
True Love Is

*Once again Katie's face turns hot as the color changes to red. Kyle sure was a smooth talked. She had never met someone like him before. He was so open and carefree. He dident care what people though about the way he acted. Katie could tell he was a guy who liked to have fun and show it. Katie smiles softly at Kyle as she sits up.*

"You know, if you keep paying me so many complament I think my cheeks are gonna fall off from how red they keep geting."

*Katie breaths deep. It smelled alot cleaner here to her. The water, flowers, the smell of the cut grass. Katie never bother stoping to pay attachen to that kind of stuff before but now, it all seemed to mean alittle bit more. Maybe since her accident lossing the loss of her legs help her gain so much more. The time to actully stop and apresheate the little things in life.*

"Well...since we are all siting here, and seem comfortable enough with eachother. I'd like to know more about each of you. I mean, I know your names, and I know how you act and what not...but I'd like to know more to help me know you guys better."

*For a moment Katie makes a scruntched face as she almost confusies herself.* "If what I just said made any sence to you guys what so ever." *Katie shoots a look at Kyle laughter dancing in her eyes.*

"Unless you really are worryed I am an FBI agent and I am collecting this info for my plot."

*Katie smiles, and for a bref moment her mind goes back to Jason and wondering how he is. How Katie wished he could be there now shairing this moment. Now Katie understood the look in Jason's eyes after the consert, he's been happy to shair a moment with this small group of people. He had found his happyness of where he belonged. Katie new, no matter how much her mind told her Jason wouldent be back. He would be. He couldent stay away for long. If he dident come back for her, he would come back to Jetstream. They were in his blood now and there was no turning back for eather of them.*

*Wes wraps his one arm around Cindy as she gets settled into the saddle with him. Giving a gentil kiss to the top of her head Wes smiles.* "Off and away we go." *Taking the rains in the other hand Wes clicks alittle and Savior starts to move forword. Wes keeps him at a gentl walk not wanting to rush or rune this moment he had with Cindy. Wes takes one of the paths behind the horse barn. It was the best one he could think of to take. Flowers lined both sides of the path. There were many trees and bushes that as well had flowers growing up them. Wes could think of nothing better right now than to be with Cindy, the smell of the flowers his arm wraped around her and the should of his horses hoofs on the path was all he needed.

After riding for about an hour they come out at the far end of pond. As they draw closer to the waters edgh there is a small table with flowers and candles on it. Two little chair set up next to it as well. A small white canves also cover the chairs and table to shelter from the bugs. Jumping off Savior's back Wes comes around to the front to help Cindy off as well. A smile on his face and his eyes dancing with delight.*

"Well look at that, it looks like everything is set up thats strange."

*Wes cant help but let his smile grow even bigger. Gently scoops Cindy up and walks over with her to the table seting her down in one of the chairs.*

"Let me go tie Savior to that tree over there and grab the food. I'll be right back my love."

*Wes throws Cindy a wink as he leads Savior over to a tree and ties him up. Taking the back off his back Wes makes his way back to Cindy.*

"Lets see what we have in here now. We have, Chips, Subs, some Soda, and Jello. I know this looks romantic and all but I still wanted it to be a picnic so I hope your not disapointed."

*Wes takes the food and drinks out of his bag and sets it all on the table. Wes heart gives a jump as it relizes this will be one of many to come picnic's with Cindy. That though alot was enough to make Wes smile bigger than ever. How happy he was, and how lucky he was that God sent him an Angel to love for the rest of there lifes. The feeling that grew inside of him could not be explained, or discribed, but simply put, this was true love. A feeling that had no words. Yet you new what was being said. Wes new...

True love was/is:

Cindy and himself...unexspected, but thanful and happy, ready to start there lifes together.

Angel and Luke...Determened, Always there for eachother and never gave up hope, trusting and honest, willing to help, going the extra mile.

Rosetta and Mick...Neverending, Never losing hope and always trusting, never doubt, stanging by eachother no matter what.

Yes this is what was ment to be.*

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