
Better To

*Trying to find humor in the whole thing Katie shakes her head this time feeling what Jason was feeling and thought of Camryn and food.*

"Dont move to fast Romieo. Your still learning how to controll this."

*For some reason something was nagging at Katie inside about this whole thing. A strange feeling settled in her stomach. It wasent a feeling from Jason but one of her own she just couldent put her finger on it.*

*Misty sits down on the ground her words slipping from her mouth before she cant stop them.*

"I might be smart but at times a feel like a fool."

*Reaching over she takes Carson chin and tilts it so she can look at the burse.*

"Its better to let me worry than lie to me you know."

*Taking her finger she runs it over the bruse checking it out.*

"Looks like you will be ok. You might of just bumped it wrong when you were sleeping."

*Charlotte studys Bret for a long moment pondering his words. Standing her goes over to the cutrin and pulls the shaids up.*

"You know if you let some sun and fresh air in here it wouldent be so bad. If you keep yourself closed up all the time I know why you wallow. Fate is fate but it only goes so far. You choose to sit here and wallow when you should be out there. Bad things happen to good people all the time, but that dosent mean our life should stop. It should give us more of a reason to move on, and do better next time."

*Charlotte continues to look out the window everything she was saying she felt. She had told her sister the same thing after Angeal had been taken away. Thats how Charlotte lived her life, trying not to wallow. Thats why she was always trying to move and takes chanses. If she ever slowed down she new she would lock herself away like Angelica did and she dident want that. She loved life. She was happy she got to shair some of her love for life with Bret over the weekend he needed it. Charlottle only hope that what she gave Bret that weekend, the spark she found in his eyes would return again so he could pick himself up and move on.*

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