moment as her words might of hit a little close to home. But soon her mood changed again and at Kyle jumps up and starts dancing around all Alice can do it stair at him for a moment.

Finally relizing what had happend and seeing Kyle start to lose his balance Alice starts to laugh. Asoft low giggle at first that turned into a loud rawr. It was a funny sight and she couldnt help it.

Once Kyle hit the ground Alice got onto her hands and knees to go over to Kyle still laughing. Looking down on him she shakes her head.

"It looks like we had a party crasher, and now you crushed him."


Carson gives a short nod to Hope. "I'll let you be in the same room. If there's any interference though, we'll have to figure something else out."

He glances around Hope to Scott's still form on the bed. He did feel so badly, traitor or not.

"If you think it's best to wait until morning, we can, but we shouldn't wait too much longer than that. He's willing at this point, and that's key. Things are kind of crazy around here right now... so if you want to leave and come back, that's fine. Otherwise you'll just be stuck in here twiddling your thumbs."

"Carson, Gage is back."

Carson looks to the phone where Wyatt's voice was coming from. "Thanks." He turns back to Hope. "I have to go. You decide what you're going to do and we'll go from there."

Spinning around, he heads quickly for the door, breaking into a jog down the hall to get back to the cubicle in time to see if anything had changed with Katie.

Switching places with Wyatt once more, Carson takes up his usual position. Wyatt is all too happy to give him the job back... his feelings for Katie had made the task heart-wrenching.

Carson stares at the screen, seeing Katie writhe under the pain she was in. She would rest, then move, rest, then move. It was obvious that she was so worn out that some kind of sleep or unconsciousness came and went, but when she was alert, the pain had to be unbearable.

From the angle of the camera, Carson could see the acid burns on her skin, and could see the bloody rags wrapped around her hand. Though the picture was somewhat fuzzy, Carson could pick out all of her cuts and bruises, and knew exactly if hands had been used, or brutal tools. He knew the marks all too well.

Seeing that nothing new was occurring, Carson stands again, calling Reese to his post. He couldn't take this any longer.

Slipping from the cubicle once more, this time, Carson heads for the exit. He needed to get some sleep, as ordered, but right now, sleep was the furthest thing from his mind.

As he hits the outdoors, he breathes in the cool night air. Though not cold, it had a sharp feel to it. It was a cruel night. He wanders around to the side of the building, leaning back against the bricks to pull his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. His cell phone buzzes yet again, reminding him that he had at least one voicemail.

Sighing, he checks it. Hearing Heather's voice on the other end makes his blood boil. Her message was clear - she'd been trying to get a hold of him, but he'd been unreachable. Obviously he was hiding. She would try again, but he was to be warned, she wasn't playing games. If he was willing to admit, in writing, that he'd kidnapped Mackenzie, they might be able to settle outside of court.

Carson growls and stuffs his phone back in his pocket. If he admitted to the lie in writing, it was as good as him being convicted in court. Either way, it would follow him, and he wasn't willing to do that. Whether he wanted to see Mackenzie or not wasn't the point... he wasn't a liar or a kidnapper, and he wasn't going to admit to doing something he hadn't done.

Lighting up, he leans his head back and closes his eyes, letting the smoke seep out into the air.
God, I just want all of this to be over... Why is the night so long?

Scott can hear Carson and Hope talking, but he doesn't know what was decided. He felt like someone waiting to be put on trial, with no idea of the outcome. He also felt badly, wondering if this situation was taking away any necessary concentration from Katie's case. The last thing he wanted to do was interfere with that.

Shifting his head, Kyle lets it rest, his face to Alice's. Her words were so full of peace. She was so alive and so energetic and enthusiastic... but at the same time, there was an underlying peace. It was a peace Kyle recognized. It was a peace that could only come from being close to God. Her words spoke the truth in which she believed.

His lips curl into another smile. She liked making him smile, and it was oh so easy for her to do. "Most people feel they've known me for years," he quips. "That's why they get tired of me so quickly and kick me out."

Though he was being a tease, some of Alice's words did strike a chord.
"Remembering what God gave us, our talents... who we are...."
Who was Kyle? He turns his head again to watch the sky so Alice couldn't see the despair in his eyes. It wasn't fair that she tried so hard to keep him upbeat, and he continued to nosedive. Why couldn't he just be happy? God had brought him here... hadn't He? God had laid out this opportunity to travel with the team... hadn't He? Or... had it been Kyle's own way of escaping that which he feared?

