
Good Feeling

Sitting on the edge of the bed next to her brother Sapphire keeps her hand on Scott's. Her heart hurt for her brother more than anything and though they hadnt been close, and though she would never let Scott know she had always been there not saying a word but watching him making sure he was ok. Though school and much else she watched quietly so if he ever did need her she would be ready.

And than, when she thought she wasnt needed anymore and her brother could do without out this had to happen. If only she he stoped and took the time months ago to get to know her brother again maybe she would of been there and this wouldnt of happend.

No matter how much she new it wasnt her fault, it still hurt and made her stop to think if only. It was hard to see her brother like this.

"Weather they were protecting TJY or not they had no right to do this. There are lines to draw even for us in The Elite, and when this was done to you it crossed that line."

Drawing in a breath Sapphire stops for a moment. She was the quiet one, but she had so many feeling that ran through her she just shaired not to voice. Finally look at her brother again she continues.

"There are rules, and ways to handle things that do not involve violance. There jobs were not to kick the crap out of you. They were wrong and thats the end of the story. Besides all that, your my little brother and I know your nothing but a good man. I know that deep in my heart no matter what anyone else says I know its true."

Just letting Kyle run his finger over her cheek Alice is comfortabel for the moment. Kyle was a friend and they did everything together who would of thought now this feeling would rise in the pit of her stomach like butterflys were moving around.

Keeping her eyes closed Alice enjoys Kyle's hand for a moment longer untill his coment hits her ears. Not being able to help it Alice breaks down the words to see the deeper meaning to them.

Opening her eyes she looks into Kyle's and though she wouldnt admit it she new what he was saying. As her cheeks turn red Alice's eyes seems to contradick eachother with in minutes one moment saying they were happy with Kyle's words and they made her feel good, only to be replaced with a sadness.

Looking into Kyle's a little longer Alice felt so confused with her feelings. She had grown close to Kyle and it was nice for someone to give her, her own attchen but she couldnt help a small bit a guilt.

Looking down to the ground Alice takes Kyle's hand in her own and though she looked a little side a small smile was still on her lips.

"Its funny to think how fast someone can attach themself to something not wanting to let go. The hard part is figured if the attachen is a good feeling or not."

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