
The Coin said

*As Jason calls for Katie to wait turns around. The more she stood in that office the more her mind wondered. Feeling Jason's hand on her shoulder she leans her face on it for a moment. Jason's touch even if it was just as a friend bringing her comfort. Her voice lets out a low whisper.*

"Ya, I'm ok."

*Katie lets out a sigh and thinks for a moment stairing back into Jason's eyes. Thinking about what just happend. She wasent even sure herself.*

"I'm not sure what happend Jason but I felt the emptyness of you hiding something and I felt suddonly very alone. It braught up alot of my own past emotions from before I first met you. I dont know why they came up. They were just there. Its not your fault I just dont know what happening to me."

*Katie looks back at the floor before she looks at Jason again. Her mind ran around on so many things. Katie dident want to hurt anymore, Not Scott, not Jaosn when he was trying to move on. All Katie could do was continue to ask God for guildent and a sign on what to do.*

*As Charlotte sits on the coutch watching tv she trying to keep the smile on her lips hidden hearing Bret come down the steps. As Bret comes around to the front of her, her smile finally breaks forth. Shuting off the TV Charlotte stands near Bret giving alittle shrug.*

"I fliped a coin. It landed face up so that ment I wanted to clean. Anyways if you let the sun in and see the dirt that gives you reason to clean it and be able to breath. If you stumble around in the dark all the time your going to be lost and you will never get to see those coins flip. Personaly I dont want you to miss out on a good coin toss when it involves me."

*Charlotte cant help but let a grin form on her face. She dident care Bret had problems, and she liked to be bold with him and tell him what was on her mind it just felt good in a way. Giving his shoulder a gentil pat she nods twords the door.*

"Come on lets get going before I flip a coin on whether I do your dishes or not."

*Misty walks back inside with Carson his arms still wrapped around her. Why did she let Carson get away with what he did? She new good and while he was feeding her lie after lie. One of these days she new she would snap and that would be when all would break lose. Misty hoped in her heart of hearts it wouldent come to that but she was 100% sure it wouldent no matter how she tryed to keep faith in trusting Carson.*

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