

Giving a gentil pat to Scott arm Hope continues to sit with him. He wanted to help Katie so much, and he was so confused. It hurt to see her friend in pain yet again.

"Its going to be ok Scott. I am gonna stay with you and we are going to figure this out."

Just sitting with Scott Hope listens, adding in her own say here and there but not really talking to much. She was listing, letting Scott just vent to her hoping that maybe she was bringing some comfort to him.

Looking to Rick at she hears her name Hope turns her head. It had been a little while now and she new Rick would be back soon. Not to saprised by the man who stands behind him Hope stands at the introduction.

Holding out her hand she gives a small smile.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Hope Garrison close friend to Scott."

Saying Scott was her friend just rolled off Hope's toung. She liked the way it sound and it just felt right.

"I do have to ask though if you could wait to talk to Scott till tomarrow. He needed his sleep right now after being though everything."

Hope looks between Carson and than Rick back to Carson.

"Also when you do talk with him I would like to be in the room as well. I promised Scott I wouldnt leave him and I mean to stick to my word."

Exiting the room Phinox lets out a long breath. He only hoped this really would work and he couldnt help but be a bit nervose.

Going back to the cubicle he had been using Phinox checks his gun and a few other things he might need before sitting down.

For a moment his mind wonders back to Spain. He wondered how his family was and if they were all ok. He'd been gone for so long and who new with this next mission if he would make it out alive or not.

Pulling out a peace of paper Phinox jots a note quickly. They deserved to know what happend and why they were left fatherless.

My dear family,

I know it has been a while since you have had any word from me. This might be a shock now to even have a letter from me. It is no doubt that you have all thought I was dead by now, but I asure you I am alive though I can’t say I am well.

I am sorry I didn’t let you know I was alive sooner but for many reasons and your own saftly I couldn’t have contact with you to even let you know I was ok.

Our country had promised me protection but in turn that have forgotten me and I was forced to stay here with the Agency to stay a live and to keep you my family alive. Though I have been with the Agency I have not let myself become part of them. But I fear now as I look back I was a coward and I did turn into one of them. There are so many things I have done that I am not proud of and I should of just taken my chanses in leaving.

Not a day went by that I didn’t think of you my family. It was for that reason and that reason alone I pushed on day after day in hopes that maybe one day I would be able to see you all again. But not I write to you with a heavy heart. In trying to do good I messed things up even more and have no trust from maybe the only people that could of helped me. It is time for me to pay for my crimes now, weather by the Agecny themselves or TJY I will get what they see fit.

Please don’t cry for me though, everything I did I did to keep you all safe, and know I love you with all my heart. Live your lives like you have and keep me as a memorie.

Loving husband, Loyal son, and Proud father.

Folding the paper in half Phinox stands again making his way to Reese. Holding out the paper a sadness pass in his eyes. Though he didnt dair say it he felt like something would happen in the next 24 hours that would change life forever.

"Reese can you see this gets to my family in Spain please? I'm not sure where they are but I figured you could find out for me."

Being yanked from the water and onto the sand with Kyle hand in hand Alice can feel the energy flowing through her, from Kyle to herself and than back to Kyle.

The song and dance under the firewords was great as Alice's smile proved she was enjoying it as she sang along with him trying to keep up with the words.

Once is comes to a close Alice takes in a deep breath as she trys to get her air back. She new why Kyle had stoped so soon, and her heart felt just a little sad. She liked with he sang, she liked his voice but she also new not to bother him about it.

Ploping down in the hand she leans back on her elbows looking up at the firewords in the sky.

"I'm sitting in the sand, half wet, watching fireworks with my bestfriend. They might not be the most comfortable seats but I wouldnt want anything else."

Watching Kyle as the fireworks go off behind him Alice smiles.

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