

Jess trys to make her ears focus on the sounds around her and Rocky but it was hard. It was so hard...she hurt and her mind was fuzzy and confused.


Her voice quivers as she says the one person's name she new she could trust with her life, but knowing he was gone Jess new he would not come.

Feeling Rocky's jacket around her Jess gets a whif of a soft sweet sent, like a blanket it washes over she offering her a protective feeling the only one she had right now and she new Rocky wouldnt hurt her.

"Rocky....Hold me please. Dont let him come back."

Though her eyes where closed trying it hurt to much to open them Jess could feel Rocky's face close to hers. The sweet sent she had smelled before becoming stronger. Leaning up just a little Jess softly leans her face aganst Rocky's though it hurt to do so his skin was cool and on her hot swallen face it felt good. In a soft horse whisper Jess replys to Rocky.

"I'll go with you, if you make sure he is not out there again."

Sitting at the table taking a sip of her coffee Katie looks up at Carson comes back inside. She'd been up early today as planed her tryed her best to wake herself up. Today she had to be with it.

"Is everything ok Carson?"

Katie had only over hurd a tiny bit of what was said so she wasnt completely sure but she could tell by the look on Carson's face some thing was up.

Bad day

Rocky almost cringes as Jess withdraws, wishing there were some way he could just take all this pain away from her. He hated her being scared of him too. Perhaps that's what hurt the most.

"It's okay, Jess," he soothes. "You're okay now. He's gone... no one is going to hurt you."

Seeing her finally move a bit closer to him, he shifts his weight to sit down next to her against the wall. "Come here," he offers gently. "I promise nothing's going to happen to you." God, please help her trust me.

Noticing her shiver, he takes off his leather jacket and moves to put it around her shoulders, drawing her close at the same time until she's resting against him.

"You're going to be just fine." Rocky closes his eyes. Why... why the suffering? Please send Your peace.

Reese races after Peter, wishing he could fire a shot, but he couldn't - not in a residential area where he couldn't see everyone. He flies through the open window headfirst, landing in the grass to do a summersault back to his feet. Sprinting behind Peter, he's just not fast enough though. Making it to the parking space just as the jeep peels out, he stops and catches his breath. It wasn't worth a car chase. Not in the dark.

Holstering his gun, he slowly walks back towards the apartment, grabbing his phone at the same time. "Angelica? He was here. So was another guy - apparently a friend of Jess'. She got roughed up, but I don't think Peter got as far as last time. At least it didn't look like it. I'm heading back in now."

Getting back inside by way of the door, he sees Rocky and Jess still huddled on the floor, and it almost breaks his heart. "I'm not calling anyone else in," he tells Angelica quietly. "She's too shook up. I'll try to get her to come down to TJY though so we can at least get an official statement."

Rocky hears Reese's last statement and leans his head down closer to Jess. "Can you come with me?" he prompts softly. "I promise we'll be safe the whole way."

Seeing the other man's genuine gentleness, if Reese had any doubt of Rocky's intentions or truthfulness of being a friend, it dispersed.

There's a staleness to the morning air. The night had been quiet and long. The team had decided the night before that they would go back in to the Agency site today, and no matter how many people, they would try to get in. With no word on Angel, they couldn't waste anymore time.

Ryder is the first up, awake long before the others. Getting a cup of coffee, he wanders in his bare feet out to the back porch and just stands in the gray light, looking out.

Carson is soon to find him and ambles out onto the porch to join him, remaining quiet.

"We can't go in today," Ryder mentions calmly.

Carson turns to him quickly. "What?"

Ryder continues to look out into the trees, taking a sip of coffee. "We can't go in today," he repeats.

"Why not? We decided we would."

"We just can't."

Carson crosses his arms. "Well we are. We can't wait."

"It's not a good day."

"How do you know that?"

"I just know."

"That's not good enough." Carson shakes his head. "I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but it's not going to work."

Ryder still doesn't look at him. "I'm not playing games. Today is a bad day."

"Have you been in touch with your contact to know this?"


"Then what?"

"You wouldn't understand."

Carson shakes his head, frustrated. "Keep your craziness to yourself, Ryder. We're going in whether you like it or not." Spinning around, he heads back inside.

Left alone again, Ryder sets his coffee mug down on the railing, still staring in the same direction. His jaw was tight, the look in his eye one of weariness of someone with little sleep.


Bolting out the window and rolling to his car Peter gets into his car and pulls out of the parking lot in a hurry. Looking out the review mirror Peter keeps driving weaving between streets and other cars till he is lost in the night.

Not sure what was going on around her and hearing other voice Jess trys to bring things into focus but cant. She had shut down trying to block everything out. She didnt want to feel anything or remember anything. Jess just wanted to fade away as the pain corsed through her.

As Rocky movies the hair away from her face Jess gives a jump not relizing it was him at first.

"No....please...not again."

Lifting her head just a little at the sound of Rocky's voice Jess squints her eyes as the tears ran out of them. Everything hurt, she was in so much pain but see a face she new Jess slowly moves closer to Rocky but than away aganst the wall again. She was scaired.

She felt so small so helpless,so small.

"Don't let him hurt me again, I hurt Rocky. I just want it to go away."

Folding her legs into herself Jess gently rocks. But slowly Jess inches herself closer to Rocky. Could she trust him, she wasnt sure but she was so cold and he just wanted someone she new close to her.


Jen quirks an eyebrow at Alice and Kyle. "WWCK?"

Kyle gives a wry grin. "Yeah. It's a mouthful. We outta just say wwkkk..." he tries to pronounce the acronym with little success.

Jen smirks and turns, but doesn't miss the further interaction between her brother and Alice. He didn't seem to get excited over Alice's hand in his hair, nor was he displeased. It was just as if their interaction was totally natural - neither surprised the other, as if they'd been friends forever - the same conclusion Jen had drawn before. She shakes her head, giving up on trying to figure it out. Kyle had said Alice was interested in his story and would even be traveling with Break Out. Part of Jen wished the bus would stick around a while longer so she could get to know Alice too. But for now, she could just be satisfied that someone was making Kyle smile, and lately, that was a good thing. If Jen couldn't do it, at least someone else could.

"Mm..." Kyle leans back into Alice's hand, knowing that she was teasing, but actually it felt good. "Pizza?" He thinks, his eyes closed as he contemplates his choices. "It would be a sad day in history, the day I turned down pizza."

His eyes fly open and he hops to his feet. "Mom and Pops close at ten tonight. We better get a move on!" Grabbing Alice around the waist, he picks her up off her feet to throw over his shoulder, heading for the stage to tear things down. "Oy! Move out of the way! Cargo coming through!"

Alice's prompting to get Kyle going, and then his humor mixing with hers takes the edge off the room as the band starts to pack things up. Though disappointed in the horrid evening, and still thinking about the situation with Axel, they manage to clean off the stage, get everything loaded, and head on down to Mom and Pop's. Thought it was late, they were always welcome, and pizza was soon at the table.

Mike and Phil had come to join them, added to the group, and helping keep the atmosphere light when the tense pauses came. Jen and Mike laugh down at one end of the table, Phil, Taylor and Joel get into a teasing argument over something silly, and Kyle proceeds to flick his unwanted olives across the table onto Alice's place with precision.

