
Look down

Continuing to stay bent down next to Scott Hope dosnt move. Just staying by Scott giving him space between them to breath. Just listing just watching.

As Scott hangs his head and gives his sorrys to Hope, she frowns her brow for a moment. Reaching out a hand she lifts Scott held slightly.

"Dont looks down on yourself, and dont be sorry when you did nothing wrong. Accidents happen and can'tbe helped."

Continuing to watch Hope trys her best for her new pashent that was with her. He needed help and she wanted to help, she wanted him to find trust in her. She new this was going to be a great challange but it was one she was willing to take.

Walking over to Scott Hope just looks at him for a moment and cocks her head slightly. Reaching out her hand Hope takes Scott's in her own bringing her other hand to his chin she lifts his head to look him in his eyes.

"Keep your head up, that is the first step. You have no reason to look down on yourself of on the world. You need to show them you they didnt win. Come on lets go back to my office and talk a little more and we will decied if you want to stay her for a little bit or just come back in a few days"


Power of prayer

Rick paces the infirmary, his mind unable to settle on anything. He looks up at the clock. He'd gotten nothing done, but felt like he'd been working for a week straight. His mind could concentrate on nothing but Scott. So once again, he prayed. It was all he could do... it was the most he could do.

Scott can hear Hope's voice, and knows that he's just made a fool out of himself again. Embarrassment, more than fear, keeps his face buried as he rocks, trying to rid himself of this feeling that was clinging to him so tightly. What he was afraid of, he didn't even know or understand. Why he couldn't function, he didn't know. But all he could do was continue to make messes and cause strife.

But Hope's prompting was just soft enough... just strong enough to lift his head. Resting his chin on his knees, Scott is silent for a moment, holding back the tears that he didn't understand. He knew he was safe here... why couldn't he convince his mind?

"I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly. "That just... happens sometimes."

Swallowing hard he slowly uncurls, not wanting to follow Hope's asking, but knowing there was no other options. It took him a moment to get to his feet, teetering just a bit before leaning back against the wall. His eyes stay glued to the floor, and his hands go back in his pockets. "I should go."

Starting to walk away, he reaches the exit, looking out into the street. The sunshine. Fresh air. Freedom.

But Scott stops. The outside world terrified him. It seemed better than this... it seemed better than being forced to think about things he didn't want to, or talk about things he didn't want to discuss. It seemed like freedom. But... was it really? Was it really freedom, when he was enslaved by his fear? His pain? The memories that haunted him?

Scott's hand slides off the door handle. Slowly turning, he looks past the receptionist and past the secretary who was just picking up the rest of her fallen papers. His weary eye meets with Hope's, for a moment, the pleading having returned. But it wasn't a plea to let him go. It was a plea for help... and he knew it. No matter how badly he wanted to go home... no matter how badly he wanted to be left alone... he wanted help more. He couldn't live like this. And he couldn't recover on his own.

Still looking at Hope, his shoulders drop, signaling ultimate defeat. "I don't want to live," he admits quietly. "They were right."

Hot tears finally make their way to his eyes. "Rick knew if he let me go that I'd hurt myself... and I would have."

His hand makes its way to the door handle again as he fights to make the right decision. "Please don't let me go," he almost whispers. "'Cause I won't come back." His fingers wrap around the handle, his grip tightening. It took all the strength he had, not to walk out. Little did he know, the intensity of the spiritual battle around him.

"I don't know if this would be good for me or not." His words prove that he had heard Hope's earlier question and that he had retained it, even though he'd seemed to ignore or forget. "But... I can't..." He hesitates. "I can't live like this anymore."

As if the stress caused an open door, several horrific images flash through his mind, making him cringe and sending his eyes back to the floor once again as he relives the torture for a brief moment. "Help me?" he almost whimpers.


Hope just watches Scott not sure what he was thinking. She could only make guess by what she saw. Scott look scaired, and at an inner way with himself. Seeing the look in Scott's eye Hope new he wanted the help, he wanted to be normal again but was scaired. Every so scaired.

Watching Scott as he heads for the door and stops Hope just watches for a moment, the fear that ran through this man infont of her was great, but hill will was even stronger She could see this. Now to just try and draw it out of him. As Scott stops Hope lets out a small sigh.

"Go on, you can do it."

Hope promps Scott gently. He was making a desition on his own on this one. Every small desition was a small step forward and weather he was to come back or not to see her again a chain had been started, the feeling had been tasted and Scott would know how it felt again.

As the minutes movie on and the colitions happens with Scott Hope just sits for a moment, watching evaluating. Finally though not being able to see Scott on the ground anymore Hope stands and walks over to him. Squatting down next to him she dosnt touch him but her tone is soft but still strong and respectfu.

"Scott, its time for you to stand up now. Your in a safe place and no one will hurt you here. Stand up for me?"


The road

Scott listens quietly to Hope, half paying attention, and half letting his mind wander. He knew his friends cared about him... and deep down, he knew he wasn't really crazy. He just couldn't get his mind to cope. She was right.

He can't help but be surprised at Hope letting him go, and he turns, his eyebrows raised. His hand slips off the window and he just looks at her, trying to understand. Rick had tried so hard to get him to come... had done everything but threaten him. And now... Hope was just going to let him go?

Scott lets his eye study her face and her own eyes, trying to understand her methods...trying to understand where she was coming from and why she was willing to let him go.

"God, please watch over Scott." Rick's words were whispered as he sat at his desk, his hands folded, his head resting on them. "I don't know what's happening in his heart and mind, but You do. Please...please bring him comfort. Somehow, some way... don't let him go. If the clinic is where he can get the help he needs, please.... somehow help him to see it and stay." His prayer was a plea for his coworker... a plea for his friend... a plea for a member of this close-knit family. "Show him how to live again... show him the road he has to take."

Scott swallows hard and opens his mouth to respond, but what could he say? He really didn't want to be here. He wanted to go back out to the car and have Katie take him home. Even TJY would be better than this, though he was so tired of being in the infirmary. This was one of the first times someone was letting him make up his own mind.

Finally making up his mind, he turns to make his way slowly back to the door. His hand was shaking a little as he gripped the knob, though he didn't know why. It was as if an invisible force was trying to make him stay, while his emotions were driving him away.

Looking over his shoulder once more, he sees Hope again, feeling as though he'd just wasted her time. Then in a quick movement, he opens the door as if scared if he didn't, he never would.

His blind eye to the left, he doesn't even see one of the secretaries walking by. Taken completely off guard, the crash is over in a second, but the damage is done.

The secretary gives a little shriek, totally surprised by the door suddenly opening, and she doesn't have enough time to stop. Papers, pens, paperclips and folders cascade to the floor in one big mess. She stumbles backward a couple steps to regain her balance, her eyes wide.

Scott, however, didn't have enough balance in the first place, and is taken right off his feet. The collision sends him ricocheting off the wall and stumbling to the floor. His weak wrist buckles and one of his knees scrapes the floor hard, burning his skin. Without the gumption to catch himself well, he falls hard, increasing the shock.

His face red, he tries to right himself, but the incident has taken its toll. Nothing had changed. He couldn't see well enough, he was a klutz at the least, and all he was capable of was embarrassing himself. What was the point? He wasn't good for anything but causing trouble and getting in people's way.

The mockery rings in his ears. Words of the past, but still so fresh. Words that convinced him he was no good. Words that convinced him he was worthless. They had been right... it had all been true.

Though on his feet again, the words of the secretary's apology fade into a foggy oblivion. Scott doesn't even realize that he's slid to the floor again, this time his knees tucked up against his chest, his arms around his legs in a protective position that had served to block out the world for over two months.

