
A Walk

*Angel smiles back at Luke giving him a returning kiss.* "Ok, see ya in a bit than." *Angel makes her way across the yard and back to the mess hall.*

*Rosetta smiles at Mick.* " Here mix this hun while I get the hotdogs." *Rosetta goes to the freezer and grabs a back of hotdogs.*

*Wendy cant help but smile.* "Ok I will see you soon than. I'll have a seat saved for ya." *Wendy leans over and gives Clint a quick kiss on the cheek and walks out of the shop.*

*Wes smiles at Cindy.* " Good, I think it will be nice. When we get to the movie theater we can see if anything good is playing cuz right now I have no idea." *Wes leans back in his chair streaching.*

*Before no time dinner is placed on the table and everyone digs in. Its not a big meal but its enough to fill everyone. Laughter rings through out the Mess hall. At time silence comes but than is broken by more laughing. Rosetta sits close to BJ to help him eat though seeing he dosent really need much help. His hand eye cordanation is very good for someone his age. Rosetta looks over to Mick.*

~*~At Laura's place~*~

*As Katie starts to watch the movie with Laura the door bell startlers her. Hearing Wyatt's voice Katie giggles to herself. Geting up she goes to the door. Seeing the dog she squats down.* "Hey there boy. Arnt you alittle cutie." *Katie stands again and gives alittle laugh. Slupping on her shoes she grabs a light jacket.* "How about we take a walk dont want Laura to die if the dog gets lose in her house." *Katie looks at laugh and busts out laughing.* " We will be back." *As Katie starts down the steps she looks at Wyatt her eyes thoughtful.* " You just happend to be in the naborhood huh?"

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