The only one at the table not really joining in was Rocky. His mind was far away. He was unsettled. Something just didn't feel right. He'd thought it was just the whole thing with Axel, but it was persisting. Something was wrong. Something was nagging at him. His gut warned him that something was amiss. Was it more than just Axel? Everything else seemed fine. He wouldn't know what to question in order to find an answer.

Picking at his food, he finally is the first to leave. Exiting Mom and Pop's, Rocky wanders to his car. He stops and stares up at the starlit sky. By now he was feeling guilty for his earlier actions, knowing that he'd probably made things a whole lot worse by going after Axel like that. He hadn't even given Axel a chance to defend or explain how things had changed. Maybe they hadn't, as everyone feared, but he should have at least given him the benefit of the doubt.

Sighing, he gets into his car and turns on the engine. He checks his phone. No messages. Jess hadn't called. Maybe she just needed her space. But he'd feel bad if he didn't at least check on her. He wasn't too far away... maybe he should just stop by.

Reese jumps as Angelica enters his office. He'd been lost in a mountain of paperwork, totally engrossed. "Jess?" He racks his brain. "Oh, Jess Fisher?" He immediately bristles. He remembered that case. It was the one Carson had been slightly involved with. He hated cases like those. And now the scumbag was out?

"Aw great." He frowns and shoves a bunch of papers aside, running his finger down a list of names and phone numbers. He kept all the contact information of cases, for instances just like this. Grabbing his phone, he dials quickly and waits... and waits... and waits.

Finally hanging up, he's on his feet. "No answer. She could be out somewhere, but I'm not taking the risk. You stay here and start the paperwork for a restraining order immediately. I don't want to take any chances with this one."

Reese grabs his jacket to throw it on and fishes in the pocket for his keys. "I'll call you as soon as I know something." His walk is brisk as he heads to the door, and once outside, he jogs to his car...

Rocky pulls into the parking lot at Jess' place and scans the spaces. He didn't see her car. Odd. Feeling funny about just showing up, he decides maybe he should call instead. Picking up his cell phone, he dials and waits, but receives no answer. He sighs. Maybe she had decided to get out for a while. He couldn't blame her. Maybe he should go home himself and just get some rest.

Suddenly his car door flies open, making him jump in surprise. A gun is pointed at him and orders are being barked.

"Get out of the car, now!"

"Whoa! What..."

"I said get out! Move!"

Rocky fumbles with his seatbelt, having no clue what was going on. "What do you want? You want my car? Take it, just...." He's yanked out by his arm and shoved into the side of his car. He starts to get just a little riled. "Hey, what is this?"

"Quiet!" Reese digs into Rocky's back pocket to pull out his wallet. It had been dark. Too dark to make out faces, but this strange vehicle had been sitting here, watching the front door, and Reese was in no mood to stand around and watch.

But seeing this was not at all who he was looking for, he relaxes, uncocking his gun. "I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else."

Now Rocky was upset. He turns around, taking back his wallet. "What is this anyway?"

Reese flashes his badge. "Elite business. I thought you were a stalker."

"Stalker?" Rocky lifts his eyebrows. "Certainly not. I was just here checking on a friend."

Reese eyes him suspiciously. "Who?"

"Jessica Fisher." Now Rocky's the one who is suspicious. "Who are you really after?"

Reese's mind works quickly and he looks around the parking lot. Something wasn't right. "Look, you stay here, I'm going to go check on Miss Fisher's apartment."

"Whoa, whoa." Rocky reaches out to stop him. "What's going on?"

"I have reason to believe that she may be in danger," Reese explains quickly.

Rocky immediately shifts gears. "Danger? Why?"

"The man we put behind bars for harming her just got out. Now please, step aside."

"Over my dead body." Rocky spins around and starts in a dead run for Jess' front door.

"You..." Reese mutters and starts after him. Gun still in hand, he is right on Rocky's heels. The last thing he needed was some zealous friend getting in the way. But he didn't have much choice but to accept help at the moment.

Rocky reaches the door first and doesn't even wait to knock. Slamming into it with his shoulder, it breaks it open. The living room is dimly lit and Rocky's eyes widen in horror as he seeks Jess on the floor with a strange man bending over her.

Reese shoves in beside him, gun drawn. "Freeze!" Too late, Peter starts to run, heading for an open window. Reese doesn't hesitate to go after him.

Seeing the man fleeing, Rocky slides down on his knees next to Jess, pushing her hair out of her face, his eyes showing the torture he felt for seeing the marks on her face from the brutal slaps. "Jess... Jess, are you alright?"


Making her way into the backroom Alice spots Kyle and walks over to him giving a smile to Jen before leaning aganst the wall next to Kyle.

"I think you did good W.W.C.K! Better than I would of done anyways."

Alice cant help the laugh that sufficed. She new he was tired but she had to keep his sprits up.

"How about we help them pack up and maybe get some pizza. Or maybe we could get some ice cream for you sleepy head."

Running her hand through Kyle's hair roughly she mess it up as she gives a laugh.

When your education x-ray cannot see under my skin,
I won't tell you a darn thing that I could not tell my friends,
Roaming through this darkness, I'm alive but I'm alone,
And part of me is fighting this,
But part of me is gone.

Finally making it home Jess stumbles into her house. Tomorrow she had to remember to go back to the bullseye and get her car. After drinking more than she wanted at least Jess had the seance not to drive home. The night had been what she wanted and the games of book and the alcohol had helped her losen up and forget her pain. Sitting down on her couch Jess flips on the tv to see if anything was good on but finally the the liquer catchs up with her and she is fast asleep.

So hold me when I'm here,
Right me when I'm wrong,
Hold me when I'm scared,
And love me when I'm gone,
Everything I am,
And everything in me,
Wants to be the one you wanted me to be,
I'll never let you down,
Even if I could,
I'd give up everything,
If only for your good,
So hold me when I'm here,
Right me when I'm wrong,
Hold me when I'm scared,
You won't always be there,
So love me when I'm gone,
Love me when I'm gone,

Hearing a loud noise like something was falling over Jess jumps but does not open her eyes. Her head hurt, and it was foggy on what was going on around her. As the light next to the couch goes on Jess eyes fly open as she sits up fast looking into the eyes of the person she feared the most.

"Peter...what...get out of here."

Peter's smile was a crooked one as he looked back at Jess. He's been watching her now since he had gotten out, and he had been inside her house more than once waiting for the right time and now he was tired of waiting.

"Why Jess my love I thought you would be happy to see me. I came back, I came back for you. I told you, you would never get ride of me."

Peter takes a few long strides twords Jess as he grabs her arm.

Stumbaling just a little her head still pounding Jess trys to yank her hand from Peter but she is not strong enough.

"No, leave me alone I dont want you anymore. Peter let go of me."

Holding ferm to Jess Peter holds on tight as her hears Jess gives a small whimper. Bringing his hand up in a swift moment Peter's hand connects with Jess face as he lets go of her arm and she flys backwards slamming into the wall.

