
All Tucked In

*Angel smiles at Luke. Love passing through her eyes.* " Luke, you and Wendy are my joy. I want you apart of my life, no matter what. I will be more than happy to take care of you. All you need to do is ask. I wont think any less of you and I wont stop loving you." *Angel brings her hand to Luke's face. Looking him in the eyes she whispers.* "I love you Luke, and I wont ever turn away from you. Nor will you even be a burdin to me so dont think that. I love you the way you are." *Angel leans in and gives Luke a kiss.*

*Wes lets out a laugh. After everyone is out of the theater Wes puts his one hand under Cindy's legs and the other around her back to saport her. Lifting her right out of the chair.* "That just means I will have to carry you." *Wes smiles and carrys Cindy out of the theater. Once they are outside Wes puts Cindy down. Wes takes Cindy's hand as they walk back to the truck. After geting in Wes turns to Cindy.* "Do you need anything before we head back to the ranch?"

*As the movie draws to an end Rosetta looks down at BJ and Mick both fast asleep. She hated having to wake them. Gently Rosetta slips Mick off her shoulder and lays him down the other way. Next she lifts BJ in her arms as he puts his arms about her neck. Walking him into his bed room she grabs a fresh pare of PJ's from the dresser and puts them on him. Pulling back the blankets she slips him underneath and tucks him in. Giving him a gentil kiss on the forhead. Exiting the room Rosetta grabs one of the extra blanket closing the door behind her. Taking the blanket back over to Mick she swings his legs onto the coutch taking his books off and laying them by the table. Rosetta pulls the blanket over top of Mick. Bending down she gives him a kiss.* "GoodNight." *Walking over to her chair Rosetta pulls a blanket over top of herself and starts to read her book.*

~*~Back at Laura's~*~

*Katie goes into the kitchen and grabs a glass of water. Walks back out into the living room as Laura gets off the phone. Katie goes to say something but decieds not to. Truning to Laura she smiles.* "I'm off to bed. Wyatt said he would be by again in the morning. Sleep good Laura." *Katies maker her way upstairs and hopes into bed. Now stairing into the dark Katies mind races. She has a great walk with Wyatt. Katie had found it fun to talk to him and be around him. He was so easy to get along with. but now a feeling of sadness loomed over her. She over hurd Laura talking to Con about Jason and how he was depressed. That must of been the feeling she felt linked to him. Katie couldent help but feel so sorry for Jason. She had tryed to make contact with him and rebuild there friendship but she still got no reply. Katie hopes he would come around. How she missed her friend. Closing her eyes she can feel a tear roll down her cheek. Finally falling alseep.*