

Kyle just grins at Katie's comment about her cheeks, showing no embarrassment at all for what he'd said.

The three guys laugh at her crack about being an FBI agent, though Kyle's eyes widen. "I knew it! The FBI really does have a plot to take over the world!"

Phil and Mike flop down in the sand near the others, the sun shining warm and the breeze combing their hair. They and Kyle exchange a brief glance before actually answering Katie, creating a momentary pause that is strange. But it's quickly gone as Phil smiles. "Unfortunately, you know how we act before getting to know us. That's one count against us."

Mike chuckles. "Though it's fortunate that you don't scare easily."

"Alright, alright." Phil tries to stay on track. "Since I'm the only one with sense around here, I'll start." He receives a blast of sand down the front of his shirt, flung from Kyle's hand. "What did I tell ya?" He grins at Katie. "I am the only one who acts his age."

Kyle's jaw drops. "I didn't know you were only three."

"Watch it, or I'm gonna sick that seaweed back on you."

"Oh, don't worry, he's still there." Kyle reaches down to scratch his leg. "Next time, I'm bringing a change of clothes."

"That would be wise," Mike quips, "especially since we'll be making you ride in the back if you're still wet."


Phil sighs in mock annoyance. "My name is Phil...and I'm surrounded by idiots."

Jen looks over at Katie with a giggle. "How they function so well on stage, I'll never know."

Phil finally breaks through the banter in order to satisfy curiosity. "Okay, well...I lead a boring life apart from JetStream. I live in town, I work at the lumberyard...I like music obviously, I like to fish, I play he bass in my church's worship team, I'm twenty-five... um..." He shrugs. "I like good food, good company and having good clean fun."

Kyle shoots up into a sitting position, raising his hand. "Oh, oh, I'm next!"

"Yes, Kyle, you can go next," Phil agrees in a tone as if he were talking to a child. "You did very well at waiting your turn."

Kyle swings his head back around to Katie with a silly grin. "I'm Kyle, and I'm surrounded by those with bigger heads than me." He receives a kick to the shins. "And those who also know how to kick...hard." He grimaces. "Well, I'm twenty-three, single and looking-"

"For trouble," Mike intervenes.

Kyle doesn't miss a beat. "Always. I room with Phil, which is an adventure in itself, I work down at The Pizza Box in town so I can pay my brother rent. I like a good sci-fi movie, I love fun company, I write music, my favorite color is green and....I hate seaweed!" He leans down, trying to reach up his pantleg from the bottom in an attempt to clear out the wet weed.

Mike rolls his eyes. "Ever thought maybe you attract the stuff?" He laughs and shakes his head, turning his attention to Katie. "I live outside town, and it's where the band usually gathers for practicing and hanging out. Um...I'm a manager at a music store downtown...I play drums in my church with Phil, and Kyle forgot to mention that he fills in with vocals and keyboard there too..." He pauses, thinking. "I'm the old-timer of this bunch at twenty-six...I have a golden retriever named Skipper...my favorite kind of icecream is plain vanilla and..." He shrugs. "I guess I lead a boring life, too."

"And I'm hungry." Kyle finishes.

Jen laughs. "Mike's the one who brought the snacks."

"I did indeed." Mike pulls over the grocery sacks that he'd brought in his insulated bag. "I've got either pop or water to drink, I've got some potato chips...pretzels...and for those health nuts, I've got a few veggies with dip."

Phil gives him a teasing pat on the shoulder. "You take such good care of us, Mikey."

Food is eaten, jokes are exchanged, and banter continues, with brief moments of halfway-serious conversations. Before they know it, the afternoon is getting late, and the sun has made its way far across the sky.

There's a bit of a pause in the chatter, and suddenly there's a strange quietness to the air, as if the gaiety has been sucked out of the atmosphere, though peace still remains. Without warning, Phil jumps up and stretches. "Well, since we'll be heading out here soon, guys, I'm gonna take one last look at that water."

As if on cue, Kyle and Mike rise as well without saying anything, brushing off the sand and following Phil a ways down the beach to the water's edge, their backs to Jen and Katie.

