
Too smart

Bret gives Charlotte a wry grin. "You think too much like I do." He takes another sip of water and sighs deeply, not tired, but not having much energy either. "I guess now you're witnessing the ultimate wallower. Wasn't bad enough I went downtown, but I sit here and do it too." He pauses and shakes his head. "Welcome to my life apart from weekends led by chance."

Jason raises his eyebrow, hardly wanting to hope it had really worked. "Really?" Thinking for a moment, his eyes widen. "That's it..." His mind reels. "That's what it is... it's like a....like...a..." He gropes for a good example. "Like a faucet. Turn it on full blast and you get everything....thoughts, emotions, feelings, whatever. I've shut it off before, but apparently that has ill effects on you. But now...now if I can fine tune it... I can just shut it off partway to keep whatever I want from getting to you."

Getting just a little excited, he closes his eyes, trying to think of something. He hadn't had much breakfast this morning...he was hungry...he was getting a dull ache in his stomach for the want of food. Concentrating on that, he also pulls in a thought about Camryn, daring to replay the other evening in his mind. But instead of letting it out along with his hunger, he holds it back like he had with the paperclip.

Opening his eyes back up, he looks at Katie, with question, trying to read her face. What had she felt?

Carson glances up as Misty rounds the corner. He shouldn't be surprised. He was overdue to get back inside, and Misty had probably wondered where he was, and knew where he'd been lately.

At Misty's words that they needed to talk, Carson bristles. Using his bent knee as an armrest, he taps his cigarette absentmindedly, his eyes drifting anywhere but to her own.

He shrugs. "Sorry. Just didn't want you to worry, that's all. I knew the dang bruise got worse, but it's not like it's life threatening, so I figured if you thought I'd seen Rick, you wouldn't worry about it." He gives a short laugh, giving her a sidelong glance. "Guess that one backfired on me. You're too smart for your own good."

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