

Smiling and giving a good last laugh Alice says goodnight to help and starts to head with Chloe out the door.

Being stoped by Hunter saprises Alice just a little but she turns and smile at Hunter anyways. She liked everyone in the group and though they might do somethings that saprised her she new she had nothing to fear.

Hearing Hunter's comment about having her along and keeping Kyle in line Alice smiles. It felt good to be complmented like that and to know she was welcomed in this small group.

"Hey someones got to do it you know. Not to mention its nice breaking out of the norm. Having someone like Kyle to keep up with me as well is pretty nice too."

Getting prepaired to walk away again Alice is cut off by Hunter's next question. For a moment she just stands there stairing at him not to sure what to say. This was the second time in one night she had someone who found intrust in her. The heavy beating of Alice's heart echo in her ears.

She didnt dislike Hunter, and he gave her a flutter but something held her back. It braough a ping to her heart and the same look that passed off happyness and excitment had quickly changed to a small sadness like it had on the beach with Kyle.

"I'm sorry Hunter, I have a report I need to finish tomarrow and I think I'll be working on it all day. Its rather important and I have been naglecting it for a few days now. I...I am sorry. Thank you though for asking."

Giving Hunter's arm a small squeeze Alice's smile never left her face. Hurring quickly into the other room Alice shuts the door and for a moment leans aganst it closing her eyes.

What was wrong with her? After a year a longly year she still was scaired to open to anyone and be closer to them. Hunter was a nice guy, good looking, and Alice new she could have fun with him, but she mad up some lame reason why she couldnt go. Kyle made her smile, and when he touched her she could feel the heat rise to her cheeks and could feel what was almost like an eletric shock hit her, but yet...she had kept him at bay when it was clear he liked her too.

A small tear rolled down from Alice's eye making its path over her cheek and to the floor. When she was with her friends she felt so happy, whole, but when she was alone...she was alone. Though she new she wasnt and he had God's lover to keep her company she still new she was missing something. Something she had so long ago.

Pushing off the door Alice takes a few steps into the room but keeps her back turned a little to make sure Chloe couldnt see the tears that formed in Alice's eyes.

"Chloe, I am going to go for a little walk. I'll be back shortly."

Alice new it was late but she had to clear her head even if it was just sitting on a park bench and clearing her head.

Turning she lets the door fall shut behind her and makes her way down the hall to the elevator.

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