He was happy on the road. He was seeing things he'd never seen, and doing things he'd never done. He was just as much an asset to the team as any member and with each session he got better, sharpening his skills. He knew how to make an audience smile, while proving a point too. The team maybe got tired of his goofiness sometimes, but at least they acted like they liked having him along and valued his presence on the team. He missed home... but he was learning to not let that stop him. Surely this was where he was supposed to be.

Feeling something tickling his leg, Kyle sits bolt upright, sending sand flying. Not being able to see anything in the dark, but feeling an insect crawling up the inside of his pantleg, he gives a shriek and jumps up. Hopping around, he tries to shake out whatever it was that had found a warm spot. "Get out, get out, get out!"

Spinning around too quickly, he loses his balance, toppling back into the sand. Lying still, he feels nothing... the creature was either squished or decided to leave.

Kyle rolls onto his back, several feet from Alice, and suddenly realizes just what an idiot he must have looked and sounded like. He starts to laugh. Covering his face with his hands, he just keeps laughing, unable to stop, and too sheepish to get up.


Let God Drive

Being pulled to the said Hope had figured Carson would want to explain everything to her and though she was prepaired for whatever he was going to tell her Hope couldnt help but cring a little anyways.

But recovering quickly Hope stays strong looking at Carson her mind was set and she new she could do it.

"I understand and I will stray out of the way. But I still want to be in the room so when you done, and Scott needs his friend I will be here for him."

Hope's eyes held hope that matched her name. Her mother had done right when giving her, her name.

Giving a quick nod to Reese Phinox turns around heading back to the cubicle. Laying his head down on the desk Phinox closes his eyes. He was mentily tired and if he was going to pull this off he had to be in his right mind. He had two hours, one he would sleep, than 15 min to get ready and than the drive. That all he needed.

Just stairing up at the sky for a long moment Alice is quiet. As the fire works continue to go off one could tell she still had a smile on her face as her eyes is on the sky twinkling and looking deep in thought.

"I let everything in God's hands. Why would I want to cry, or be sad when this day was made for me. When God gave me friends to shair it with. I just let God drive and I follow."

Alice is quiet again as a small look pass through her eyes.

"Not to long ago I promised someone close to me that I wouldnt cry when I was sad and I wouldnt let my energy die out. Life's to short to worry about tomarrow, to lose your energy. Rembering what God gave us, our talents who we are he put us here to be the light."

Turning her head and look at Kyle so much emotion is in her eyes as she speaks. Her passion flowing through them for her faith and her life.

"I like making people smile, I like making you smile. Your the closest I have been to someone in a long time, and I like it. Its nice to shair a smile and a laugh with someone. I havnt known you for long Kyle Mitts but I feel like I have known you for years."


Carson lifts his eyebrows, a little surprised as he shakes Hope's hand. She wasn't at all what he'd expected. At this hour, he was too weary for formalities. "G'day."

Listening to Hope's request, he considers his options. Glancing to Scott, it strains his shield of coldness even more. But he had to hang on just a little longer.

He gestures for Hope to step away from Scott for a moment, taking her to the counter to speak to her quietly. "I don't mind you being there with Scott. I'm sure he'd feel safer with you there." Carson hesitates, but knows he has to go on. "The last thing I want to do is put him through any more pain, but there are a few things you have to know."

He glances back to Scott, still thinking, then returns his gaze to Hope. "After someone is assimilated by the Agency... that is, after they've absorbed all of the information fed to them... the Agency has one last step. They force the victim to bring up the data on command. I know it sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, but their technology is unlike anything else. Once the victim has all that data in their brain, they don't naturally know how to retrieve it."

Carson pauses, making sure Hope was following him. "The extraction phase isn't easy. If the victim can't bring up the data on their own when asked, force is used. They're threatened and physical force is usually implemented. Like Scott has already demonstrated with me, when the victim's life depends on it, they figure out how to pull out the information because if they don't, they're going to die. Sometimes the extraction phase takes one setting. Sometimes ten. It all depends on the victim."