Jen grows a little somber as she watches them, and she finally turns to Katie. "You don't realize it, Katie, but you've given these guys quite a gift by allowing them to bring you here today."

She pauses, just looking at her two brothers and Mike as they simply stand. It doesn't appear that any words are being said as they look out on the water. Jen gives Katie a little smile. "The laughter and fun you see in them is their outlook on life, driven to the surface by so much more than they say."

She purses her lips in thought, making the decision to share. "You see...right around this time of year is an anniversary for all three of them. For Mike, it's been four years since he lost a wife and baby girl...he was gone one night and someone broke into their house." Tears glisten in Jen's eyes. "For Phil, it's been six years since he tried to take his own life after his best friend turned on him. For Kyle, it's been seven years since he saw our dad drown in a storm on their fishing trip in Canada." Jen forces a smile as a tear runs down her cheek. "If it weren't for the grace of God, I don't think any of them would be here today...and they know it. Since working through those trials, they've become so sensitive to others in pain...because they know what it feels like...and I've never met any guys with more compassion than these three right here." She nods towards the men. "JetStream started as an outlet for them while getting back on their feet. It's still an outlet, giving them something fun to do and they just love every part of it...though now they love it even more because they found out that they can bring enjoyment to others with their music, humor and energy on stage. And their little 'sunshine project' fund gives them the opportunity offstage to just do little things when they can, to make someone else feel good."

She stops for a moment, and studies them. Their backs still to the women, they move close to each other and put their arms around each other's shoulders with Mike in the middle, forming a picture worth so much more than a thousand words. Jen knew they were praying.

"You've let them bring a smile to your face and you've let them make you laugh," Jen comments quietly to Katie. "You've given them the distraction they needed to focus on someone else so they don't think so much of the past. You've allowed them to ease someone else's pain, if only for a moment." A smile forms. "Thank you, Katie...you've made their day, and I truly hope that this is just the beginning of all of us spending more time together."

Cindy's eyes widen as she and Wes approach the little scene. "Oh, Wes..." She can't remove the smile from her face as he sets her down at the table. "Of course I'm not disappointed...this is so nice..."

She just stares after him as he goes to tie up the horse, feeling as though she's the luckiest woman in the world. The butterflies in her stomach make her feel like a little girl again, so happy and so in love. She couldn't have asked for anything more than God had given her. She had her prince charming she'd always dreamed of...and he was so much more.

As Wes returns to the table, she stands up and throws her arms around his neck, giving him a long, tender kiss, then just rests her head on his shoulder as tears fill her eyes. "I love you, Wes," she whispers. "Don't ever leave..."

Jason eases down in the chair at the desk in the cabin. He'd had a rough afternoon trying to get his energy back, and had given Clint a few more pointers, but hadn't tried anything more than that. Now everyone was gathering for supper, and he knew he should join them whether he wanted to or not.

He'd thought a lot about his conversations with both Austin and Clint. He wanted to stay here and put his foot down about his decisions, just because he didn't want to feel any more stupid...but they made too much sense. Austin had been right on every count...and so had Clint.

Jason knew that right now, in his mind, despite any emotional feelings that drove him down other paths...right now, he and Katie were simply supposed to be friends. He could not afford to risk giving away any more of himself right now when there was so much else going on...if he did, he would fail and end up losing everything. It was better for him to love Katie as a close and dear friend, than try to push anything else. He would have to deal with Wyatt...and if Wyatt and Katie thought that he was too involved, or around too often, he would back off...but he would not back away completely unless it was Katie who asked. Wyatt might have been jealous...but Jason was still Katie's friend, and he couldn't leave for good. He would be more careful...he would be more sensitive to the situations and circumstances so that he did not cross any tempting lines.

In all reality, it had not bothered Jason so much to have Katie dating Wyatt...it had felt a little strange, but he had been okay with that... and knowing that feeling brought to mind the reality that he really was okay with just being her friend. They were close, no doubt. They had a bond, no doubt. It was unavoidable. But at this point in time, Jason would be happy with what they shared, no matter if she was dating someone else or not. Even if she was not with Wyatt, Jason was confident that he would be making the same decision. It just wasn't time. If the future changed their relationship, so be it. If not, then he was still happy.