Rocking slightly, he closes his eyes tight to keep out the tears. Part of his mind knew that this wasn't necessary...that all he was doing was making a scene. But the other part of his mind had lost it's grip on reality, holding him here like a whipped and terrified puppy. There was nothing here to fear, yet the terror still surged through his veins.


Quietly Hope watches Scott as he looks around the room at all the pictures as if he was in his own world. Studying his eyes, Hope trys to look behond the blank look seeing the pain that layed deep inside. This young man had been hurt and his life was taken away. Now what was left was pain and misary.

Continuing to watch Scott Hope takes note to the small smile on his face as he looks at the picture that was on her desk of Mick and Rosetta. A bit of curosity rises in her at his action though she does not say anything about it. That smile, that one single smile told here there was hope yet for him. Taking a pen Hope jots a quick note down as a reminder for another time also making a few other notes as well.

"Your not out of your mind you know. Your scars are thick and your pain is deep. Your mind is trying to cover up the pain you feel but its not sure how. Some of us have strong enough minds and can mask our pain, while other peoples minds arnt that strong and find other ways to hide the pain or let it out. These are the times we should worry because its not healthy. But this happens not because your out of you mind but because simply you mind does not know how to cope. Your friends also care a great deal for you Scott. They dont want to lose you again that is why they wanted you here."

Falling silent again Hope continues to once again watch Scott. The fear in his eyes as he looked at her shattered Hope's heart. As Scott looks to her and his eyes plead Hope is silent untill he is done talking. Letting out a sigh and clearing her throut Hope jots another note before looking up at Scott again.

"You can go home Scott. I can't make you stay and talk with me. I want you to be here because you want to be not because someone is making you...."

Hope is quiet for a moment. Forcing someone to stay and talk with her wouldnt help if anything it could hinder. Hope couldnt help Scott untill he wanted to help himself.

"...Your free to go Scott and maybe I'll see you next week same time."

Hope smiles at Scott. She didnt want to let him go, she didnt want him to leave but she couldnt keep him eather. There wasnt enough for her to want him to stay. She feared if he walked out that door she might never see him again, but if that was so it was his choise and she couldnt change that.

I just...

Carson smirks at Misty toying with him as though she were going to leave, and he straightens up, ready to say something back, but she turns to him first.

Receiving her warm embrace, Carson braces one hand on the counter, while he slides his other arm around her, a smile on his face. It felt good to have Misty back in his life... she had been one of the missing puzzle pieces. Looking her in the eye as she draws back, he studies her gaze, wondering what might be going through her mind.

As she takes him closer for a kiss, his hand slips on the counter, bringing him in for a bit harsher of an exchange than intended. "Mhh," came his grunt of complaint, though he regained posture and let the kiss linger for a moment or two.

Drawing back, he takes his arm from around her to lay his palm against her face. "We better go before they throw us out," he teases. "Let me grab my jacket."

Scott doesn't like having to wait, and is tempted to turn around and walk out, but something keeps him there. Instead, he sits on the edge of a chair, enveloping himself in his own little world until he has to stand again.

Meeting Hope, his eyes study her for just a moment. She wasn't what he'd expected. He wasn't sure what he had expected, but she seemed so... young? No, that wasn't quite it. He didn't know what it was that surprised him, but it passed quickly.

Hesitantly returning her handshake, he doesn't want to be put at ease. He doesn't want to be here, and doesn't really have the desire to continue here. But her hand was so warm and inviting, even he found it hard to resist following her.

Stepping in through the door, Scott bristles, not liking being that far from an exit. He didn't know this building, and that made it all the more worse. Noting that Hope opened the windows, he eyes her curiously. Could she read him that well that quickly, or had she simply been informed about him through Rick?

Still silent, Scott glances around the room, taking note of the paintings on the wall. Something about them seemed familiar. For a moment, he's lost in thought, trying to figure it out.

Hope's voice snaps him back to attention, almost making him jump, even though her tone was a soothing one. It takes a second for it to register what she'd just said, and he contemplates his options. With his hands still stuffed in his hoodie pockets, he picks the choice that could get him out of here faster than the others. "I'll stand," he replies quietly.

Wandering a little closer to her desk, he sees a framed photo that catches him by surprise, and he squints to make sure he was seeing what he thought. Feeling a little bolder than normal, he reaches out to run a finger over the glass that protected the memory of Mick and Rosetta's wedding. An ever-so-slight smile moves the edge of his mouth. Though confused about how Hope was connected to the Henson's, he lets his curiosity go for now. It was a small world - who knew how she knew them.

Putting his hand back into his pocket, he gives a little nod. "Nice picture," he comments a little wryly. He wondered where the rest of his photography had ended up at. Probably much of it had been thrown away after his assumed-death.

Backing away a couple steps, he lets his eyes continue roaming the room even though Hope is speaking to him. It takes him several long moments before finally he sighs and lets his gaze find hers. How must he look to her? What must she think of his physical appearance? And what exactly had Rick told her?

"I'm here because I'm out of my mind half the time." Scott gives a defeated shrug. "Because my friends are worried I'm gonna kill myself, and because I can't...can't seem to handle anything anymore."

He finally drops his gaze and wanders over to one of the windows. "Living is more frightening than death," he muses, almost to himself. The sun was shining warm, but he felt cold.

Turning around, his expression pleads with Hope as the emotions pool behind his eyes. "I don't want to be here. I didn't want to come. I..." He swallows hard, trying to figure out if he felt like crying or not, and if he did, how to stop it. "I just wanted to go home. I just wanted to be normal again."

He turns back around, taking a hand to rest his palm against the cool glass. His hand was so thin. "I just want it all to end."

First Meeting

An even bigger smile forms on Misty's face as she hears Carson with a slight hint of the old sassy spark as she seems him. Shaking her head she lets out a small chuckle

"Well I kind of took the rest of the day off myself. I just had to get out of there. Dont know if I am going to get in trouble for it or not but I dont much care. I just couldnt stand it any longer."

A misgivish look enters Misty's eyes as the sparkle remains.

"But...if you dont want to spend time with me I can always go..."

Misty stands for a moment like she just might leave but a small glimmer in her eye tells differnt. Turning back around she reachs over the counter and wraps her arms around Carson. Holding him for a moment Misty finally moves away just a little look deep into Carson's eyes for a moment untill she drew slowly closer to him. Feeling his breath on her skin Misty's heart starts to race she her lips gently touch Carson, the feeling washing over her the kiss ever passionit.

Looking up from the desk the receptionist gives a friendly smile to Scott.

"Why Hello there. Give me one second to look up your name fast."

Getting Scott's name the receptionist turns to the computer and does a bit of typing before she turns back to Scott again.

"Ok your apointment is in about 5 min. If you want to take a seat I will let Hope know your here."

The soft smile the rested on the lips of the receptionist never moves, or faulters. The smile was one that was true.

"Hope Mr. Johnson is here to see you."

On the other end of the intercome a soft voice almost like a soft song playing replys back.

"Thank you Miss. Granger I shall be out momentarly."

Going back to her paperwork and what she was going Miss. Granger lets Scott sit if he wants not drawing attachen to him as if she was watching him. Though she was keeping track of what he was doing.

The time slowly pass and second feel like hours but like everything the time comes no matter how we want it to stop for us to sometimes face our greatest fears.

The door to the office on the left of the receptionist desk finally opens as a medium size woman with long curly brown hair emerges. Fashened in a black silk shair and a pare of black jeans a business air was about her yet the smile on her lips and the light that shown in her eyes was soft and comfortaing. Coming over to Scott she holds out her hand as she smiled.

"Hello Scott. I'm Hope Garrison. Its nice to meet you."