"I come back to take care of you and this is my welcome. You dont want me. I saw you with that other guy, I saw how happy you looked and how you laughed. You use to be like that with me, and if I cant have you than no one will."

Slamming into the wall Jess automaticly folds as she crumbles to the floor already being able to feel her face already starting to swell. She was helped aganst Peter all she could do was whimper and plea.

"Peter dont do this...please...please dont hurt me anymore."

Coming twords Jess again Peter grin grows more cooked his hate and anger in his eyes for what happend. Running his hand down the side of Jess face his voice hiss.

"Dont worry baby, dont worry."

Jess whimpers as she trys to curl herself into a tighter ball. This couldnt happen now, again...why?!

Maybe I'm just blind!

Looking through her paper work Angelica comes acorss a paper that puts a little bit of shock into her and makes her heart race alone with a bit of anger.

Attachen Angelica Lockheart:

Peter Sanford was released from jail on Feb. 20th at 9:00am on a reason to believe the evadince you presented had been tampered with. We are sorry for this inconvinece, no fearther invertigation will be made.

Hardly believeing her eyes a sicking feeling hits her stomach JESS! Standing quickly Angelica heads to Reese office quickly hoping he was still there. Knocking on the door she dosent even wait for an answer as she enters seeing Reese.

"Mike we need to get someone over to Jess place immediately. Some how I failed Peter got out."

Holding out the paper she shows it to Reese.


To an audience in which the majority was not musically inclined, Cryptic's concert was as good as ever, rocking the house with upbeat songs and Kyle's strong voice. But to those on stage, their playing stank. Countless times someone would miss a measure, forget their cue, and once, Max started out in the wrong key.

Jen did her best at the sound board, but wasn't used to the setup, only making things worse. While most of the crowd wasn't the wiser, the band only wished the night were over.

Kyle keeps on singing, doing his best, and finding Alice to be his point to concentrate on. He needed someone's smile tonight to keep him going. Otherwise, he'd be tempted to just walk out. He'd been stupid to suggest they actually play tonight. But they were here, and they had to finish it out.

Finally, the last song dies away, leaving an audience begging for more, but no more would come tonight. Cryptic bids a friendly farewell, exiting the stage.

Backstage, Kyle leans up against the wall and sinks down to the floor, totally exhausted. The others just stand around too, no one having the energy to pack up just yet.

"You okay?"

He nods numbly at his sister's voice, as his holds a cool water bottle to his hot head.

"You sounded good."

He just nods again, too tired to think. They'd sounded like crap, but if Jen thought he sounded good, then he'd accept that tonight.

Rocky paces by the back door like a nervous cat. He'd heard nothing from Axel or Jess. He hadn't really expected either... but that didn't make him feel any better. Axel was probably scared to show his face and Jess... well, Rocky couldn't imagine how she felt, and it wasn't surprising that she hadn't come tonight. Afterall, her only reasons had been Axel, so without him here.... Rocky shakes his head and aims for some boxes. Packing things up would keep his mind occupied.



Alice smile as she stands as well placing her money on the table and gather her things.

"I wouldn't miss a fun time with Wacky Wild Child Kyle for the world you know. Hey that's it...I am calling you W.W.C.K.!"

Alice throws her arm around Kyles shoulder and around his neck almost dragging him out of the restraint.

"I'll follow you hows that, lets get this show on the road."

And the night rolled on...for some it was excitement and for others there was only pain. The night came and offered shelter to some, while other stood lonely. The concert started though some didn't want it to and it didn't feel the same with out a few friends. But time did move on.

There's another world inside of me that you may never see,
There's secrets in this life that we can't hide,

Well somewhere in this storm there's a rainbow that I can't find,

Well maybe it's too far away,
Or maybe I'm just blind,

Maybe I'm just blind.

Sitting outside the concert hall Jess just sits in her car. She could hear the noise from inside and how she would of liked to go in and hear the music.
No, she was ment to be at the concert tonight with Axel. She would of been helping him on sound, and now her friendship the person she had put so much trust in layed in peaces. The cold world had slapped Jess in the face again and pulled her down to the bottom. Axel, her last hope her rainbow gone, how she was missing him already and how she hurt. She had been fooled again, how many times would this happen. Who was she fooling nothing would ever change for her and she would always be alone. No matter how she changed fate new what it had planed for her and it was never to be happy.

So hold me when I'm here,
Right me when I'm wrong,
Hold me when I'm scared,
Everything I am,
And everything in me,
Wants to be the one you wanted me to be,
I'll never let you down,
Even if I could,
I'd give up everything If only for your good,
So hold me when I'm here,
Right me when I'm wrong,
Hold me when I'm scared,
You won't always be there,
So love me when I'm gone,
Love me when I'm gone.

Pulling away from the concert hall Jess just drives in a familure direction to a place her once spent almost her whole life at. She found her way to the Bullseye. Finding a parking spot Jess just sits for a moment. How she wished Carson was around. He was someone like her and she new she could trust him, but he was so far away so this place had been her friend that never turned her out, and was always standing in the same spot. She didn't want to get drunk, she just wanted to forget just a little and let her mind go. A distraction was all she needed, and maybe a few beers and a few games of pool was her ticket for now.


"Yeah, I know..." Kyle mulls over Alice's words. "It's not something you just go around talking about if that's the kind of life you've left behind. Guess I just hope he really has left it behind, ya know?"

Finishing off his second taco, he leans back in his chair, listening for a moment. "Yeah, I'm sure we'll hear his side of the story. Cryptic is too good not to let Axel say his peace - we're just all kinda in shock at the moment. And Rocky... well, he mighta lost his temper there, but I know he and Axel were pretty close, so I know he'd give him a second chance."

He shrugs. "If Axel is truly a different man than he used to be, then we got a bunch of people here willing to look past that. It's just the question of whether he's different or not."

Thinking about Jess, he gives a little nod. "Yeah, I don't know her very well myself, but from what I observed too, Axel was the reason she was out and about with the band. I bet it was a bit of a shock for her too."

Kyle lets out a deep breath, then sips on his pop. "I was the one who said we should go ahead tonight, but I really don't want to go," he admits. He shakes his head and looks at his watch. "But unfortunately, the guys will be loading up in about half an hour. If you're up for an adventure, feel free to tag along. Otherwise I guess I'll see you at the concert. You better be there too, 'cause I'll need someone to keep me sane at this one."

Scott watches Hope for a moment as he pets Domino, a faint smile visible. "Maybe I'll bring her to my next appointment."

He lays a hand on the doorknob, but hesitates. He looks back to Hope, that same strange look in his eye that had been there for such a brief moment earlier. The question was on the tip of his tongue, but he finally just lets it go.

"Thank you... I'll see you soon." Getting out, Domino is quick to follow, and Scott shuts the door, backing away before turning to head for the TJY door.

"What do you want me to do?!" Axel throws a shirt into his duffel bag, his phone to his ear. "It isn't worth it. They've already made up their mind about me, Derek, I know it." He sighs in frustration. "No. Look, the damage is done. I know I've lost my friends, I've all but lost my job, and along with that my place to live too. I've got nothing. And you want me to go and beg them to listen to me? No... I'm not going to do it. They've made up their mind, so be it. Let them find the truth later on then realize their mistake. But I'm not going to stand around just having to defend myself all the time."