Another hesitation. Carson leans on the counter, his head pounding with a headache. He keeps going though. "Once a victim realizes they can call up the data whenever they want, they can do it on verbal command, then on their own, whenever they want. It's like me remembering your name is Hope. I don't have to think about it - I just know it when I need to.
Now... I'm telling you all of this because Scott hasn't made it past that final stage, at least as far as I can tell. I kept thinking about it, and I realized that if he's telling the truth about not remembering, then the Agency must never have finished off the process. Scott has the data, but he hasn't had that final piece that would train him to pull up that information. For some reason, the Agency had to have terminated the project before getting to that stage. Why? Your guess is as good as mine. They could have been interrupted, or they could have just been saving him for later."

He takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "That final extraction phase is like a system's check... it's what triggers the natural memory response. I don't know why it works that way... I'm sure it's a mix of science and psychology. But no matter the case... Scott needs to go through that final stage. It's a good sign that he's already been able to pull up a few pieces of data, but until he can do it on his own, the information he holds is simply trapped in his brain. It has to be forcefully removed before it will come on its own. It's like.... siphoning a gas tank... you gotta suck on the hose first to get it started, but once it's flowing, it does the rest itself."

Carson's eyes look into Hope's, his gaze steady. "If we want Scott to remember, and he wants to remember too, then we have to siphon the data. If I'm allowed to do this, then you have to know that I will use physical force if I have to. And when I do, there can be no interferance. You have my word that I will not put Scott in real danger. But like any other victim... making them believe they are in danger aids in triggering the response mechanism. Without that kind of pressure, there's simply no reason for them to remember. But when their life is on the line, or they're afraid of getting hurt, the effort to remember is a hundred times greater, enabling them to finally do it."

He grits his teeth. He didn't want to be the one to interrogate Scott, but he was the only one who knew how. "If you can stand back and watch no matter what I do, and trust me that he'll be okay, then I'll do this and I'll allow you to be there. If you can't, then you either can't be there, or this needs to be called off - but for Scott's sake, I hope you can handle it."

Scott has his back to them, but he can hear just enough of their conversation to know what's going on. He knew what Carson was talking about.

He curles up in a tighter ball. He was terrified. He was ashamed. But he had to remember. Whether it would help the current case or not didn't matter... he'd been a traitor and he needed now to give TJY all of the information he could.

Reese looks up to Phinox and takes the letter slowly. He could tell by the look on the agents face that whatever he'd written had been difficult. Reese could only imagine. "I'll do my best," he promises.

Kyle looks down at Alice, a new grin spreading. Spinning around, he flops down beside her, once again lying on his back, putting his hands under his head. "Best friend," he repeats. A laugh escapes. "You're a whirlwind, Alice. You know everything there is to know about me, including all my secrets. We he haven't even known each other all that long, but I'm closer to you than people I grew up with."

He throws her a sidelong glance. He wouldn't have traded her company on this trip for anything. He was close to the others in Break Out, sure, but she was the one he could go to no matter what... she was the one he could confide in... she was the one that would laugh at his stupid jokes and actually mean it... she was the one that would join in his craziness and not just sit back and watch. "How do you do it?"


Giving a gentil pat to Scott arm Hope continues to sit with him. He wanted to help Katie so much, and he was so confused. It hurt to see her friend in pain yet again.

"Its going to be ok Scott. I am gonna stay with you and we are going to figure this out."

Just sitting with Scott Hope listens, adding in her own say here and there but not really talking to much. She was listing, letting Scott just vent to her hoping that maybe she was bringing some comfort to him.

Looking to Rick at she hears her name Hope turns her head. It had been a little while now and she new Rick would be back soon. Not to saprised by the man who stands behind him Hope stands at the introduction.

Holding out her hand she gives a small smile.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Hope Garrison close friend to Scott."

Saying Scott was her friend just rolled off Hope's toung. She liked the way it sound and it just felt right.

"I do have to ask though if you could wait to talk to Scott till tomarrow. He needed his sleep right now after being though everything."

Hope looks between Carson and than Rick back to Carson.

"Also when you do talk with him I would like to be in the room as well. I promised Scott I wouldnt leave him and I mean to stick to my word."

Exiting the room Phinox lets out a long breath. He only hoped this really would work and he couldnt help but be a bit nervose.

Going back to the cubicle he had been using Phinox checks his gun and a few other things he might need before sitting down.

For a moment his mind wonders back to Spain. He wondered how his family was and if they were all ok. He'd been gone for so long and who new with this next mission if he would make it out alive or not.

Pulling out a peace of paper Phinox jots a note quickly. They deserved to know what happend and why they were left fatherless.