Still offering a smile Hope takes a few steps back and motions to her office.

"Lets step into my office where we might have a little more privecy to talk."

Leading the way into the office Hope closes the door behind them yet opens a few windows though it was cold outside. She tryed to make it feel more comfortable for Scott so he didnt quiet feel trapped. With the windows open it let in air and sounds making the room seem bigger than it was.

Sitting down at her desk she offers one of the chairs to Scott as she shuffles some papers on her desk before she finds Scott's folder.

"You can sit or stand, you can even walk around the room if you like. What ever makes you feel comfortable Scott."

Staying silent for a moment Hope just watches Scott trying to take in from first glance everything she could not wanting to bomb bard him with to many questions at once. Finally as the silence linger Hope speaks up again.

"So Scott...Rick has told me a little bit about you and why your here but I would like to hear it from you if I could. Could you tell me why you think your here and if you think this will be good for you or not?"


First step

Carson hears the bell on the door of Mom and Pop's, but can't look up as he's cleaning off the counters in the back. When Aerith calls him though, he grins.

"Medium-sized brunette?" he hollers back. "I don't know anybody like that."

He pauses, his teasing tone lingering in the silence. "But if you're talking about that ornery little sheila from across town - now HER I know."

Finally finished with his work, and finished with his short day, he tosses his apron on a hook and comes out and around the counter. He smiles his greeting to Misty, and leans his elbows on the counter beside her. "Well...it is her after all. Aerith, you gotta work on your descriptions."

He nudges Misty with his elbow. "Off work early, or got just enough spare time to waste on me?"

Scott hesitates, as though not wanting to leave. He was uncomfortable here, but the thought of the clinic was even more uncomfortable. Finally, he accepts Katie's hand up though, and helps her gather the rest of the items that had been brought.

He's quiet on the way back to the car, showing his gratefulness for Katie's willingness to help, bu simply following her back without argument.

After Rick speaks to Katie to give her directions, they're well on their way across town. Scott is silent most of the way, though after parking, he gives a little nod. "I'd go with you to get a dog." His words prove that though he'd been quiet, he hadn't missed what Katie had said earlier. Maybe he hadn't responded right away, but he'd mulled it over and hadn't forgotten about it.

He sits for several moments, staring at the building. His hand grips the door handle tightly, his nerves heightening. Domino slips up between the seats to crawl onto his lap, curling up as if thinking he would be sitting there for a wile.

For a second, Scott's attention is diverted as he strokes her head. "I'll be back," he promises softly. He didn't know what awaited him. He'd never been to a counselor before. He didn't know how long it would take, what kinds of things they'd talk about, or what kinds of questions he might have to answer. He didn't know how these things worked, or what to prepare for. He didn't know how seeing a counselor could help him through his mental torment. But Rick was pushing him, and somewhere, deep down, he knew it was best, even if he didn't understand it. He was scared of his own mind right now, and if somehow this helped then...he should at least give it a chance, even if he didn't feel like it.

Finally getting up enough courage, Scott steps out of the car to go inside. Having the door shut in her face, Domino gives a little bark, then whines as she watches her master walk away. Whimpering for several seconds, she finally sighs, then crawls onto Katie's lap, reaching up to lick her chin, then focuses out the window to wait.

As Scott approaches the building, he sees his reflection in the glass door. Setting his fingers on the handle, he stops for just a moment, looking at himself. Though he couldn't see all that well, it didn't matter. He could still see his chopped-short hair, his gruesome eye, and his sickly-thin frame. Even with his loose hoodie, one could tell he was just skin and bones, shown through the jeans that hung on him, and his gaunt face.

Who was he anymore?

Sighing, Scott knew he had to go in. Once inside, his senses take in the atmosphere. It was warm in here...welcoming, even if he didn't want to be here. His eye roams the room, taking note that the entrance was the only visible exit as well.

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he keeps his head down to approach the front desk. Barely lifting his eyes, he speaks to the receptionist. "I, um...have an appointment."

He didn't even remember the name of the counselor, nor did he know all what Rick had already set up. "I'm Scott Johnson."


Medium size brunette

Enjoying the time with Scott though the words were few Katie found pleasure and joy in just seeing him out and about. She was also happy to see that Scott atleast eat half of his food. That was a move up from the last time she had seen him.

Keep the chatting light Katie tryed her best to be the distraction for Scott. Though it was getting hard to think of things to talk about she was trying anyways. She wanted to treat Scott normal because he was. So he had problems...didnt they all?

Giving a soft smile Katie takes a sip of her drink before sticking the empty juice box back in the basket.

"You know I was thinking about maybe getting a dog. If it was a small one I know Laura wouldnt mind and it might even give Henry someone to play with. After having Domino for a little while I relize how much I did want a dog."

Continuing to pick up a few things as she talked Katie paused for a moment as if in though before speaking once again.

"..Maybe you can come with me when I got to pick on out?! I dont know much about adopting one and the help would be nice so I am not completely lost."

Placing the last few things into the basket Katie keeps talking about the dog and how she might need help untill finally Scott asks her about taking him. Looking down at her watch she gives a smile. She hadnt planed anything for the day because she wanted to keep her friend company so she was free.

" Sure I can..I'll give Rick a call and find out the directions and than we can drive over. I'll even wait there for you along with Domino that way if you need us we will be in the car."

Standing Katie offers her hand to Scott to help him up as well before bringing the stuff to the car and than calling Rick.

The tiny bell on Mom and Pop's quietly rings once again as Misty steps into the restront. Today it felt a little differnt than most days. Today she was coming into to see Carson. Something she hadnt done in a while.

Going up to the counter she sits down and give a wave to Aerith.

Seeing Misty Aerith gives a smile as she finishs getting drinks for a table. Once everyone is situated she makes her way back to Misty happy to see her there once again.

"Hey Misty hows it going?"

Smiling back at her friend Misty felt like she just starting to get know Carson once again the feeling was strange and she wasnt sure why she felt that way when she had known him for so long.

"Hi Aerith, everything is good. Is Carson around?"

Giving a nod Aerith goes to the window in the back giving a call.

"Hey Carson you have company to see you. A medium size brunette with long hair. Should I tell her your busy?"

A mischevus grin plays on Aerith's lips.


Quiet request

Carson turns around and lifts his eyebrows as he hears the change clink on the counter. "But..." His voice trails off as Jess leaves the restaurant. Sighing, he picks up the change and takes it to Mabel. "For the shake. But next time she's in, it's on the house. This shake was already paid for."

Reese leans back in his chair, his shoulders dropping as Charlotte explains about their brother's birthday. He knew how close Angelica had been to him, and now he realized why she'd felt so badly about someone not going with her.

He sighs deeply and thinks for a moment. "Thanks, Charlotte. I'll try to get a hold of her or something." He glances to his piles of work. He'd simply have to make time. "Maybe tomorrow she'll answer her phone."

Ending the call, Reese swivels in his chair to stare at his computer. He had several projects he wanted to do...several cases that he wanted to work on. But no longer a part of TJY, he couldn't.

Scott leans his head against the passenger window, not closing his eyes, but not really focusing on the passing scenery either. Half of him appreciated Katie's sensitivity and half of him wished people would just treat him like normal. But...what was normal anymore?

"That's fine," he answers quietly. He would put up with whatever happened... he didn't like being out in the open, but somewhere he knew it was good for him. He knew he wasn't improving like Rick wanted him to. He knew that he wasn't mentally stable. He knew that he was resisting help from others. But it was hard when all he felt like doing was finding a nice quiet corner to curl up in and forget the world existed.