Listening to his elder friend, he grits his teeth, throwing another pair of jeans into his bag. "I knew this would happen eventually. I don't know who found out first, but it doesn't matter. I can't be part of the band with this reputation, and I'm not gonna be able to stay around here either."

Little Missy

Hanging up the phone Alice makes her way home to clean up before meeting Kyle. Getting home and taking a shower Alice gathers a few things with her before she is out the door again throwing on one of her more comfortable hoodies and making her way to the restront...

...giving a thoughtful nod Alice takes a sip of her juice as she listens to Kyle. She had been quiet through most everything just taking in all the information. She didnt really know Axel except for seeing him with the bands but that was it.

"I cant blame you guys. I probley would be pretty leery myself ya know. I'd never want any of my friends hurt at all."

Alice stops and thinks for a moment thinking about Axel's side of the the coin as well. She DIDNT know him but from what she saw he seemed ok even if looks could be deceving in Alice's line of work she had to look deeper at people.

"I guess I can kind of see Axel's point for not saying anything too. I mean, would you want to tell everyone something like that? Its probley super embarassing, and yes he should of because he was your friend, but I can see why he didnt too."

Taking another bit of her food Alice is silent again still continplating everything that was said. How had this had to be for everyone she couldnt even imagen.

"Are you guys gonna give him a change to talk to you all? I mean that one girl Jess she must be pretty hurt too huh? It seemed like she really only trusted Axel."

Though the talk had been a more searous matter today Alice was still having a nice time with Kyle and she had smiled the whole meal and her energy still ran though she keep it at a low knowing this was not the time for it.

Following Scott's directions Hope gets him back to TJY and just sits there in the car for a moment before looking over to Scott. Just watching him for a moment a smile spreads on Hope's face as sensarity shows in her eyes again.

"Thank you Scott for coming to lunch with me I had a great time."

Looking down at Domino Hope brings her hand to the small dog's head and scratches her ears.

"And you little missy, you keep up the good job with this one huh? and I hope to see you again."

Giving a smile again Hope gives a nod.

"Have a good night Scott and if you need anything let me know."

A wish

Though not in the most upbeat mood, Kyle can't help but grin as he hears Alice. "Mm... I'm feeling adventurous. How about Taco Town? Meet you there in..." He glances down at his watch. "...Forty-five minutes. I gotta stop home first to see Phil, make a call to Jen, then I can scoot on down there."

Winding up his call, he heads for the apartment. Phil needed to know about Axel, and so did Jen. He really didn't want to deal with it right now, but they needed to know before tonight...

"...So yeah... that's that." Kyle swirls his straw around in his drink, having just finished telling Alice what was going on. When he sat and talked with her, he so easily forgot about her being a journalist, trusting her character that she would never write about the negative things he was relaying.

"We're all sorta just trying to figure out the most Christian way to respond, ya know?" He takes another bite of his taco, chewing for a moment before saying more. "Rocky knows he shouldn't have gone in guns blazing like he did, but I think he was just scared and I guess I can't blame him. I just don't know how to feel. I mean... we all have skeletons in our closets... we're all sinners in God's eyes, no matter the crime. It's just... hard to trust somebody like that. Not to mention, I'm not sure Cryptic could survive if that kind of word got out, and it might."

Kyle shakes his head and takes a couple moments to squirt some hot sauce on the remainder of his taco. "I liked Axel... he seemed alright... but he was keeping his past a secret, which I guess just makes me wonder if he's really different than he was... has he really changed? Who knows. But I wouldn't want to let Jen be alone with him. And quite honestly, I'd expect him to understand that, whether he's not that way anymore or not"

He rolls his eyes, tired of going around in circles, so he pauses to finish his taco and head for his second one. "So we don't know what Axel will do now, but after Rocky's reaction, we know he won't show up for the concert. So that leaves the rest of us. Here we are, me singing, and Jen said she'd run sound. I don't know if we're JetStream or Cryptic or Jeptic or CrypStream."

Kyle stops, quirking an eyebrow at his tongue-tangler. He looks over at Alice and gives a little grin. "Or something like that."

Scott is smart enough to figure out that Hope was responding to his mood shift, but he appreciates it more than feeling badly. This was her job, after all. Her job... For just a moment, he looks at her with a different kind of thought in his eye. There was something he hadn't thought of before, and for a split second, a wish passes through his mind.

Shaking his head, he gets up from the table. "Um... I guess... TJY would be good since I'm still staying there." His sigh reveals that he's tired of not feeling strong enough to live in his own house yet.

He snaps his fingers and Domino responds immediately, coming to his left side so he can pick up her leash.

Scott picks up his leftovers to throw in the nearby trashcan and aims for Hope's car. Getting in, he waits for Hope, burying his face in Domino's fur until he hears Hope start the car. Looking up, he points to the right. "Do you know how to get there?"


Exiting the office Alice answers her phone seeing the number she cant help the smile.

"Well if it isnt the Wacky Wild Child Kyle."

Hearing the more seriousness tone in Kyle's voice Alice calms down just a little but not enough to make to much of a diffrince. Something had happend and though the reporter side of her wanted to know what she remembered this was her friend and something are best left unreported on.

"You know I am the mast of long storys, so fast food sounds great and if you'd like to vent ya got me and I am off duty. Where should I meet you?"

Feeling the suddon change in Scott again Hope looks up not letting the smile move from her face so Scott would think she was uncomfortable. Taking the styrafome tray that her her food in it Hope closes the top after throwing her napkin inside.

"Well that was a nice meal."

Hope's eyes give a tiny sparkle as they prove that what she said really was the truth. She did have a fun time.

"Thank you so much for having lunch with it. It was nice to have someone to talk with for once."

Giving a strech Hope leans on the table and than looks around the part as it starts to get a little bit busyer.

"Well we have some chooses now. We can stay and play with Domino a little more, we can go back to the office or I can take you back to TJY. Anything is good with me so we can do whatever you want."

Fast food

Scott look up at Hope, giving a little nod. "I've had her a few years now. I wanted some company at home, heard about some puppies for sale and there she was." A grin surfaces. "She was a little furball. I kept tripping over her 'cause she was always under my feet. Never did grow out of being the runt of the litter, but I think she's cuter smaller anyway."

A shout of someone nearby causes Scott to jump, and he looks over his shoulder quickly. Though the people nearby had not been aiming any speech at Scott, he's suddenly brought out of his own little world of peace, as if thrown back into reality. He'd been distracted up until now.

Pulling himself in tighter at the table, his eyes drift downward and he bounces his leg nervously. A car horn makes him look swiftly in the other direction, now his half-blindness creating a fear of what he didn't see.

Domino had been chewing her stick, quite content, but all of a sudden, she looks up at her master, sensing the mood change. Dropping her makeshift toy, she trots over to him and puts a paw on his leg. Though not having seen her, Scott doesn't flinch, knowing that it's her. He reaches down with a hand to stroke her head, not realizing that his fingers had begun to shake.

