

Bret sighs deeply, giving Charlotte a sidelong glance as she puts a hand to his shoulder. There was so much he wanted…so much he missed…so much he longed for. And Charlotte stirred them all within him.

Shaking his head, he takes one last swig of beer. “Alright. You win.”

Sliding off the stool, he reaches into his pocket to pay for his drinks. Tossing the bills toward the bartender, a coin falls to the floor. Glancing down, Bret quirks an eyebrow. “Well, whadya know… tails.”

He doesn’t bother to pick up the quarter, aiming for the door. Arriving outside and to his car, he stops. Thinking for a moment, he reaches in his pocket and pulls out his keys. “Tails. You drive so I don’t kill us both.”

Jason gives a slight roll to his eyes and heads for his office. Once inside with Katie, he shuts the door and goes around his desk to sit down. “Look…Katie…I’ve been thinking and…I know there’s got to be a way around this whole thing. You and I both know that we can’t keep living like this… You feeling me all the time is going to ruin more things for you, and it’s going to make you miserable. And…I get miserable just thinking about it.”

He leans his elbows on his desk, studying Katie’s face. “But in order to see if I have a solution, I need to know what you’re feeling… I need to learn how to shut off portions of what I do. But the only way I’ll know if it works, is if you tell me…”

He searches her eyes, not even quiet sure what he’s asking, but hoping she understands anyway. The only way to find out if anything would work, or if there was any solution was to experiment.

Rick ambles past Misty's desk, paperwork in hand as he squints at the small print. Almost running into her chair, he catches himself, realizing he better focus on where he's going.

Glancing down to Misty, he remembers what he was going to ask her. "Oh, say, Misty, I caught sight of Carson's nice shiner yesterday. What's he been getting himself into?"

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