
Let God Drive

Being pulled to the said Hope had figured Carson would want to explain everything to her and though she was prepaired for whatever he was going to tell her Hope couldnt help but cring a little anyways.

But recovering quickly Hope stays strong looking at Carson her mind was set and she new she could do it.

"I understand and I will stray out of the way. But I still want to be in the room so when you done, and Scott needs his friend I will be here for him."

Hope's eyes held hope that matched her name. Her mother had done right when giving her, her name.

Giving a quick nod to Reese Phinox turns around heading back to the cubicle. Laying his head down on the desk Phinox closes his eyes. He was mentily tired and if he was going to pull this off he had to be in his right mind. He had two hours, one he would sleep, than 15 min to get ready and than the drive. That all he needed.

Just stairing up at the sky for a long moment Alice is quiet. As the fire works continue to go off one could tell she still had a smile on her face as her eyes is on the sky twinkling and looking deep in thought.

"I let everything in God's hands. Why would I want to cry, or be sad when this day was made for me. When God gave me friends to shair it with. I just let God drive and I follow."

Alice is quiet again as a small look pass through her eyes.

"Not to long ago I promised someone close to me that I wouldnt cry when I was sad and I wouldnt let my energy die out. Life's to short to worry about tomarrow, to lose your energy. Rembering what God gave us, our talents who we are he put us here to be the light."

Turning her head and look at Kyle so much emotion is in her eyes as she speaks. Her passion flowing through them for her faith and her life.

"I like making people smile, I like making you smile. Your the closest I have been to someone in a long time, and I like it. Its nice to shair a smile and a laugh with someone. I havnt known you for long Kyle Mitts but I feel like I have known you for years."

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