Once Domino was picked up, it gave him something else to concentrate on, helping distract him from the day itself. Her perky behavior also gave him something to look out for as they arrived at the park, giving him an ample distraction instead of focusing on the people that were around.

Finding a quiet spot in the shade wasn't too hard. People were walking, but not many were settled down.

Spread out on a blanket, Scott is quiet for the most part. One hand remained on Domino while he ate, even though he only got down half a sandwich. Sitting cross-legged, he keeps his head down, and sometimes rocks a little, lost in his own world. But he tries, intentionally not looking at his surroundings, and trying to focus on Katie and the small talk offered. But the longer they sat, the worse his nervousness grew.

Rubbing his eye, he finally looks at the watch Rick had given him. It was nearing three o'clock and he hated it. But he knew good and well that he wouldn't be able to get away with not going to see that counselor.

"Kate..." He swallows hard and runs his fingers along Domino's back. "You, um... you got time to take me to that clinic? I don't know where it is or anything but... I don't want Rick to take me and he'd kill me if I walked myself."

Your Choise

Giving a small smile Jess finishs off her milkshake and stands as Carson says its time for him to go back to work. Just studying his face for a moment Jess gives a sigh. Things with her and Carson had changed but in a sence they didnt feel much like they did. She was happy to have him as a friend.

"Thanks Carson for listing to me."

Taking some money out of her pocket she throws it onto the counter next to her empty glass.

"I'll see you again soon."

Turning Jess leaves the small dinner heading home to get ready for work for the night.

Jumping as the phone rings from being in her old world Charlotte turns from the counter where she had started lunch and grabs the phone off the table.


Returning to the counter Charlotte continues to make the samwhiches as she listens to Reese on the other end. She though it was nice that he wanted to call her sister. Charlotte new that though it went unspoken some sparks between Her sister and this man were there.

"..Yeah I think I wrote down what she was doing when in case of emergancys just give me one second."

Finishing off the lunch for when Bret got home Charlotte whipes her hands off before heading to the den and taking out a peace of paper she reads over it fast.

"Ok let see...At 7am tomarrow she has a meeting till 9. Than that night at 6pm she has the dinner party she was going to..."

Drawing silent for a moment Charlotte things before speaking again.

"..And the day after tomarrow its Angeal's birthday so I would guess she would be going tomarrow. As of what time I am not sure. I hope you can catch a good time to talk with her. I think she'd like that not to mention she might need it."

Giving a smile to Scott Katie was happy she agreed to going to lunch with her. She new he didnt go out much and he was scaired to death of it. But if the found a quiet place it might be ok and the air would do Scott good.

Waiting for Scott to put his shoes on Katie turns to Rick and gives a small nod showing she apresheated his help on getting Scott to go. Once he is finished Katie leads the way to the car going slow and making sure to stay close to Scott to offer comfort and the feeling of protection.

Pulling out of the parking lot Katie smiles as she gestures to the back seat where a smaller basket sat.

"I packed some samwhiches, fruit, and I have some hot coco because I know its a little chilly out. We will go get Domino and some food for her, and than find a nice quiet place in the park. If thats ok with you?"

Katie leaves the offer of where they go hanging. She wanted Scott to be comfortable and feel like it was his choise. Katie didnt want to pressure him into doing anything he didnt want to.



Carson leans forward to rest his elbows on the counter, cocking his head at Jess. He wondered now if she'd reacted someway to Axel she regretted, or if he'd unintentionally scared her.

"It'll follow you around," he confirms. "But... give yourself time, Jess. It takes a while, ya know?"

Just listening, he's a bit confused about what she's saying, but opts not to ask too many questions. Receiving her comment about Dani and the milkshakes he can't help but chuckle. "I think I'm lucky too. With a bunch like you around me, how can I go wrong?"

Hearing a timer go off in the kitchen, he straightens. "I gotta get back to work." He throws Jess a wink and a small smile. "Don't try to be normal. You're fine just the way you are."

Reese flops down in his chair, groaning as a pile of papers teetered and slid across the desk. Picking them all up, he spots his cell phone, realizing he'd forgotten to take it with him. And just his luck, he'd missed a call.

Listening too it, he furrows his brow in concern. Quiet for several minutes, he thinks, staring into nothingness. A strange sort of emotions were bundled together and trying to emerge, and he just wasn't quite sure what they were.

Rolling his eyes at himself, he hits the keypad on his phone and dials Charlotte back.

"Charlotte, it's Reese. Got your message..." He pauses. "I don't have a number for your sister other than the one I've always had. She didn't pick up this morning though... I figured she was on the road, or in a meeting or something."

He moves back in his chair, cringing as he hears it roll over some papers that had fallen to the floor.

"Listen, do you know what days she was doing what? I might try to get a hold of her again, like... when that party or whatever was, or when she was going to go to the grave? I don't want to keep trying her phone at bad times."

Scott looks up, a little surprised to see Katie, but a faint smile surfaces. "Hero..." He gives a little shrug. "I'm doing alright. If you ask Rick though, I'm on death's bed." Though he'd attempted humor, when it comes out it isn't all that funny.

Looking down, he fidgets with a corner of the blanket. Small talk didn't come very easily anymore.

Receiving her invitation for a picnic lunch though, he glances back up at her. A fear flashes through his eyes. A picnic? Outdoors? Where there were people around?

"I think that's a fine idea," Rick interrupts them. He eyes Scott knowingly. "You'd like some fresh air, wouldn't you? And I bet Katie could swing by home and Domino could even join you." His suggestion is aimed more towards Katie than Scott, providing a tactic for getting him to accept.

Scott hesitates, then shakes his head. "I...I don't think so. I gotta go out later anyway, and..."

"Well it's already after noon," Rick persists. "By the time you're all done, maybe Katie can just take you over to see..."

"No." Scott's face reddens, his eyes drifting downward. He didn't need everyone to know where he was going that afternoon.

"Scott..." Rick softens his tone. "It's okay." He sighs and looks to Katie, then back at Scott. "It's her or me."

Scott pulls his legs up close to his chest, contemplating. He wanted so badly to get out in the fresh air and get away from the infirmary. He really would like to just spend time with another friend. He did want to see Domino, and he knew that no matter what, Rick would see to it that he went to the clinic today.

After a long pause, he finally shrugs and looks back up to Katie. "Okay," he agrees softly. "Just let me get my shoes on."

"No, hold it, I - " Axel's words were cut off as the jack shifted and the car dropped down several inches. He winced, feeling pressed underneath. "Miles! Crank it up!"

Working with as much haste as possible, Miles and Leo get the jack unjammed and within seconds, Axel is sliding out from underneath.

"Oh man, you alright?"

Axel just looks up at Leo a moment, catching his breath. "Yeah...yeah, I'm fine." Getting up a bit shakily, he moves about the car, moving past the incident. His whole morning had been like this. One thing after another, and it wasn't helping his mood any either.

Just as he takes a tool from the workbench, pain shoots through his hand and he drops the tool, muttering under his breath as his fingers no numb. Now was not the day for this. It hadn't been his day since the beginning. He felt almost as though he'd simply gotten up on the wrong side of bed this morning. Why couldn't he go back and start over?

Rubbing his hand, the annoying sensation passes and he takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. If he couldn't do anything else right, maybe he could at least fix one thing he'd broken today.

He heads to the office and closes the door after himself, going for the phone. He knew the number. He'd jotted it down once for some reason and it had been burned into his memory. He knew he'd get a voicemail box because of what time it was, but it didn't bother him. Maybe it was better that way anyway.

Leaning back against the wall, he hears the ringing, then the prompt to leave a message. "Hey, Stormy, it's Axel. Listen, I'm sorry." He sighs and shakes his head. "I didn't mean to be abrupt with you earlier. I didn't sleep well last night, I was in a bad mood and... I guess those aren't very good excuses, but they're all I got. I suppose I felt a little stupid too, not having realized what you were doing sooner, so I wound up getting mad at you instead of myself."

