
First step

Carson hears the bell on the door of Mom and Pop's, but can't look up as he's cleaning off the counters in the back. When Aerith calls him though, he grins.

"Medium-sized brunette?" he hollers back. "I don't know anybody like that."

He pauses, his teasing tone lingering in the silence. "But if you're talking about that ornery little sheila from across town - now HER I know."

Finally finished with his work, and finished with his short day, he tosses his apron on a hook and comes out and around the counter. He smiles his greeting to Misty, and leans his elbows on the counter beside her. "Well...it is her after all. Aerith, you gotta work on your descriptions."

He nudges Misty with his elbow. "Off work early, or got just enough spare time to waste on me?"

Scott hesitates, as though not wanting to leave. He was uncomfortable here, but the thought of the clinic was even more uncomfortable. Finally, he accepts Katie's hand up though, and helps her gather the rest of the items that had been brought.

He's quiet on the way back to the car, showing his gratefulness for Katie's willingness to help, bu simply following her back without argument.

After Rick speaks to Katie to give her directions, they're well on their way across town. Scott is silent most of the way, though after parking, he gives a little nod. "I'd go with you to get a dog." His words prove that though he'd been quiet, he hadn't missed what Katie had said earlier. Maybe he hadn't responded right away, but he'd mulled it over and hadn't forgotten about it.

He sits for several moments, staring at the building. His hand grips the door handle tightly, his nerves heightening. Domino slips up between the seats to crawl onto his lap, curling up as if thinking he would be sitting there for a wile.

For a second, Scott's attention is diverted as he strokes her head. "I'll be back," he promises softly. He didn't know what awaited him. He'd never been to a counselor before. He didn't know how long it would take, what kinds of things they'd talk about, or what kinds of questions he might have to answer. He didn't know how these things worked, or what to prepare for. He didn't know how seeing a counselor could help him through his mental torment. But Rick was pushing him, and somewhere, deep down, he knew it was best, even if he didn't understand it. He was scared of his own mind right now, and if somehow this helped then...he should at least give it a chance, even if he didn't feel like it.

Finally getting up enough courage, Scott steps out of the car to go inside. Having the door shut in her face, Domino gives a little bark, then whines as she watches her master walk away. Whimpering for several seconds, she finally sighs, then crawls onto Katie's lap, reaching up to lick her chin, then focuses out the window to wait.

As Scott approaches the building, he sees his reflection in the glass door. Setting his fingers on the handle, he stops for just a moment, looking at himself. Though he couldn't see all that well, it didn't matter. He could still see his chopped-short hair, his gruesome eye, and his sickly-thin frame. Even with his loose hoodie, one could tell he was just skin and bones, shown through the jeans that hung on him, and his gaunt face.

Who was he anymore?

Sighing, Scott knew he had to go in. Once inside, his senses take in the atmosphere. It was warm in here...welcoming, even if he didn't want to be here. His eye roams the room, taking note that the entrance was the only visible exit as well.

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he keeps his head down to approach the front desk. Barely lifting his eyes, he speaks to the receptionist. "I, um...have an appointment."

He didn't even remember the name of the counselor, nor did he know all what Rick had already set up. "I'm Scott Johnson."

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