
You know what happens

Carson's head snaps as he hears Sapphire's voice. Caught, there's not much he can do but smirk at her. "Yeah, well just make sure Doc Miller don't know and we'll be fine."

Finishing off his cigarette, he crushes it out on the ground, turning his concentration to what Sapphire had to show him. Learning of Ty, his eyes widen. "What?"

He takes the papers and scans them, making sure Sapphire was right. "Why would he...?" Carson shakes his head. "I just don't get it." He glances at his watch. He'd seen Ty leave about an hour ago, but he'd be back before morning.

"Don't show this to anybody else," Carson directs Sapphire. "I'll tell Reese, but we have to let Ty come back not knowing that we found out. Then we can grab him and question him."

Scott manages to open his one eye and study Hope's face as she talks. He was a little calmer now, but still, having her close and hearing her voice again continued to put him in a more relaxed state.

He shakes his head a little. He wasn't hungry. At best, he was nauseas more than anything else. The thought of food just made his stomach turn.

The offer of Domino makes him stop and think though. But he finally just shakes his head again.

"Ty is checking on her," he responds quietly. "She shouldn't.... be here right now."

Scott searches Hope's eyes for a moment, wishing beyond wishing that just once he could just be himself without needing her help. He was glad she was there, and glad she offered that help, but just once he wanted to be strong enough that he could stand on his own two feet in front of her. But as it sat... he was still on the receiving end... and whether he liked it or not, he needed it. Her company wasn't disliked though. A part of him was not only grateful that she had come, but her presence was so calming.

He takes in a deep breath slowly, wincing at the pain in his ribs that it caused. "I'll still be here though," he finishes lamely. He didn't know how to say that even though he didn't want food and didn't think she should pick up Domino that he still wanted her company during her late supper.

Kyle finally uncovers his face, still laughing. He takes a deep breath, trying to stop, and blinks, looking up at Alice. There was so much running through his mind. All of her prior words, he knew he would revisit in his mind later when he was alone. For now though, another laugh escapes. The silliness was too fun to let go of too quickly. "He's either crushed or I scared him so much he'll never be back. Either way, I'm happy."

The grin on his face is as silly one, the humor twinkling in his eye. His gaze still on Alice, his peripheral vision still sees the fireworks going off in the distance.

For a couple seconds, he's quiet, the moment seeming to grow more solemn, but suddenly another grin breaks out. "You know what happens when you're wet and you roll in the sand, don't you?" He laughs. Sand stuck to everything.

Reaching up, he brushes some sand off the side of Alice's face. As his fingers touch her skin, something flickers in his eyes. The humor felt like it had just been sucked out of the moment, replaced by something completely different. Not bad, but very different.

His eyes catch hers. Why he felt like he'd just done something, wrong, he didn't know. He retracts his arm a little, his hand just hovering near her face, not knowing whether to finish the job or let her do it herself.

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