He doesn't ask to leave though... Hope wasn't finished eating... he couldn't ask to go yet.

Kyle sighs and leans back in his seat as he drives. He shouldn't be making a call while on the road, but he wanted to. Holding the phone to his ear, he waits until he hears the now-familiar voice. "Alice, it's Kyle..." He pauses. "Um... I know you were planning to come to the Cryptic concert tonight and... I just wanted to give you a heads up that things are gonna be a little tense. We probably shouldn't even be playing... long story..."

He grimaces. "You wouldn't want to grab some fast food for supper would you? The concert's not until seven..."

As the fun continues and Ryder once again gets Katie in his lap this time she can feel a little bit of color come to her face as she thinks about his comment though it was fun in games she couldntadmit still the day before with there distraction had taken her off guard but was good thinking in a tight situation and if Katie had to do it again to save there hides she would.

Katie is about to say something when she can hear Jason and Carson at it again in the other room. Being brought to her feet again and pushed towards Jason before she can even react her arm automatically go around Jason's neck as she is taken into the dip. Once Jason is done with the kiss Katie eyes twinkle ever so bright as she looks back at him giving a small giggle.

"They say I am your hero but I'll always say yours mine."

Katie leans in and gives Jason another kiss before being turned up right and heads to look in the fridge herself. Trying to scout some of the ingredient.

"We cant have just steak so, Carson you make the steaks, I am going to make some Macaroni salad to go with it and that should be a nice meal for all of us."

Smiling Hope looks back to Scott and concentrates on her own food. Without moving or look up though she took note that Scott had pushed his plate away though was happy he at least took the 4 bits he did. Giving a wipe to her mouth and a sip of her water Hope looks at Domino playing and bends down to take the stick once again throwing it into the grass for the small Dog to catch. Turning back to Scott Hopes gives a nod.

"She is a very smart dog, and I think she fits good as being yours. Have you had her for a long time now?"

Though Scott didnt say much Hope liked making small talk with him and finding out more about him. It was nice to get to know one of her pashents on a more personal level as friends. Even if some people would frown on it. Hope didnt think she was doing anything wrong and did not find a problem with making friends.


That'll do

Now face-down on the floor, Ryder breathes heavily, turning his head just enough that he can see Katie as she puts her foot on him.

Rolling his eyes, he moves around, accepting her hand. Shifting to sit up though, instead of standing, he pulls. Not letting go, he uses just enough strength to pull her down into his lap again. But this time, his arms are around her, preventing her head from banging back against the cupboards or onto the floor.

Holding her tightly, he gains the upper hand, but after a moment, his grip softens. Looking down into her eyes, a small smile quirks the corner of his mouth as he recalls the day before. "What would happen if the bad guys came around the corner again ay?"


"Barf brain!"

"Camel cowboy!"

"Spaghetti burner!"

Carson skids to a halt. "Oooh, low blow, mate."

Jason stands at the ready behind the couch, and whirls out of the way as Carson comes vaulting over it. Barely missed, he springs back towards the kitchen, just out of reach. Carson chases after him, unwilling to lose.

As the two men come trampling back into the kitchen, never has Ryder moved so quickly. On his feet in an instant, he almost dumps Katie onto the floor, but manages to pull her up too, giving her a quick shove in Jason's direction.

Jason skids to a halt just in time to get run into by Katie. His arms wrap around her and he swings her into a dip, oblivious to Ryder's red face. "My hero!" Leaning in, he plants as kiss on her lips.

"And it's my hero!" Carson stares into the freezer at the forgotten steaks.

Ryder faces the sink, suddenly very interested in cleaning out that morning's coffee mugs, pulling himself from the antics once more. "Help yourself. You said you wanted to cook."

"Only 'cause I know how to cook 'em to perfection."

"Only when he doesn't burn them."

"Hey!" Carson whirls around, shaking the frozen piece of meat at Jason. "Watch it, or I'll burn yours on purpose." He turns back to Ryder. "Got anything exciting to add to this.... onions? Mushrooms?"

"Uh..." Ryder hesitates. "I think I got an onion in there and... there might be a can of cream of mushroom soup in one of the cupboards."

"That'll do."

The room was dead quiet. All eyes were on Rocky. Max, Logan, Kyle, Joel and Taylor. They all sat is stunned silence. Joel swallows hard. "So... what... I mean... what does this mean?"

"Well it clears up a few questions, for starters," Rocky states flatly. After having told everyone about the discovery he'd made about Axel, it was time to sort through what would happen next. "His mask of avoiding women, his lack of desire for public attention... his silence about his past. Now we know why."

Max shakes his head. "So you really socked him, eh?"

Rocky sighs he leans forward in the couch, resting his elbows on his knees. "I shouldn't have. But... he was with Jess, and after figuring things out about Taylor, I was just afraid he was going to hurt somebody important to me."

Taylor lifts her eyebrows. "What do you..."

She was cut off by Joel. "So what are you proposing?"

"Well I can't see that we can keep him on Cryptic," Rocky states flatly. "Someone with a record like that? Now I know some might argue about forgiveness and the ability to change. But if someone brought to like Axel's past, the band would be in trouble."

"Do you think he's still a threat?" Joel couldn't believe it. "I just... wow... I never would have thought he was capable of that."

"Me neither. But quite frankly, I'm not willing to take the risk. Mine is not to judge or forgive something that has never been done against me. But I don't want him around the women anymore."

Kyle stands in the corner, leaning against the wall. This was all very hard to take in. Axel? Convicted of rape? No wonder he never spoke of his past. But that secrecy alone only caused more distrust. He had to admit that he might be leery about Axel hanging around Jen anymore too.

"What about tonight?" Max questions.

Rocky shrugs. "Figured we'd have to cancel."

"We can't do that," Logan interrupts. "We got Kyle lined up, and I can run sound."

"Yeah, but do we really want to go out there like this?" Rocky looks around at the group. He didn't need to remind them that they had just found out one of their very close friends wasn't at all who they thought he was - they were all feeling it.

"I'm still in, if the rest of you are," Kyle states boldly. He didn't want to think about this. He wasn't sure yet what he felt like doing, or how he should react, or where being a Christian came into play here. A concert, with or without Axel, would get everyone's minds off of everything else.

Rocky sighs deeply. He was still so on edge... still so upset. But they really would be putting the event in a lurch if they canceled tonight. It wasn't like the planners could just go out and get another band to come with only a few hours' notice. "Okay... if that's what you all want."

A few minutes later, Max and Logan have already left. Taylor singles out Rocky, taking him to the side. "Rocky... what did you mean about Jess and me?"

"I was at your apartment earlier," Rocky admits. "After I found out about Axel, I realized that something must have happened since you've been avoiding him lately. Then I heard the message he left on your machine."

"But I..."

"It's okay, you don't need to explain. If he was coming on to you, then from now on, you can..."

"No." Taylor tries to interrupt again, though her face has grown red. "It... it's not what you think."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... Axel didn't do anything. It was me. I came on to him, not the other way around."