He knew that was the real reason for his surge of irritation. He was always so on top of everything, that taken by surprise like that wasn't a great feeling to him. But he knew Jess hadn't done it on purpose, and he hadn't meant to hurt her feelings.

He pauses, not really knowing what else to say. "I... well... yeah. Guess that's it. Don't want to keep you. Um...tomorrow Darrel will be gone. Don't know if you've got plans, but if not, you're more than welcome to come hang out at the shop again."

He hoped the invitation would be seen as the truce it was meant to be. "So... yeah. See ya later. Bye."

Strike one

Looking at the milkshake and than up at Carson Jess cant help the small grunt the resembled a chuckle. Taking a sip Jess is quiet for a moment thinking about the fact the Axel had called. She wasnt quite sure how she felt about it. Finally looking up at Carson Jess her eyes almost blank as she was deep in thought remembering the past and how it still lived in the present.

"Carson, will I ever be normal again? Or will these scars always follow me around and cause me to not remember that there are some good people out there?"

Looking back down at her glass Jess runs a finger around the rim before taking the spoon and scooping some of the whip cream off.

"I had a friend..and I thought I needed an excuse to see him."

Jess lets out a small scoff discusted with herself for even thinking such a thing.

"When he caught on, he was a little less than happy and I felt real stupid. Strike one up for the stormcloud again."

Knowing Carson wouldnt understand the refrance Jess dosnt bother to explain. Leaning down she just sips her milkshake as her mind maybe thinks to much.

"I'm lucky you have a sister, or alse you wouldnt know how to quite make these as good as you do."

Jess can't help but the small smile that finally makes its way to her lips. Weather it was the milkshakes or Carson's presence that made her feel better Jess wasnt sure but it was helping.

Receving only the voice mail once again Charlotte grows a tad conserned for her sister. She new she would be leaving but she didnt know if anyone would be going with her or not. Charlotte had wanted to go but in the closing months of her job there was no way she could.

Pacing the kitchen floor She brings a hand to her head as she thinks. It wasnt like Angelica to not call and at least let her know she was safe. Having an idea she dials Jamie's number fast.

"Hey Jamie, I know your at work and all but I was wondering if you had Reese's cell phone."

Grabbing a pen and a peace of paper Charlotte quickly jots down a number quickly.

"Ok yeah I got it. Thank Jamie. Ok I'll let him know. Thank again...Later."

Handing up the phone again Charlotte dosnt keep it off for long before staring to dial the number she was just given. Waiting for an answer on the other end Reese's voice mail finally picks up. Well it was better than nothing she guessed.

"Hey Reese this is Charlotte Parker, Angelica's sister. I was wondering if you had a phone number I could reach Angelica on she isnt answering her cell phone and I was a bit worryed. She had gone back to Cali for a few days for some work but also it was our brother birthday and she was going to go viset his grave."

Pacing again Charlotte continues to talk trying not to talk to fast. When she really got worryed its something she did offten.

"I know she was pretty upset that I couldnt come with her and she would have to go alone. I guess I just wanted to see if eather you went with her because I know you guys are close friends, or if she found someone alse. If I dont hear back from you I'll just call our mothers house I just wanted to leave that for last. Didnt think it was woth making her worryed for nothing. Anyways I better get going I think I am rambaling now. Thanks Reese."

Hanging up the phone again Charlotte lets out a sigh as she sits down at the chair on the table. Glancing up at the clock she takes note to what time it was. Bret would be home for lunch soon as least for now that would take away some of her worry.

Slipping through the infermary door without being spoted Katie looks around the room. She had become pretty good about moving around with no one seeing her. She didnt know why she felt like she had to sneek but she did anyways.

Seeing Rick sitting over at his desk Katie gives a small wave before walking over to Scott. As she draws closer Katie can see he is awake and is happy.

"Heya Scotty, how ya doing?"

Giving a genuin smile Katie gives a wave to Scott. She hadnt been in, in a few days and she was happy to be back so she could see Scott for herself.

"I was wondering if maybe you would like to go to lunch with me? That is if its ok with Rick. I figured maybe some fresh air would be good. I have a picnic lunch and I was just gonna head to a quiet spot in the part."

Katie smile lingers on her lips. She wanted to help Scott so bad and she new all she could really do was be a friend. But sometimes the small things really helped people. Scott being cooped up was no good and if she could get him some fresh air she would be happy she did something.


Would have chosen...

Axel can feel a bit of disappointment hit him as Jess opts not to eat lunch with him today. But it was his own fault. He’d scared her off – that much was apparent.

Without much else to say, he just watches her leave, his brain not functioning enough to even respond. But seeing a paper fall onto the counter, he furrows his brow and picks it up, scanning the words. He raises an eyebrow. "So what happens when a rainbow manages to disappoint and embarrass the storm cloud?" he wonders aloud.

Folding the paper gently, he tucks it in his pocket. He didn't have time for lunch today anyway. There was too much to do and too little time.

Passing through the office though, he pauses by the desk and glances down at the phone. He had a hunch...but was it really appropriate? At this point, he was too tired to decide if it was or not. He'd already made a blunder today, what was two?

Tuned to hear the bell on the front door, Carson's head automatically pops up as someone enters the restaurant. Seeing Jess, a smile spreads on his face.

"Herb, be right back."

Drying his hands on his apron, he goes to the freezer where he'd been just minutes before. After a moment, he withdraws, making his way to the front counter. "Hey you." He cocks his head at Jess. "Any other day I wouldn't have expected to see you here yet, but... someone tipped me off."

He slides a milkshake onto the counter, the glass frosted and steaming from hitting the warm air. "They said to tell you they would have chosen rainbow sherbet, but they knew we didn't serve it here."

Carson studies Jess, not having a clue what was behind this, but sensing the possibilities of hurt feelings somewhere.


Coming up to the desk and seeing no one around Jess is just quiet. Trying to work through everything in her head for a moment. As the sound of Keys and than Axel's voice follows Jess turns around just stairing at him for a moment as she takes her keys. Her eyes following him as he goes behind the desk Jess cant help but feel her embarrassment rise even more. Taking her checkbook from her pocket Jess starts to fill it out continplating Axel's statment about lunch. He was trying to be nice to her, she could tell he was but still something was off, and she just didnt feel like it anymore but on the other hand yes she still did.

"I'm not to hungry right now. Maybe tomarrow though I'll see what your up to."

Turning Jess leave the gradge a small peace of paper falling from her check book that was hand written onto the counter.

And each day the storm cloud has something to look forward to, knowing the rainbow is only footsteps away.

Getting into her car Jess lets out a sigh before starting it up and pulling out of the parking lot. Heading across town she makes her way to mom and pops before work. She wasnt hungry, but a strawberry milkshake was in order.

You forgot

Taking in Jess' reaction, then seeing her walk away, the door shuts on anything else Axel might have said. He groans and sets his hands on his hips, muttering under his breath. "Dang it."

Shaking is head he looks down at the desk again, pursing his lips. Taking a deep breath, he swipes the object up and heads to the front.

The front desk is quiet. Where Darrel was just minutes before, it was now empty and he was nowhere in sight. Though Jess is looking to pay the bill, the area is empty.

...Until a jingle of keys comes from behind her.

Axel cocks his head, holding out her keys that dangled off one finger. "You forgot something." His tone has softened some, but a strangeness lingers behind his eyes. One that held his confidence, but would confuse one who tried to understand.

