
Medium size brunette

Enjoying the time with Scott though the words were few Katie found pleasure and joy in just seeing him out and about. She was also happy to see that Scott atleast eat half of his food. That was a move up from the last time she had seen him.

Keep the chatting light Katie tryed her best to be the distraction for Scott. Though it was getting hard to think of things to talk about she was trying anyways. She wanted to treat Scott normal because he was. So he had problems...didnt they all?

Giving a soft smile Katie takes a sip of her drink before sticking the empty juice box back in the basket.

"You know I was thinking about maybe getting a dog. If it was a small one I know Laura wouldnt mind and it might even give Henry someone to play with. After having Domino for a little while I relize how much I did want a dog."

Continuing to pick up a few things as she talked Katie paused for a moment as if in though before speaking once again.

"..Maybe you can come with me when I got to pick on out?! I dont know much about adopting one and the help would be nice so I am not completely lost."

Placing the last few things into the basket Katie keeps talking about the dog and how she might need help untill finally Scott asks her about taking him. Looking down at her watch she gives a smile. She hadnt planed anything for the day because she wanted to keep her friend company so she was free.

" Sure I can..I'll give Rick a call and find out the directions and than we can drive over. I'll even wait there for you along with Domino that way if you need us we will be in the car."

Standing Katie offers her hand to Scott to help him up as well before bringing the stuff to the car and than calling Rick.

The tiny bell on Mom and Pop's quietly rings once again as Misty steps into the restront. Today it felt a little differnt than most days. Today she was coming into to see Carson. Something she hadnt done in a while.

Going up to the counter she sits down and give a wave to Aerith.

Seeing Misty Aerith gives a smile as she finishs getting drinks for a table. Once everyone is situated she makes her way back to Misty happy to see her there once again.

"Hey Misty hows it going?"

Smiling back at her friend Misty felt like she just starting to get know Carson once again the feeling was strange and she wasnt sure why she felt that way when she had known him for so long.

"Hi Aerith, everything is good. Is Carson around?"

Giving a nod Aerith goes to the window in the back giving a call.

"Hey Carson you have company to see you. A medium size brunette with long hair. Should I tell her your busy?"

A mischevus grin plays on Aerith's lips.

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