Rocky lifts an eyebrow. "Oh. I didn't know that." He thinks for a moment, contemplating his reactions. "Well... whether I'd thought he did something or not, I still am going to be much more cautious." He thinks of Jess. Yes, he would be more cautious. The last thing she needed was someone like Axel, taking her dignity again.

A hand

Trying to watch Ryder's movments before he attacks Katie trys to move out of the way but dosnt act fast enough as she lands on her stomach she lets out a grunt.

Feeling Ryders breath on the side of her face she knows he is bent down close to her and probley most his weagh is uneaven at the moment. Turning her head to the side just a little she was panting pretty hard herself as she gives a chuckle.

"Your doing pretty good. One problem though..."

Getting her free arm under her Katie gives a shove throwing Ryder off balance and making him roll off of her along with pulling her arm back causing him to let go as she stands up.

"...Last time I checked crocs dont stand up on two legs."

Placing her own foot on Ryder's back she dosnt put much presure on him but holds the stance for a moment claming her prize. But giving a shake of her head Katie removes her foot and steps back a few steps before bending over and holding her hand out to Ryder to help him up as she trys to catch her breath.


Ryder gives a grunt as Katie's foot pushes him back. He sprawls back and blinks again, now not knowing how to react. Propping himself up on his elbows, he looks at Katie, his eyes narrowing. "Games, huh?"

He quirks a challenging eyebrow. "I don't know about wrestling a redhead. But let's see if it's anywhere near a croc."

Moving quickly, he brings his legs under himself to roll up and forward, piling into Katie and rolling her over onto her stomach. He lays his weight on top of her, holding her down. He lowers his face down next to hers. "How am I doing so far?"


Being thrown backwards in Ryder's lap Katie's laughing continues. She cant help but actully enjoy this right now. It was keeping her mind off the mission and problem at hand on not being able to do anthing.

As she looks up at Ryder the smile still is on Katie's face as she cocks her head and just looks at him for a moment. Searching his face. It was funny how the could of just been fighting what seemed like hours ago and now they were laughing again joking with each other.

"Never give up never surrender. Thats the TJY motto."

Bringing her foot up again Katie brings her foot up to Ryder's chest and gives a strong push. Than rolling over Katie gets at least to her knees as her eyes continue to sparkle as she looks back at Ryder her one hand on the ground and the other on her knee.

"Didnt you know headheads dont know how to give up? Games are fun when you have nothing better to do."

Bold enough?

Domino waits expectantly, keeping her eyes on the stick. Watching it fly, she springs from her spot and bounds after the stick, her unending energy apparent.

Scott grins. "There's only one person she plays with like that, other than me." He watches his dog attack the stick, growling and playing before she comes back with it again, now panting from the effort.

Ignoring his food, Scott shakes his head. "Domino, do you know how silly you are?"

Domino gives a little groan and puts a paw over her face.

"It's okay, I think Hope likes it."

Domino straightens and wags her stumpy tail, giving an enthusiastic yip.

Scott smirks. "You're such a ham. Aren't you worn out?"

She pauses in thought, then topples over on her side, stretching out in the grass as if she were utterly exhausted.

"It's not bedtime yet!"

Domino hops back up and spins in a little circle before stopping, still panting and wiggling all over.

"Why don't you show Hope how tall you are?"

She lifts herself up to stand on her hind legs, balancing for several seconds before coming back down on all fours.

Scott is still grinning. "Alright, you've shown off enough."

Domino wiggles and trots up to Hope, offering a slobbery stick again.

Scott turns back to the table, letting his dog play around. He had no worries that she would run off. Leaning his elbows on the table, he pushes his food to the side, even though it only had a total of four bites from it.

Ryder sees Katie coming, but it's too late. "What the..." His words don't get any further as he's knocked over and brought to the floor.

Jason is on Carson a few feet away, picking their own fight up right where they'd left off.

"Jason, you moron!"



"Hot head!"

Carson shoves Jason off and gets to his own feet, making a mad dash to the living room. Jason is quick to follow, disappearing into the other room where the brawl continues.

Ryder blinks and tries to catch his breath after the wind has been knocked out of him. On his back, he stares up at Katie, wide-eyed. "What did I ever do to deserve this?" he complains, but the humor twinkles behind his eyes.

Looking at Katie for a moment he isn't sure quite what to do. Her laughter was contagious, and her eyes were bright - a contrast to the serious situation they were all in. The playfulness was different.

A mischievous glint slowly comes into Ryder's own eyes and he makes up his mind. Moving his hands, he grabs Katie's ankles, uprooting her feet from the floor and unbalancing her just enough to make her fall backward onto his legs.

Sitting up, it’s his turn to stare down at her as she lies in his lap, and he folds his arms across his chest. “Well, now that the tables are turned, what happens next? Or are you bold enough to continue this little game while your boyfriend is in the next room over?”

Plan Attack

Hope gives a smile and a small wave as she see Domino looking around Scott before jumping int the car. Finally as the small dog jumps in and sits in Scott's lap Hope starts for the park again. Everyonce and a while glancing at Scott a smile slipping on her face. Now that Scott had his dog with him it was almost like he was someone new. He truly showed as though he was more comfortable now.

Once getting to the park and finding a place a nice picnic table Hope helps get the food out and sits down with Scott. Just enjoying her meal and watching Scott and Domino the talk is small but she was enjoying herself anyways.

Watching Domino go for her stick and as she topples over herself Hope cant help but laugh turning to Scott again.

"She sure is a ball of energy huh?"

Seeing Domino and hearing what Scott said Hope bends down to pick up the stick holding it up and watching Domino watch her.

"Better not disapoint her than huh?"

Lifting the stick Hope holds it above her head a smile across her face. Throwing it out into the grass for Domino watchin her dash after it a laugh escaping Hopes lips for the first time around Scott.

Katie cant help the laughting and squeels that make there way from her lips. She was having fun wrestaling with the other two.

Getting the stolen kiss from Jason Katie smiles again and laughs as Carson makes his statment. Looking between Carson and Ryder Katie's mouth quirks in a upsturned grin as her eyes shine with mischief.

You take Carson, I got Ryder. Those two aussies will see we are more than they bargened for.

Standing with Jason Katie just stands there for a momet.


Taking another dashing start Katie runs head on tackling Ryder to the ground as she laughs.


Emergency Meeting

Just the thought of going to get his dog, Scott relaxes a little bit. He hadn't seen Domino for several days, and missed her something awful.

He directs Hope to Katie and Laura's house, finding that at least he had something to talk about that way. Once there, he just has Hope pull up to the curb, and he gets out himself to get Domino. Walking quickly up the short sidewalk, he heads to the porch, then fishes in his pocket. Laura had given him a key just for this reason.

He hears his dog barking on the other side of the door, and a small grin surfaces. "Just me, Domino," he greets.

Without even seeing him, Domino's bark shifts to an anxious yip as she waits.

Scott fools with the key for a moment before finally getting inside, and he's met with an excited furball, jumping up and down on his legs, begging for his attention. A smile curls his lips and he bends down to pick her up, burying his face in her soft warmth. Receiving lots of slobbery kisses, he sets her back down and looks around for her leash. "Come on," he croons. "We're going for a walk."