Moving to Jess slowly, he deposits the keys in her hand. "But it wasn't just these you neglected..."

He goes around to the other side of the counter, prepared to take payment for the bill. His eyes roam the desk in front of him as he finishes his statement. "You forgot to ask me what I was doing for lunch."

Off guard

Taken off guard for a moment with Leo's comment about Axel and Jess she just looks at him for a second. Not sure what she should say or think. Finally finding he words Jess is about to contest and conferm that Axel was not her boyfriend but its to late Leo was already yelling to Axel. Just letting it be for now Jess drops what she was going to say. If it was braught up again it would be corrected.

Handing over her keys to Leo Jess makes her way to the office entering and sitting down.

As the short time pass Jess thumbs thought a few magazeans before finally looking up again and seeing Axel walks twards the office. A smile coming to her face. Watching him Jess just listens letting his words hit her ears. At fist the words are warm and she can't help but laugh just a little as she knows she has been found out. But soon Axel's words seem to turn cold and almost feel like ice. Letting her eyes drift up for a moment Jess looks into Axel's. Something was differnt, was it his mood, was he upset with her, irratated? But it was almost like a completely differnt person now stood infront of her.

As Axel rips off the paper and holds it out to Jess she flinches as if almost exspecting something more to come. Looking up again and seeing the paper slowly with a trembaling hand Jess takes it. Standing she grabs her jacket.

"I'm....I....Thanks for working on my car."

Trying to hold her head tall Jess leaves the office making her way to the front desk. A new form of emotions held tight to her, she felt embarassed. How silly she was to think using her car was a good way to see Axel. He was right she should of just asked.

Faster, cheaper

The noise in the shop keeps most men distracted, but as Leo goes to the toolbench, he spots Jess. Hearing why she's there, his eyes widen.

"Sparkplug issues??? Sparkplug issues?!" He lets out a groan. "You do realize your boyfriend is never going to let me live this one down, don't you?" He sighs and shakes his head in defeat before turning around and waving to the far end and shouting. "Axel!"

Axel comes up from the sportscar's engine and squints, seeing Jess and Leo. An eyebrow quirks in surprise and he throws up his hands to ask what on earth was going on.

Leo points outside and calls again. "Problems!"


"Got time??"

Axel gestures to the empty bay next to him.

Leo turns to Jess and holds out his hands for the keys. "I'll give that bomber back to him this time. Maybe it'll put him in a better mood." He rolls his eyes. "In the meantime, you can sit in the office if you like." He leans in a little closer, lowering his voice. "Boss is here today." He doesn't have to elaborate - it was plain enough that the boss wouldn't appreciate customers hanging around inside the garage.

Within minutes, Leo has Jess' car inside. He and Axel converse for a moment or two, then Axel moves from the car he'd been working on, to Jess', propping open the hood. Even at a distance, one might be able to tell he's more rigid today, perhaps proving Leo right about his mood.

It doesn't take long before he's ambling across the garage to the office, a couple small parts in hand.

Opening the door, he steps into the waiting area and looks around, finding Darrel not within sight. He lets out a sigh and cocks his head, studying Jess for a moment. "Well...you're on time." He looks up at a wall clock. "Ten more minutes and I would have already been gone for lunch."

Moving behind the desk, he stays standing, but pulls out some paperwork to fill out, leaning down to write. "You know..."

He pauses and looks back up. His tone has taken on a stern edge, but an odd mixture in his eyes proves that there is something else. Amusement? Pleasure? It was hard to tell.

Axel deposits a couple sparkplugs on the desk. "I put these in myself a couple days ago. Funny they'd be giving you trouble..."

He lets his thought linger, turning his head back to the paper he was writing up. Though now looking down, he continues. "Even funnier you wouldn't have just gone downtown to the parts store and bought a couple to replace them yourself. Faster, cheaper..."

His eye drift up to hers again. "...and a piece of cake for somebody like you."

Tossing his pen aside he straightens up an folds his arms across his chest, just watching Jess for several more moments. "Jess..." He shakes his head slowly, his tone dropping. "Storm clouds don't need thunder and lightning to bring out a rainbow."

Axel leans down to tear off a bill for parts and holds it out to her, his eyes a steady gaze. "Friends don't need excuses to see each other," he reminds quietly. "Try asking...you might be surprised."


Pulling up to the gradge once again Jess smiles and lets out a tiny sigh. Sooner or later she was going to run out of car problems and than she would have to come here on her own but for now this worked.

Seeing the few cars parked outside Jess hesatats for a moment. It looks kind of busy and she didnt want to put anyone out, but...she was here she might as well go in. Getting out of her car Jess enders the shop glancing around for a moment. Seeing no one as the desk Jess walks to where she can see into the shop. An even bigger smile forms as she spots Axel working on a spots car. For a moment she just watches him not saying a word but a movment to her left side breaks her stair as she looks to see what it was. Spotting Leo makes Jess smile turn into a Smerk. Standing a tad bit taller Jess yells to him.

"I thought you said Leo if you worked on my car I wouldnt be in here again? Guess what I am back and I am having sparkplug issues."

Looking back in Axel's direction for a moment Jess gives a small wave.


Another day

Axel cocks his head, finding it interesting that Jess was sharing just a bit about herself. For even though some might see it as her simply explaining one small scene of her life, it said much more than that. To Axel, it said that she'd had a past of decisions that might not have been so great. To him, it said that she'd had a man in her life that wasn't so caring. To him, it said that she held regrets that had scarred a once-innocent heart.

Simply looking across the table at her, he doesn't need to ask questions or require a more elaborate explanation. Her tone and her eyes said it all.

"I guess maybe that's a scar's purpose... a reminder so that we don't forget the times we've fallen and picked ourselves back up again in order to survive."

His faint smile reappears. "No...they said once that maybe something could be done with my hand, but... at that time at least, it was too big of a risk. One wrong move and I'd lose all feeling for good. I opted to see what it did on its own. Maybe I chose poorly."

Focusing on his water glass for a moment, he runs a finger around the rim, seeming to concentrate on nothing. But Jess' final comment makes him look up again into her blue eyes. His almost-whispered words escape his lips before he's even thought about them. "I hope the stormy days come again."

The conversational exchange is suddenly halted as the waitress returns with the food, shattering the moment. Axel shifts gears, back into a lighter frame of mind, moving on from the previous topics. And the meal progresses with simple small talk until once again they walk then bid farewell in the auto parking lot. Axel watches until Jess' car is out of sight before finally ambling back into the garage to finish work on the van.

Luke chuckles and shakes his head. "I think you can survive a few days without me. Now... me on the other hand..." He grins and settles back in the couch. Work needed to be done. There were things to do and lists of tasks needing to be accomplished. But right now... he didn't care. Moments of bliss were too rare, and he cherished them all.

Gingerly lifting his legs to prop his feet on the coffee table, he shifts his weight a little so Angel is tucked comfortably next to him. Days were too short and hours not enough. Only a fool would pass up the little moments.

A wry grin surfaces and Jason sighs.

I won't give up. You have my word.

He leans forward to start his truck again, planning to simply go home. Trooper could use some exercise and attention, then after that, the evening would take care of itself. Just a couple more days of this were left. Then it would be back to TJY.

Thanks, Katie. Knowing I got you around makes this thing just that much more bearable.

Good times. Trials. Happiness. Misery. Opposites of feelings and emotions, each longing for something different, each embedded within the souls. But no matter the way a heart is heading, the future doesn't wait. Time is its captain, steering it towards the next sunset and the next sunrise...

"You're late."

"No I'm not." Carson rubs his wet head with a towel, just having showered and changed after his morning jog. "Not if I run."

Dani rolls her eyes as she eats her toast at the kitchen table. "Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of you showering."

