
Build a House

*Katie smiles at her hair dances around her face and the nice summer breeze enters her noise once again.*

"I'm tired of being at that hospetl so i dont even want to go back, But I know I will have to and its gonna be ok. I know sooner of later I can go home. Untill than I will make the best of my stay there. Even if that means driving that poor nurse crazy."

*Katies eyes twinkle as the suns and its colors reflect off them. This was the start of a new life, a better life, and she had friend to start out with it. Katies heart sang a song of Joy. Looking at Kyle Katie grins.*

"Thank you Kyle for inviting me here. Its what I needed, and I am honnered I could shair it with you, and the others. It means alot of me."

*Kaite squints her one eyes as the last bit of sun hits them. Smiling even bigger Katie lets out a sigh.* "Someday we will come here again, Jen and I will both be walking, and we can all feel the sand in out toes, and the water on our legs. It will be wonderful."

*Katie smiles at the though truly knowing in her mind one day it would happen. Her and Jen would walk arm and arm down the beach as the boy played ahead with eachother teasing. Kyle would say something silly like always. Jen and herself would yell at him for it but laugh afterwords. The fun times would never end...One chapter in Katies life closed, and now another was starting, a new chapter, a better chapter.*

"Ok...I think I am ready to go now."

*Katie turns her chair around ready to head back to the group with Kyle. Only for a moment looking up at his smiling face again. She was ready to let go of the old and let the new in. The walls were down and she was ready to feel again.*

*Wes sighs and leans back in his chair. Looking up at the sky he smiles. It did look lovly tonight, but not as lovely as Cindy's smiling face. Wes lets Cindy's question about the Agency sink in, and is silent for a long while. No one new when everything would be over, or when it would ever be safe again. Cindy was right. It would be a shame to miss out on a peace of there life.*

"Honestly I dont know when everything with the Agency will be over if ever. I dont want to put you in danger, but just having you here and involved with us has already done that. I don't want the fear of the Agency to hinder us from being happy though Cindy. So, if it was ok with you, and you dont think its to soon. I'd like to get marryed in a month or so. I mean this is your choise to, but I know for me everyone I would want at the wedding is already here everyone but Katie anyways. and we could get her here. Maybe just a small wedding here by the lake. And...I know its not much but for alittle while we would have to live in one of the bunk houses, but if you wanted to move get away we could. But I was thinking if it was ok with you...."

*Wes' heart races. It feels like he is asking Cindy to marry him all over again. The excitment building his face glowing. It was perfect, this night, dinner, Cindy. Nothing could take away Wes happyness.*

"...I could build us a house."

*Wes beams.*

"Where we are siting right now, we are quite a bit away from the ranch but still close enough to get there for work, or what not. But where we are siting...this is my land. When I told Rosetta I was going to stay and help her, she wasent using this for anything so she gave it to me knowing I'd make something out of it. I would makeme very happy to build you a house to start our family in, but if you dont want that I dont mind. I want you to be happy and have what you want."

*Wes goes over to Cindy not being able to help himself her picks her up and gives her a big hug with a soft, tender lingering kiss.*

*As Jamie shuts off her computer she wonders if Reese is still in his office. She needed to talk to him and dident want to wait till alot of people were around. After clearing up her desk and makes her way to his office. Her sneeking squeeking on the floor. She was one of the last people in TJY everything eccoed. Gently she knocks on Reese door.*

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