

Kyle lifts one eyebrow, staring back at Alice with a silly look of competitiveness. "I have eaten enough sand tonight without needing any more dust."

Chloe smirks. "So not only were you rolling in it, you were eating it too."


"Oh, gag." Chloe slaps down a card. "It's your turn, bozo."

"Great! I shall...." Kyle holds out his cards, ready to lay one down, but discovers he has nothing to play. "I shall draw a card."

The others involved in the game can't help but laugh, teasing Kyle as he starts to draw one card, then another... then another. Winding up with a handfull of cards, he finally pulls out a wild draw-four card. "Ha! Hunter, that one is for you, buddy!"

Hunter groans as his turn is skipped and four cards are added to his own hand. "Thanks a heap."

The hours roll on, no one wanting the fun and games to end. But as a few start to yawn, everyone had won at least twice. No one had kept track of who won the most games, but no one really cared.

Jordan is the first to stand up and stretch, helping Myla up as well. "Goodnight, y'all. See you in the morning."

"Yeah, goodnight." Chloe waves as the couple goes to their own room. She sighs and stands up, piling the UNO cards on the table. "Well, Alice, looks like you and I are next door. I doubt these boys want company too much longer."

The guys laugh and finally stand up too, ready to prepare the room for the night.

Chloe disappears into the hall, making sure Alice is close behind. But Hunter is also on their heels, stopping Alice at the door. "Hey, Alice?" He leans on the doorway, giving her a soft smile. "I'm glad you're traveling with us. You really add a lot, you know that?"

He gives a short laugh. "And you help keep Kyle in line too." Glancing over his shoulder, he make sure he's still alone before looking back down to Alice. "Listen, um... tomorrow night we'll be stopping again. It'll be the last night for a while that we'll actually get to settle in for an evening, and... I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go out to dinner... with me? ...Just the two of us?"

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