"Quite possibly." Carson grabs a can of pop to chug half of it down.

Dani shakes her head in disapproval. "Nice breakfast."

"Well I don't have anybody to fix anything else."

"Hello... you do have two hands."

"Yes, but they're connected to a brain that is always seeming to run ten minutes behind."

Dani can't help a laugh. "Do you want a ride?"

Carson fakes innocent surprise. "I thought you'd never ask."

Dani rolls her eyes again and stands up, stuffing the last bite of toast into her mouth. "Come on. I suppose I can get to work a few minutes early, and I wouldn't want you to have to work late tonight."

"Me either. Misty's supposed to come over late afternoon when I get off."

"Ooh, special plans?"

"Don't have a clue."

"How...exciting?" Dani grabs her purse, heading to the apartment hall with her brother close behind.

Carson chuckles. "Sure. At least I get off before supper time. Aerith will be the busy beaver tonight instead of me."

"AJ! You made it!"

Axel yawns and nods his greeting to Miles. "Mm-hmm. I thought you weren't working this week."

"Ron traded hours with me." The blonde points to the schedule on the wall. "Besides, Darrel will be in today and I wanted to talk to him about the vacation I want next month."

"Good luck."

Miles smirks. "Thanks." Cocking his head, he squints as Axel numbly sets about opening up the garage. "You look like you haven't slept at all."

"Well that's not true. I got at least an hour." Axel opens up two of the large doors, the light illuminating the shop. He runs a hand through his hair and stifles another yawn. He'd woken up on the living room floor this time, without a clue to where he'd been between there and his bedroom. Maybe he hadn't been anywhere, but he'd woken up completely exhausted.

Miles shakes his head. "Whatever you do, today's not the day to fall asleep with the boss around."

"No kidding."

"Heeeeey, Grease!" Leo tosses his jacket to the side and stretches. "Look alive! We actually got cars coming in today."

Scott flips another set of cards over, staring at his tenth game of solitaire. Sighing, he flops back in the bed, weary from a weird combination of boredom and lack of motivation. The night had gone by without incident, so at least Rick was happy about that. He'd spent the night again, but had left this morning with Misty had arrived. His promise though, was to be back after lunch and to take Scott to see the counselor.

Scott's stomach made a strange turn at the thought. He didn't want to go see some stranger. He didn't want to be forced into talking about things he didn't even want to think about. He didn't want to go... He just plain didn't want to see anybody. But he'd already told Rick he would.

Feeling worthless, he sits back up to gather the cards and toss the deck back onto the bedside table. It landed next to the plate of only half-eaten food. He wasn't interested in the rest of his breakfast, even though Rick had asked him to try and eat the whole thing.

He turned on his back, then his side, then his back, then to his other side. He didn't want to stay here. He didn't want to get up. He didn't know what he wanted anymore, but his brain was desperately trying to remain occupied so he wouldn't think about things he didn't want to.

Glancing over to Misty at her desk, Scott studies her for a moment. He hadn't seen Kyle lately. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen much of anybody lately. Even Jason had only just called yesterday instead of stopping by. And anybody else from JetStream was busy. Scott wondered if he even had a place in that circle of friends anymore.

Bringing his thoughts back around, he wondered if Kyle would be back, or if it would be Carson this time. He couldn't tell.

Continue to feel

As if coming from a transe and relizing just what she had done and who's hand she was holding Jess can't help the heat she feels coming to her cheeks. She hadnt intended on this being a imtamit as it was, nor did she even relize she had done it. But seeing Axel wasnt upset puts Jess at ease just a little.

As Axel withdraws his hand Jess sits back and lets out a breath she hadnt relized she was holding. Trying to compose herself again and not feel to embarssed. As Axel starts to talk about what happend it makes Jess relaxe just a little bit more.

"Wow, that sucks. They can't replace the nervers or fix them or anything?"

Looking up at Axel Jess stairs into his endless eyes. She had hoped she hadnt asked to many questions. Thinking for a moment Jess gives a small nod to herself as she thinks of maybe she something she could now shair with Axel.

" I have a big scar on my knee. Back when I use to drink I got pretty smashed one night and I tryed walking down the steps to Peter's apartment. I guess I wasnt going fast enough and he give me a little push. Maybe to a normal person it was just a push but to someone drunk it was a shove. I lost my footing and ended up falling down the steps. Messed up my knee pretty bad. I dont have to many problems with it anymore sometimes when it gets cold it hurts but other than that I just have a nasty scar as a reminder."

Still looking into Axel's eyes his last comment sends a strange searge to Jess heart, not one that was feared or one that made her feel uneasy but it was a warm feeling. Something Jess wasnt sure she ever felt before.

"Even if the rainbow fades, as long as there are stormy days to come there is a promise the rainbow will be back to brighten the sky up and let the light shine through again."

Giving a smile nod and a smile Angel playfuly gives a slap to her husbands shoulder for his teasing.

"The day I see you cry is the day...something is wrong."

Angel's smile shines through as she looks apon her husbands face. Oh how she loved him and he ment the world to her.

"I wont be gone for long I promise. I'll probley leave in a day or two so that way I am gonna sooner and come home sooner."

Leaning back again Angel gives Luke a quick kiss before nuzzaling into him again on the coutch bringing her feel up to the empty space next to them.

"I know I am going to miss you something awfel."

Sitting on the coutch in her room Katie lets out a long sigh. Things with Wyatt this morning had not went to well and she couldnt help but worry about Ty. He was her friend and she would hope he would have sence enough not to do anything stupid but after today she wasnt so sure she was thinking straght. She new all to well what anger could do to a person.

Receving Jason's emotion Katie can't help the smile that spread across her face thought the message wasnt a happy one at least she got to feel Jason. It was always a nice feeling.

I dont know J. In a situation like this its hard. I think what Austin is doing is wrong and at the moment I hate him to. Just feel yourself feel because the problem falls in line when you dont feel anything at all. Than you mind dosent know right from wrong and you just dont care what happend anymore.

Katie lets out a long sigh. It was so hard to give someone alse addvice when she was hurting herself.

I think maybe the thing that hurts the most out of this all is not understanding. The question of why, lingers. Not understanding, and having the question are the things that hurt the most sometimes. I am sure we will get our answers sooner or later but...untill than we have to hold tight ok. Dont give up on me yet.


Ever at the storm's mercy

As Jess takes Axel’s hand, he tenses, caught completely off guard. He looks up at her quickly, but her eyes are focused on his hand. He’s tempted to swiftly end the unintentional interaction, but her gentle touch changes his mind, and he feels himself relax again.

Ultra sensitivity always came before the numbness, but Jess’ softness soothes it away, her motions almost hypnotic. Her fingers running over the scars send a tingle up his arm, but it’s not from the injury, and Axel can feel heat crawling up the back of his neck.

No one ever paid attention to the little things… but Jess had. She’d noticed, and had taken the initiative to help, bypassing questions to retain respect.

The pain in his hand starts to subside from Jess’ attention, and for a moment, Axel’s fingers start to wrap around her own.

But as if remembering his place, he slowly backs off, his finger running along her palm as he withdraws.

“Thank you,” he mentions quietly.

Though unusual for him not to know what to say, it takes him a moment before he clears his throat and regains complete composure. Flexing his fingers proves that Jess did help minimize the uncomfortable spell.

“It’s nerve damage,” he finally explains. Looking up again, he searches Jess’ eyes for a moment before going on.

He holds up his hand again, exposing the scar on both the top and palm. A wry grin seeps out. “I found out the hard way that flesh won’t stop a knife.”