Domino races to the other end of the living room where she digs through her mess of toys to reveal her leash. Picking it up in her mouth, she trots back to Scott, tripping once as she accidentally steps on the leash as she goes.

Scott shakes his head in amusement. "Guess you're feeling cooped up too, aren't you?" Getting her clipped onto the leash, he jots a quick note to Laura in case she came back over lunch, then leaves again, locking the door behind him.

Domino trots obediently at her master's heel, her ears perked, alert to every sight and sound. Getting to the car, she hesitates, sniffing warily. Scott gets inside and sits, looking back out at his dog. "Well come on. I told Hope you liked car rides."

Domino cocks her head to look around Scott at the stranger. She comes closer slowly, then decides it must be safe if Scott is there. Hunkering down, she springs up to jump into Scott's lap for the ride.

Scott shuts the door and buckles himself in, already feeling better with the new company. "Domino, Hope... Hope, Domino."

The little dog sniffs in Hope's direction, giving a little woof.

Scott pats her on the back. "She's alright," he assures. "It's her car we're in after all. You should be nice to her."

Domino responds by cautiously stepping forward and stretching her neck out to sniff Hope's hand, then lick her fingers. Then, as if the introduction was over, she turns around, makes one circle, then sits in Scott's lap, facing the windshield. She was ready.

Scott rolls his eyes. "Are you quite ready?"

Domino woofs softly, paying great attention to the road ahead as if she were in control of the moving vehicle.

Though the ride is quiet, Scott's hand constantly stroke's his dog, not realizing just what an impact she had on his own demeanor. Arriving to the park, he's relieved to see it's fairly quiet today, and they had their pick of tables to finish their lunch at.

Getting out of the car, Domino strains against her leash, sniffing everywhere and proving her energy by wrapping her leash around Scott's legs several times. It was a miracle he didn't trip and fall, but he didn't reprimand her - he was too glad to be playing with her to care.

They find a nearby table, and Scott sits across from Hope, opening up the styrofoam take-out box. Domino proves she knows exactly what those kinds of boxes hold. Putting her front paws up on the bench, she begs her master with a sorrowful look.

"Uh-uh." Scott shakes his head. "I know Laura fed you this morning."

Sighing, Domino sits back down, but then gets a better idea. She goes around the other side of Scott, jumps up on the bench next to him, and rest her chin on the table. Her ears perked and her eyes shining big and bright, it would take a cold heart to ignore her.

Scott smirks, then looks to Hope. "Did I mention she knows how to get her way?" Shaking his head, he picks out a piece of chicken from his food, and hands it to her. Domino takes it ever so gently, chewing it in a very lady-like fashion.

Distracted from the way his stomach had felt earlier, Scott manages to take another bite himself.

Satisfied that she got a taste, Domino jumps back onto the ground, and suddenly shoots across the grass, dragging her leash along with her.

Scott looks up, raising his eyebrows. "Hey!" he calls after her. "Where do you think you're going?"

Domino had her eye on a stick that was just her size, and didn't stop until she had it between her teeth. Showing off her trophy, she comes bounding back to the table. Halfway there though, her foot lands on her leash. Coming to an abrupt halt, she rolls too summersaults, the stick flying.

Blinking, she rights herself, the leash now hanging over her ears as a head ornament. But retaining her dignity, she picks her stick back up and continues her route, this time keeping her speed to a trot.

A genuine smile surfaces on Scott's face, followed by a quiet laugh. Some might not think a thing of it. But anybody having spent time with him since his return would surely notice that this was indeed rare.

Domino comes back to the table, proudly bearing her stick, completely oblivious to the fact that she looked hilarious with her leash draped over her head. Aiming for Hope, she drops the stick near her feet and sits down, waiting. The leash slowly slides from her head and back onto the ground.

Scott fidgets with his fork, a small smile still faintly visible. "She doesn't ask just anybody to throw toys for her."

Rocky paces his apartment, undecided and uncomfortable. He had to tell the others. He had to. He couldn't just let this go. They would need an explanation, not to mention, they had to decide very quickly about tonight's concert. Axel... one of their own... had a past no one could have imagined. Whether he'd stayed clean during the last year or not, how could they trust him? How could they just ignore what had been discovered? Acting Christian about it was one thing. Forgiving was one thing. But for the sake of all involved, distrust was a given, and he wouldn't feel guilty about feeling that distrust. Friend or foe, a past like that couldn't just slide by unnoticed. Axel had been secretive at the very least, which only increased suspicion of his current intentions.

Finally, Rocky picks up the phone and dials Joel. "Joel, it's Rocky. Emergency Cryptic meeting. No, it can't wait. We need to meet now. My place is fine. Call Kyle too."

Ryder's eyes widen as Katie makes a dash to join the brawl. He makes a step back out of the way, and just watches, surprised that everybody was this loose when they had such and intense mission. Then again, what else were they supposed to do?

Getting knocked off of Carson, Jason lets out a yelp. "Hey! Whose side are you on?"

"Oh, Katie, you are my hero!" Carson laughs.

"Sure..." Jason wrestles Katie to the side. "He needs a girl to take me down."

"I almost had you," Carson defends as he lies on his back, still panting.

Jason struggles with Katie, finally pinning her on her back. "Aha! See what you get for interfering? Now you'll have to pay." He leans in close, ready to give her a kiss.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Carson shifts, quickly wrapping his legs around Jason's waist and throwing him backward. "No smooching on the job!"

Ryder quirks an eyebrow. Was it all fun and games between Jason and Katie, or had he missed something?

As Jason flies back, his head lands on a table leg and he groans. "You realize when you hurt me, you hurt her," he accuses.

"Only if you let it," Carson counters, pulling himself up in a sitting position.

Jason throws him a look. "Since when did you become so wise about this?"

"Well somebody has to keep you two in line."

"And you think you're capable of that?"

Carson shrugs. "With you, maybe. But not this sheila over here."

"Now that I believe."

Ryder shakes his head and moves to the refrigerator. Part of him was amused, and part of him wished he could join the fun, but he wasn't quite sure how to break into this group. They were different than others from TJY he'd met. Opening the fridge, he scans the contents and grimaces. Going for the freezer, he sees a few steaks. "Anybody up for beef for supper?"

Carson perks up and pulls himself up off the floor. "Only if I get to cook it."

Seeing the coast is clear, Jason crawls back over to Katie, stealing the kiss he'd attempted earlier.
Ha! Poor guy doesn't even know what's hit him with the two of us.

Carson keeps his back turned. "Cut it out you two, you're embarrassing the rest of us."

Ryder throws Carson a look of question, which is answered by a roll of the eyes. Ah, so Jason and Katie were together then. Ryder was even more embarrassed about the day before now, and was glad Katie hadn't told anyone of his little diversion.

Never Fear

As Rocky takes Jess hand she can feel the gentilness and the yurning to help take awau her hurt though he new there really was no way. Jess new he was trying to help but all she wanted to do was hide. Run away from her mind and run away from everything right now.

Looking down at Rocky's hand on her she slowly brings her other hand to his and for a moment lays it on top of it. A signal that had been ok. Hearing his offer that if she needed anything Jess tucks it into the back of her mind. Watching Rocky turn and start to walk away Jess gives a reply after him before turning and makeing her own way inside.

