

Luke turns on his side, propped up with an elbow, to reach out and pull Angel down next to him, giving her a kiss followed by a grin. "Go on ahead to dinner. I'm right behind you."

Mick follows Rosetta's gaze to BJ. "I think that's the best route. You're right though...I feel sorry for him too. But maybe we can get this mess over with before he's old enough to really be bothered by it all." He moves closer to Rosetta, starting to help her finish up with supper in order to keep his hands busy and his mind occupied.

Clint reaches out to retrieve the wrench from Wendy and snickers at her comment. He clangs around for a few more minutes before something goes flying. "Aw, man." Though having stopped the oil, he scoots out from under the car, holding his hand that has a fresh gash across his knuckles. "Shoot." He manages to get to his feet, though is quite a sight, and grabs a rag. "I gotta go clean this up," he grumbles. "I suppose it's suppertime anyway."

Cindy looks up at Wes and smiles, though she starts to decline his offer. Forcing herself to stop, she takes just a moment and finally relents. "Okay...yes...that would be nice."

Scott and Laura both laugh, and leave TJY with Katie. Thankfully, the ride back to Laura's is uneventful as Scott's driving seems to be safer than his own walking.
Once there, Laura fixes a supper of stirfry and rice, settling in for a relaxing evening. After supper, she pops in a movie in the living room.
As the sun begins to set, her doorbell rings. She looks over at Katie with a raised eyebrow. "Who on earth...no one ever visits." She gets up reluctantly and goes the the door, out of sight of the living room. Her voice laughter carries though. "Out for a walk are we?"

Wyatt's voice answers her. "Just around the neighborhood, thought I'd stop by. Trooper led me this way."

"Right." Laura chuckles.

"Katie around?"

"Yeah, hang on." Laura sticks her head back into the living room. "Hey, we got company, but I'm not letting them in, so if you wanna say hi, you can come out here."

Wyatt grimaces. "Nicely put. You make me feel so welcome."

Laura stares at the massive gray Mastiff tugging at his leash. "You're quite welcome, but not that beast. By the time he'd get through with my place it would look like a tornado went through."

Wyatt grins. "Well get Jason back here and you'll have a gentleman again."

Trooper sees a cat down the street and lunges, pulling Wyatt off balance and spinning him around. "Not the cat!" Wyatt jerks the leash, bringing Trooper's attention back around. "Oy, you're a handful, you know that?!"

Trooper wags his tail and drools, giving a little whine, his nervousness showing.

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