My dear family,

I know it has been a while since you have had any word from me. This might be a shock now to even have a letter from me. It is no doubt that you have all thought I was dead by now, but I asure you I am alive though I can’t say I am well.

I am sorry I didn’t let you know I was alive sooner but for many reasons and your own saftly I couldn’t have contact with you to even let you know I was ok.

Our country had promised me protection but in turn that have forgotten me and I was forced to stay here with the Agency to stay a live and to keep you my family alive. Though I have been with the Agency I have not let myself become part of them. But I fear now as I look back I was a coward and I did turn into one of them. There are so many things I have done that I am not proud of and I should of just taken my chanses in leaving.

Not a day went by that I didn’t think of you my family. It was for that reason and that reason alone I pushed on day after day in hopes that maybe one day I would be able to see you all again. But not I write to you with a heavy heart. In trying to do good I messed things up even more and have no trust from maybe the only people that could of helped me. It is time for me to pay for my crimes now, weather by the Agecny themselves or TJY I will get what they see fit.

Please don’t cry for me though, everything I did I did to keep you all safe, and know I love you with all my heart. Live your lives like you have and keep me as a memorie.

Loving husband, Loyal son, and Proud father.

Folding the paper in half Phinox stands again making his way to Reese. Holding out the paper a sadness pass in his eyes. Though he didnt dair say it he felt like something would happen in the next 24 hours that would change life forever.

"Reese can you see this gets to my family in Spain please? I'm not sure where they are but I figured you could find out for me."

Being yanked from the water and onto the sand with Kyle hand in hand Alice can feel the energy flowing through her, from Kyle to herself and than back to Kyle.

The song and dance under the firewords was great as Alice's smile proved she was enjoying it as she sang along with him trying to keep up with the words.

Once is comes to a close Alice takes in a deep breath as she trys to get her air back. She new why Kyle had stoped so soon, and her heart felt just a little sad. She liked with he sang, she liked his voice but she also new not to bother him about it.

Ploping down in the hand she leans back on her elbows looking up at the firewords in the sky.

"I'm sitting in the sand, half wet, watching fireworks with my bestfriend. They might not be the most comfortable seats but I wouldnt want anything else."

Watching Kyle as the fireworks go off behind him Alice smiles.

By the light of the moon

Reese nods his agreement to Phinox. "Alright. We'll play it your way for this one. Any objections?"

Though Jason scowls, no one says anything against the plan.

"Okay then. I want us all to prepare for what will happen. Nate, I want a backup plan in case anything fails. And all of you are under my direct orders to get at least two hours of rest between now and when Phinox gets back from his meeting. No ifs ands or buts. We all need clear heads."

As everyone gets up and heads out of the room, Jason and Derek lock eyes for just a moment. But Jason is the first to look away and shoulder his way into the hall. He heads right back to his office, closing his door on the world.

He had no idea how to feel right now... he had no idea how to sort through any of this.
Oh Katie... where is my hero?

Getting pushed back down into the water again, Kyle gives a wail, but doesn't fight too much. He was having too much fun to spoil it.

Coming up for air, he sees the fireworks too, and just watches them for a moment, giving a little jump at one of the booms.

Alice's hand brushing against him causes him to glance in her direction, but he doesn't say anything. Instead, he watches the fireworks again. "It's like no one else exists on the planet," he muses quietly. The sun was completely set, and everywhere it was dark. With the city behind them, it looked as though they really were alone for miles.

Out of nowhere, Kyle spins around and grabs Alice's hand, dragging her from the water, up onto the beach. Taking her other hand, he starts to dance, twirling her around and singing out.

"Music playing on the air,
Voices calling everywhere.
Step in time with Heaven’s beat,
We’re dancing by the light of the moon, yeah,
Dancing by the light of the moon.

Stars are shining clear tonight,
Melodies somehow take flight.
Step in time with Heaven’s beat,
We’re dancing by the light of the moon, yeah,
Dancing by the light of the moon."

A firework booms loudly, showering them in sparkling light. The singing and dancing is brought to an abrupt halt as Kyle seems to realize what he'd been doing. Letting Alice go, he backs up a step and blinks. Breathing heavily, he has no idea how to recover, and just looks Alice in the eye for several moments before simply spinning around and staring at the fireworks again. "Just think... there are people that paid to get up close to those tonight, when they could have just come here for a front row seat."