
Evening Routine

Luke shrugs, forcing a grin. "I'm going alright." He listens to what Angel says about BJ, quietly thinking, and nodding now and then. "Well...I don't know Angel...could you live with yourself if something went wrong? Is it worth the risk?" He cocks his head. "You yourself just admitted that we would agree the right choice is not to do surgery on the kid." He offers an encouraging smile, taking her hand to plant a kiss on it. "We don't have to decide in the next five minutes either... we still have a chip out there somewhere before the puzzle would fall into place anyway."
He turns to see the clock. "Supper will be ready pretty quick. Everyone gathering already?"

Mick crosses his arms, pursing his lips in thought. "I don't know, Rosetta. Personally... I thin it would be best to see if we actually need what BJ has. If we do, then we have that choice to make, being his parents or not." He looks out at BJ, compassion filling him. "We've been tortured by this case all our lives...yet I don't think I could bring myself to risk that boy."

Clint bends his head so he can see out from under the car, throwing Wendy a smirk. His shirt is stained with oil, his arms covered too, and a few smudges are on his face. "Do I look like I'm playing around?" He threatens her teasingly with a wrench. "I might not get too close if I were you, unless you want to look like me." He feels another trickle of oil and groans, putting the wrench back up under the car. "Hand me that other three-quarter wrench over there from the bench, will ya?"

Cindy helps some with supper, then finds a place to sit, waiting for the meal to be ready, and for others to join them.

Jason sits on his bed, deep in thought, when Jade knocks on his door. He tells her to come on in, but doesn't react much to her presence.

Jade lifts an eyebrow at his somber expression. "I heard things went okay at the hospital..."


Jade waits for more, but Jason doesn't go on. "Austin said JT gave you a fair report, but said to be more careful."


Jade frowns at his lack of conversation. "So...you coming to supper?"


"You want me to bring you something?"

Jason shakes his head. "Not tonight."

"You okay?"

He finally looks at her with seriousness. "I will be. I just need to be alone for a while."

"Okay." Jade nods, respecting his privacy. "I'll come say goodnight if I don't see you before then."

Sparky sighs and rises from his seat, heading out of his bunk with a prayer on his mind. Life was too precious to waste...time was too vulnerable to let it slip by...topics of utmost importance could no longer go ignored.

Laura finds Katie and approaches with a look of mock terror as Scott follows behind her. "Hey, Katie. I trust Wyatt told you Scott was giving us a ride tonight."

Scott grins and holds up his keys, jingling them.

Laura bites her lip from chuckling, still looking at Katie. "Anything you need before we get back home?"

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