

*As Jason consintrates so does Katie. Her mind filling with Jason's thoughts of being nervouse starting for the consert. Going the the emotions one by one feeling, than like walking in a hall at night smacking into somehting. Katie came to the emptyness where all seemed calm. Yet there was something that sruck a cord. Consintrating harder Katie tryed to see the unseen. A dim light broke though so close you could reach but so far you couldent grasp. As the emptyness lingers a tear falls from the courner of her eye the emptyness was strange and uninviting. It made her feel her own feelings from the past. What was wrong with her.

Giving a whipe to her face Katie gives a smile and whispers as she stands.*

"It worked that time J. In no time we will have a handle on this. I better get back to work before Reese thinks I skiped out."

*Heading twords the door Katie stops steding her hand as it shook alittle. Calling over her shoulder.*

"If you wanna try more later let me know."

*After Bret leaves the room Charlotte turns from the window scaning the livingroom. A grin cross her face as she pulls a coin from her pocket. Fliping it, it lands heads up. Chucking to herself she puts the coin back in her purse. If Bret wasent going to try and be perky she was going to help alittle. Heading into the kitched She grabs some paper towles. Working quickly Charlotte opens the front windows to leave some air in and starts to clean up the living room. Picking up clothing, paper, straghtening things out and whiping table dusk and what not away.
It takes Charlotte about 15 minutes and soon the living dosent look perfect but alot better than it did. Siting down on the coutch she turns the tv on to wait for Bret.*

*Misty shakes her head as she listens to Carson. Taking note to him not looking her in the eyes again. Giving a sigh she asks herself "how long, how long will this go on."*

"Like you havent run off with me before. Just do you know Carson Rick dosent know you told me he looks at your eyes..."

*Misty stands as Carson does.*

" Yes, I lied for you this time Carson to my own boss."

*Changing the subject fast Misty takes Carson's arm.*

"Come on lets get back to work."

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