
I see

*Charlotte looks at Bret a bit of worry in her eyes.*

"Bret, we arnt going to let them blame you. You got me. I dont know much about anything yet, but my sister has taught me enough and she is a darn good lawyer. We arnt going to let you go down."

*Charlotte takes another sip of her own drink but end up pushing the rest away from her something she dident do offten. Scaning Bret's face she can see the glazed over look in his eyes another consern rising. Bret couldent be drunk or even tipsy for this hearing. Standing Charlotte puts her arm around Bret's shoulder trying to give him alittle prompting.*

"Come on, lets get you cleaned up for this afternoon. After the hearing when your cleared I'll buy you all the drinks you could possably want ok. And dont go giving up yet on me. I still see a few coin toss in your future."

*Katie looks up at the sound of Jason's voice. As he calls her to come to his office she lets out a sigh having just sat down. Finally geting up she lets out a yawn and carrys with her another cup of coffee following Jason to his office.*

"I dont think you've ever summoned me to your office before J. I kind of want to know what I did wrong now."

*Katie cant help but leave out alittle laugh after her comment.*

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