Jason sighs and flips on the computer. He would need to talk with Wyatt...he would need to apologize for perhaps making some stupid decisions, even if he'd done nothing wrong. He could only hope that Wyatt understood and would not continue to push him away. He hoped that Wyatt understood, as he did, that fighting just made things harder on Katie, and if she was the center, and the point of all this, then they needed to work out their differences away from her, not through her.

Jason's quirks an eyebrow as he sees he has an email...from Katie. Had she written to chew him out? He's almost afraid to read, but he clicks it open. Beginning to scan the words, he starts to relax a little bit.

Guilt comes back as he reads she was having a hard time being alone. He'd been with her almost constantly since she'd been in the hospital, and really had left her high and dry when he'd taken off, no matter if he'd felt he needed to or not.

He reads on.

JetStream? That was interesting...they'd been looking for him? He knew he was suppose to call them Monday... He sighs again. So much else had been going on, that he hadn't wanted to think about JetStream, but he had to make a decision. He'd loved the time spent with the band...he'd loved being on stage...he'd loved connecting with the crowd...he'd loved being able to sing for a purpose. He wanted to join them...it was fun, it was a great group of guys...after just one hour with them, he'd felt as if he'd known them for years. They were so open and honest...

Jason shakes his head. He just didn't know what to do. There were so many unknowns...so many things that could go wrong. So many variables. It would take more than a simple "yes" to settle things. It would take a heart-to-heart conversation...one of which he would need approval for first.

Pausing his reading, he grabs his phone and dials. "Yeah, hey, Susanne. Yes, I know, I know...no, don't transfer me to Reese. Not right now. Actually, don't even tell him I called.... no, honest. But there's something I want you to do. Either you, or Laura.... I want you to run a background check on Phil and Kyle Mitts, and on Mike Kelly. ...Yeah, they're local. Hmm? Yeah, just do that, and save the results for me when I get back... yes, I'll be back. Thanks, Susanne, you're a gem."

Ending the call, Jason takes a deep breath. It had started.

He turns his eyes back to his computer and a smile slowly forms. He wasn't surprised that the guys had taken so quickly to Katie. They were just those kinds of people, and no one could help but enjoy Katie's company too. He hoped she had gone with them on an outing today... she could use the time away from the hospital, and though knowing JetStream only a short time, he was one hundred percent confident that they would take care of her. And in a way...Jason felt just a little bit of warmth, thinking about sharing this new adventure with Katie. If there was anyone he'd want to share it with, it would be her.

As he reaches the end of the email, his eyes widen. Katie and Wyatt had broken up? A wave of guilt hits him before Katie's words reassure him that it wasn't his fault. But...what had happened? It sounded like it had been Wyatt's move...that was interesting. If it had been Wyatt's decision, it couldn't have been Jason's fault, right? Wyatt had been pretty strong in his feelings for Katie in order to make him so upset with Jason...so what had really happened?

Jason tries to understand...Katie said it wasn't his fault...it didn't appear to be...but in a roundabout way, was it really? He almost wonders if Katie had reacted to him leaving in such a way to make Wyatt reconsider her feelings for him. He'd obviously been aiming for a deeper relationship with Katie...but if she had reacted to Jason's absence as severely as Con had indicated, perhaps the truth of the matter had come to light.

In a way, Jason was sad for them...he wanted Katie to be happy...and despite these conflicts, Wyatt was still his friend. It couldn't have been an easy decision. Goodness knows any decision to part with someone like Katie wasn't easy.

Jason closes out his email, and thinks for a long moment. He had a lot of pride to swallow. He still needed to apologize to Wyatt, whether or not the breakup was his fault or not. And he needed to apologize to Katie. Maybe he really had needed this time away, but he could have done it differently.

He picks up his phone again and involves himself in a conversation with the shop in Nevada. "Yeah...just a single red rose to Katie Pent at Franklin Hospital, Room 305. ....sure, have it delivered tonight, and have the note say, "Friendship is what binds us. See you tomorrow." Yeah, thanks."

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