Shaking his head, he gives a little sigh. “Didn’t have much trouble at first, but… these little episodes are happening more frequently now, and some get pretty intense. Feels like the knife is going through there all over again, then my hand just goes numb. Working it over seems to help get it going again.”

Axel pauses, taking a napkin to fidget with. As he resumes his explanation, his tone shifts slightly, intentionally void of emotion.

“At the increasing rate of frequency, by this time next year, I’ll be lucky if I have use of my hand at all.” Another grin is forced through. “Not such a great prospect for a guitarist and drummer. But… we’ll see what happens. There’s a chance it won’t get any worse than this.”

Cocking his head, his eyes fill with his piercing intensity as the wheels in his mind turn. His voice softens. “Ever at the storm’s mercy, a rainbow’s fate is never known. It can remain for an extended time, or fade in an instant.”

Scott can feel raw emotions boiling up inside of him as Dalton talks. He'd been friends with a few people around here, sure. He and Katie had been close and he'd been the next closest to Wyatt probably. But... to think that Dalton had such a high impression of him through what others were saying... He wondered if he did really deserve it. He'd always just been the blundering tech guy... what did people really care? But... apparently they did. And he couldn't help but feel a little bit of good from it.

"Um... ok." Standing lamely for a moment, Scott isn't quite sure what to do. But it looked like he at least had somewhere to come from now on. He had a job when he was ready.


He whirls around and takes a step back, startled by Rick's sudden presence. "I was just coming back."

"It's okay," Rick assures. "I just didn't know where you were. You alright?"

"Yeah..." Scott gestures to Dalton. "He was just telling me that... that I still got a job here."

Rick's eyes widen and he glances over at Dalton. "Really?"

"I guess so."

"Well I'll be." A chuckle slips out and Rick shakes his head. He didn't know how it had happened, but somebody must have gotten the best of Austin. "Good. I'm glad."

A faint smile surfaces on Scott's face. "Me too."

Rick nods. "Come on. We need to talk about tomorrow."

Seeing Rick leave, Scott turns one more time to Dalton, the thanks in his eyes enough for now. He didn't need to say anything more. Looking down again, he turns around and trudges out of the office, following Rick back to the infirmary.

Luke's eyebrows raise a little bit, and he shifts his weight so he can see Angel's face. "You wanna go there, huh?" He gives a little shrug. He'd go along with her, but he'd been having enough trouble the way it was lately, and wasn't convinced that being away from home was such a great idea right now. But if Angel wanted to... he didn't really mind.

"That's alright I guess." He stops and thinks, a bit of the past creeping up on him. But things were different now... and he trusted his wife. Not only with how she conducted herself, but how she could handle herself in any situation. He didn't trust Austin at the moment, but Angel had a good head on her shoulders.

Luke gives her another squeeze, leaning down to offer a tender kiss. "If that's what you want. Just tell me when, so I know when I'm gonna cry, waving as you drive away." His grin signals he's teasing, and a light chuckle escapes. "Naw, it's good. Sounds like there's plenty of reason for you to go, and if you find anything out about Austin, that's reason enough right there."

Jason leans back in his truck seat, looking over the park. Just finishing lunch with Katie, they'd con separate ways for the rest of the day, but there was still something he needed to do. He wasn't sure how, but it was bugging him enough that he knew he should. He hadn't talked about it with Katie, or let her in on any of it today, but... it just didn't feel right to leave things as they were.

Fishing for his cell phone, he pulls it out and goes through the numbers until he comes to the one he wants. Dialing, he waits.


"Hey, Mom."

"Jason!" Cindy smiles and eases down in the chair, Kaylee held in her other arm. Hope rises in her that this conversation would be better than the last. She hadn't liked not speaking to her son since harsh words had been exchanged. "How are you?"

"Oh..." Jason sighs. "I'm okay. I guess... I just..."

"It's okay." Cindy rocks Kaylee as she talks. "I'm sorry I gave you a hard time before. I heard from a couple other people and... you were right."

A bit of relief passes through Jason, and for a moment, he was willing to just let slide what he was going to say. But he brings himself back to task. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have yelled at you like I did. Guess I was just upset. Well... I'm still upset, but... it wasn't your fault."

"It's okay," Cindy repeats. "I worry about you."

"Don't... it'll all turn out in the end."

"But what about Austin? You said he helped put you in prison."

"I still think he did. And I'll deal with that later. For now, it's just TJY I'm worried about."

"What are you going to do?"

"Nothing until I get back in the office. I got a few ideas, but... for now I guess we're just gonna play things out. The law is watching him though, so at least that's good."

"Well... okay." Cindy isn't convinced that everything is quite as casual as her son now was making it sound. But she guessed she'd rather have him settled down about it than enraged as he had been before.

Jason gives a little smile. "I gotta go. But... I just wanted to give you a quick call."

"Thanks, Jase."

"Yeah. Tell Wes hi?"

"I will."

"Okay. Bye." Jason flips his phone shut and sits still for several moments.

Hero... when hate and anger turn to despair, what do you do?

He shakes his head.

I still hate Austin. But now that I've sat on it for a few days, it's almost like I'm numb. Like there won't ever be any feelings for him there at all again. And I wonder... is that all there is anymore?


A small smile curles on Jess lips as she walks along side Axel down the street till they reach the restront. Once inside and seated Jess leans back a little in the booth and lets out a small sigh. It was nice getting out and have a nice time with a friend.

"Having a veriaty of people to talk with is always a nice thing. Differnt people talk about differnt things, and differnt ways. Its intresting sometimes to see how the next person differs from the last."

Looking over her menu again Jess finally decieds what she wants. Glancing up and seeing Axel rubbing his hand something comes over her and without even thinking she reaches out and take Axel's hand in her rubbing it gently and with the other hand running her fingers over the scar. No questions come as she rubs respecting Axel's privecy and knowing if he wanted her to know that he would tell her. Just consintrating on his hand Jess almost seems lost, knowing that it must hurt because more than once now she had seen the affect on him.

A small smile forms on Dalton's lips. As a feeling washs over him that he's not sure he can describe. It wasnt often he felt like this for someone he hardly new. Yet at the same times it almost felt like he had known Scott all his life. In a way his heart went out to him, and he wanted to show him friendship, comfort not because he had to or he felt bad for him but because he wanted to.

"You do deserve it Scott. Your one of the best people I've met in my life in a long time. Maybe I have only known you for a few weeks. But in those few weeks I have seen people stick up for you, risk there jobs for you. I've hurd everyone talking about you and that in itself tell me that your a great person. Not to mention I got to have a few conversations of my own wtih you."

Giving a small nod of satisfaction Dalton looks away for a moment and than around the room before looking back to Scott.

"I can't wait till your able to start working again. Its going to be nice to have someone to keep me company. We are gonna have to find a new desk to put in here too. You need anything...let me know ok?!"

Going back to his paper work the smile lingered on Dalton's face. How sometimes the small things in life could really open someone eyes and show them that maybe it was ok to take a jump for someone.

Continuing to snuggle close to Luke Angel falls silent for a moment. Feeling the comfort of her husband was nice. His arms warped around her like a blanket.

"I guess its hard not being able to see something to really understand and not knowing what the future hold can make it scary too."

Moving just a little bit Angel tilts her so she can look Luke in the eyes giving a small smile. A question layed behind her eyes that she wasnted to ask though she wasnt sure how. How would it be taken and what would the answer be?

"Luke, I was thinking about going to Nevada for a few days to see what was up. I wanted to see if I could find out what was wrong with Austin and I know he'd talk to me. Also Misty had been working on some nerve damage repair research that she has been wantching me to come take a look for ages now. So I guess I'm asking if it would be ok with you if I went. If not that is quite alright."