

*Charlotte smiles at Bret clearing off some paper from the end of the couch and sits down.*

"We have about 2 hours. You should be fine by than and if you think not, try laying down for an hour. And as far as Angelica goes what she dosent know wont kill her."

*Charlotte continues to sit and just looks around the room. It really was a nice hour dispite the mess.*

*As the thoughts of Camryn enter Jason's mind Katie can once again feel them to givng alittle crings.*

"Stop saying your sorry would you. Its not like you cant help it."

*Watching Jason put the metal on his skin again. This time the only feeling she had was emptyness. She dident feel the clip to Jason's skin at all. Looking at her hand and than back up at Jason she smiles.*

"I think it worked that time. One small step for you, one giant leap for something or other."

*It was a strange feeling to see Jason doing something but for once not feel it. She wasent sure if she liked it or not, but what had to be done had to be done for everyone sake.*

*Misty makes her way outside. Not seeing Carson at his desk she new where he would probley be. It seemed he was spending alot of time around the courner these days. Catching sight of him Misty walks over leting out a sigh and keeling down.*

"Hey Babe."

*Misty thinks for a moment. Did she really want to bring them up to Carson? Would he get upset?*

"We need to talk. Rick caught me today when I was doing some work and asked what happend to you eye."

*Misty looks down at the ground and than back up at Carson.*

"How come you told me you saw him when you dident?"

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