
First Meeting

An even bigger smile forms on Misty's face as she hears Carson with a slight hint of the old sassy spark as she seems him. Shaking her head she lets out a small chuckle

"Well I kind of took the rest of the day off myself. I just had to get out of there. Dont know if I am going to get in trouble for it or not but I dont much care. I just couldnt stand it any longer."

A misgivish look enters Misty's eyes as the sparkle remains.

"But...if you dont want to spend time with me I can always go..."

Misty stands for a moment like she just might leave but a small glimmer in her eye tells differnt. Turning back around she reachs over the counter and wraps her arms around Carson. Holding him for a moment Misty finally moves away just a little look deep into Carson's eyes for a moment untill she drew slowly closer to him. Feeling his breath on her skin Misty's heart starts to race she her lips gently touch Carson, the feeling washing over her the kiss ever passionit.

Looking up from the desk the receptionist gives a friendly smile to Scott.

"Why Hello there. Give me one second to look up your name fast."

Getting Scott's name the receptionist turns to the computer and does a bit of typing before she turns back to Scott again.

"Ok your apointment is in about 5 min. If you want to take a seat I will let Hope know your here."

The soft smile the rested on the lips of the receptionist never moves, or faulters. The smile was one that was true.

"Hope Mr. Johnson is here to see you."

On the other end of the intercome a soft voice almost like a soft song playing replys back.

"Thank you Miss. Granger I shall be out momentarly."

Going back to her paperwork and what she was going Miss. Granger lets Scott sit if he wants not drawing attachen to him as if she was watching him. Though she was keeping track of what he was doing.

The time slowly pass and second feel like hours but like everything the time comes no matter how we want it to stop for us to sometimes face our greatest fears.

The door to the office on the left of the receptionist desk finally opens as a medium size woman with long curly brown hair emerges. Fashened in a black silk shair and a pare of black jeans a business air was about her yet the smile on her lips and the light that shown in her eyes was soft and comfortaing. Coming over to Scott she holds out her hand as she smiled.

"Hello Scott. I'm Hope Garrison. Its nice to meet you."

Still offering a smile Hope takes a few steps back and motions to her office.

"Lets step into my office where we might have a little more privecy to talk."

Leading the way into the office Hope closes the door behind them yet opens a few windows though it was cold outside. She tryed to make it feel more comfortable for Scott so he didnt quiet feel trapped. With the windows open it let in air and sounds making the room seem bigger than it was.

Sitting down at her desk she offers one of the chairs to Scott as she shuffles some papers on her desk before she finds Scott's folder.

"You can sit or stand, you can even walk around the room if you like. What ever makes you feel comfortable Scott."

Staying silent for a moment Hope just watches Scott trying to take in from first glance everything she could not wanting to bomb bard him with to many questions at once. Finally as the silence linger Hope speaks up again.

"So Scott...Rick has told me a little bit about you and why your here but I would like to hear it from you if I could. Could you tell me why you think your here and if you think this will be good for you or not?"

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