
A new start

*As Katie watched the guys and listens to Jen, her heart is heavy yet feels like there is a new hope. Those three had been though so much yet you would never be able to tell. What was held in there hearts dident hold them back, or bring them down. There, sadness and fear dident make them prisnors. Katie dident understand how they did it, but it gave her hope that she to could find this peace. That her past that haunted her for so long and even the problems of the present would soon subside, and not rules her eather. A small tear rolls down Katie's cheek, but she dident feel sad, and she dident feel lonly. She felt that she belonged. That after everything is said and done she ended up right where she should be. If it hadent been for accident Jason never would of been introduced to Jetstream, and Katie never would of goten to know them eather. Turning Katie smiles at Jen.*

" I hope its the biginning of spending more time together too. Thanks Jen."

*Katie shifts her weaght for a moment and used her arm strength to pull herself back up into her wheelchair. Not saying anything Katie looks at the guys again and starts to push herself away from them over to a fence where it over looked the water and the sky was starting to turn differnt shades of pink and red as the sun set. Leaning on the fence the wind blows through Katie's hair tossing it this way and that. She wanted to be free to. To leave her pain behind and be able to talk about it with her friends without feeling scaired, or ashamed. Keeping her eyes closed she whispers.*

"God, I know the peace I have found in my friends came from you. In church today the paster said you love evenyone no matter the bad stuff they did. That means no matter what I did in the past you love me too. Thank you for loving me..."

*Katie voice quivers alittle bit, and a few tears escape her eyes. Was she happy, sad, scaired, she dident know. She only felt all her emotions inside her at once. Some pleading for her to stop, and some pushing her on.*

"...Thank you for sending your Son to die for the sins I commited. No I want to addmit myself for all of them and ask you to wash them away. Please break this hold they have on me and let me start over. Please fill me and make me a new person. Help my find my peace to. Amen."

*As Katie finishs her praying she opens her eyes. Infront of her a flock of amazing colored bird sore into the sky. Katies mouth opens slightly in amazment she has never seen something so wonderful in her life the colors, everything seemed so much brighter. As a few more tears fall a strong wind once again blows sending Katie's hair about. Gently on her shoulder it feels like someone rests there hand. Smiling Katie nods and whispers.*

"Thank you!"

*As Wes receves Cindy's hug and kiss he smiles ever go big. He was happy that Cindy was happy. Wes wraps his arms around her just holding her close for a long while not wanting to let go.*

"I love you too Cindy. I promise I am not going anywhere, I'd be a fool if I did."

*Wes gently pulls Cindy away to look at her face as he smiles. Ever so gently he runs his hand along Cindy's face maping every curve.*

" We better start eating out dinner before it gets colder than it already is."

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