"Thank you and the same goes for you. I'll see ya in a few days."

Turning Jess makes her way inside and shuts the door locking it behind her. Now that she was alone the tears fall from her eyes. Going into her bed room Jess sinks down on the bed and burrys her face in the pillow just letting them come.

Getting the food togther and ready to go Hope starts in the direction of the park. Hearing Scott's request a smile spreads across Hopes face.

"It just so happens I do like dogs and I would love to meet Domino. Lead the way!"

If getting Domino would help Scott relax than by almeans Hope was not aganst it. She did like dogs herself after all.

Not being able to contain her laughter Katie just shakes her head giving her own cheers here and there. Turning to Ryder she shakes her head.

"Oh they are always like this...well we all are actully when we get bored and have to much energy and no where to direct it."

Giving another laugh Katie's face lights up as her eyes just sparkle. Carson and Jason sure did look like they were having fun. Not being able to handle it anymore a cruded grin forms on her face as her mind starts to whip up ideas.

"But you know what they say you cant beat them join em!"

Giving a running start Katie aims for Carson and Jason as Jason still had Carson pinned to the ground.

"Never fear Hero is here."

Leaping Katie catches Jason and tackles him off of Carson to the ground laughing hystaricly as she lays in a heap with them.


Rocky watches Jess, wishing he could do more. He didn't know if he felt worse for himself or her.

"Yeah... I guess it is kinda hard on me too." He swallows hard, his eyes drifting down. "I'll have to tell the others too... I wouldn't feel right leaving them in the dark." He shakes his head, a sorry laugh surfacing. "And we have a concert tonight... Guess maybe we'll have to cancel for the first time in Cryptic's history."

Taking a deep breath, he turns and gets out of the car, coming around to Jess' side as she gets out too. "I'll call somebody to come pick me up, but I'll start walking in my car's direction."

He hesitates, looking at Jess with so much compassion that it almost hurt. He knew that he couldn't overstep any bounds with her - not only because of her own past, but today most certainly hadn't helped her uneasiness around men.

His eyes ask for permission before he reaches over to take her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. "If you need anything... if anything happens... or even if you just want to talk... please call." He knew they didn't know each other all that well... and Jess might not even trust him any further than the few lunches they'd had together. But for some reason, he was drawn to trying to make her feel better, and as strange as it felt, he knew that if he lost her friendship through this whole thing, he'd miss her.

Rocky finally lets go of Jess' hand and backs up a step, ready to turn and head out to the street. "I'll see you soon."

Axel sat in his chair in the dim light that tried to break through the closed blinds over the window. He felt numb, yet in excruciating pain at the same time. Over and over and over again, he saw the look in Rocky's eye, and he saw the look on Jess' face. They thought he was a monster.

Bending forward, he puts his face in his hands. The embarrassment was immeasurable. The shame was off the charts. He grew hot in the face just thinking about it.

His stomach churned. He didn't know how Rocky had found out, but it must have been some horrid chain of events after Darrel had found out. Axel had known the word might spread, but he hadn't thought it would be that fast, and he'd hoped... he'd hoped Jess wouldn't ever know. Any woman, let alone one with a past like hers, would never want to speak to him again. This storm produced no joy... this storm emitted no light to form a glow after the rain.

Axel know that shortly, all of Cryptic would know. Rocky wouldn't keep it a secret. Axel was as good as off the band now. Cryptic was what had gotten him back on his feet... and he knew that now he would not be allowed back on that team. And why should they let him be? It could really hurt the band if the public knew... and eventually, they probably would.

He was facing the loss of his job, the loss of his apartment, and the loss of all his friends. He was facing the reality that he might as well not even be here anymore. With his past exposed, he wouldn't be able to live here... not and have to endure the looks in people's eyes... the fear... the wondering. No one would trust him again. Taylor would probably freak. The guys would all be upset like Rocky. Carson... well, Axel didn't know what he'd think. Then Jess... back to Jess... Oh, how much pain that thought caused, to try and comprehend what she must think of him, and what she must feel as a result.

Scott looks up at Hope, knowing good and well that she could see his discomfort. He wished he could be doing better... he wished he could have made more progress for her. He knew it made her happy when he made steps forward. But today... this atmosphere... it was just a little too much.

Finally, he gives a little nod. "Okay... the park is alright..." He forces an apologetic smile. "...not so many walls."

Once their food is put in take-out boxes and they're in Hope's car, heading for the park, Scott bites his lip, glancing ahead to a street that didn't lead to the park. "Um..." He felt a bit uneasy in the car with her, and even more so, making this request. But he wanted to. "If... if I show you how to get there, we can pick up Domino... and take her to the park with us? I'd... kinda like you to meet her." Then he hesitates. "I mean... if you don't mind dogs? Or mind them in your car?"

He grimaces a little at his own awkward sentences. "Or never mind... we can just go and eat."

Kyle flops down in a kitchen chair and peels a banana for breakfast. Sifting through some mail and papers on the table, he realizes that Phil and brought home the What's Up? magazing. Not having yet had time to read the whole article Alice had written, Kyle flips to it and leans his elbows on the table, settling in to read.

A small smile comes to his lips. He'd never been this important before... Maybe he'd balk at the attention, but a part of him did feel good. Someone had noticed him... someone had taken interest... someone thought he was worth the bother to write about.

Finishing his banana, Kyle gets up, and takes the magazine back to his bedroom where he put it in his drawer. It wouldn't be going in the trash.

Jason is at the kitchen window and lets a laugh slip at Katie's comment.

Carson glances up from the table and quirks an eyebrow at them, giving Katie an annoyed, but humorous look. "And what are you two laughing at?"

Jason intervenes. "Inside joke."

"Inside, my foot," Carson retorts. "On second thought, if you two have been talking behind my back, maybe I don't want to know what it was about."

Jason tosses Katie a wink, then chuckles, shaking his head. He walks behind Carson's chair, that was tipped back on its back legs. He gives a light kick at just the right angle to send the chair sliding off balance.

Carson's feet fly off the table, but instead of just falling like Jason wanted, he reaches back behind his head and grabs Jason. Both wind up on the floor instead of just Carson, and after a short struggle on the floorboards, Carson's got Jason pinned down on his stomach, one arm pressed to his back. "Though you could get away with that, did you, hmm?"

Jason laughs, despite his position. "Get off, ya big oaf."

"Oaf? Oaf?" Carson tightens his grip and the pressure to Jason's arm. "Who you calling an oaf?"

Out of breath, Jason struggles under Carson's weight. "Watch it or I'll bring the light down on your head."

Carson grins. "Can't beat me without that power of yours, eh?"

Somehow, Jason manages to wriggle out of Carson's grasp, flip around and reverse the hold, now pinning Carson down.

Ryder wanders in from the living room, casually watching the friendly wrestling match. He hooks his thumbs in his jeans pockets and leans on the doorway, then glances to Katie. "Those two always go at it, or is it this great Austrailan air getting to them?" He knew that it was just boredom, and though it was wasting energy, at least they weren't killing each other.