

Jason cocks his head a little and offers Katie a bit of a crooked smile. “Hey…but you’re not alone.” He searches her eyes trying to convey reassurance. He hated seeing her like this…confused and vulnerable. “You couldn’t be surrounded with more people that care about you…” He gives a short laugh. “I don’t know what this place would do without you, Hero. This poor office might not be able to survive.”

He gives her chin a playful tweak. “I’m sorry you felt all that though. I’ll be careful with what I do and when I do it alright? But promise me you’ll tell me if you’re feeling bad. I can’t change anything if I don’t know I need to.”

Scott works with Trish's computer just a couple desks away from Katie's, constantly looking over to see if she had come back to her cubicle yet.

Sighing for the umpteenth time, he concentrates back on his work.

Bret shakes his head and gives a little roll of his eyes at Charlotte. “Next time take two out of three flips – chance might decide it doesn’t want any more housework.”

Obeying Charlotte’s lead, he heads across the room for the door. On his way, something odd catches his eye. It was such a silly thing and he knew it, but it stopped him anyway. The stack of magazines that had been spread around and making a mess were now piled neatly to the side of the coffee table, organized by date. He never organized things like that…he would have just piled them all together. But they used to get organized by date anyway… Maria wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Glancing back to Charlotte, Bret suddenly realizes that this is the first time in four years that a woman has been in his house. And for the first time today, if felt just a little awkward.

Shaking it off before he said something foolish, he continues his route outside, holding the door for her, then locking it behind him.

The ride to the hotel is quick, and before long, they’re joined by Angelica and heading to the courthouse.

Once parked and heading inside, Bret pauses, looking at the large entrance doors. He had a bad taste in his mouth when it came to this place. The judge’s ruling still rang in his ears. The feeling of despair still clung to him.

Rolling his eyes at himself, he steps forward, looking back at Angelica and Charlotte. “Well…let’s get this thing over with.”

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