

A small smile curles on Jess lips as she walks along side Axel down the street till they reach the restront. Once inside and seated Jess leans back a little in the booth and lets out a small sigh. It was nice getting out and have a nice time with a friend.

"Having a veriaty of people to talk with is always a nice thing. Differnt people talk about differnt things, and differnt ways. Its intresting sometimes to see how the next person differs from the last."

Looking over her menu again Jess finally decieds what she wants. Glancing up and seeing Axel rubbing his hand something comes over her and without even thinking she reaches out and take Axel's hand in her rubbing it gently and with the other hand running her fingers over the scar. No questions come as she rubs respecting Axel's privecy and knowing if he wanted her to know that he would tell her. Just consintrating on his hand Jess almost seems lost, knowing that it must hurt because more than once now she had seen the affect on him.

A small smile forms on Dalton's lips. As a feeling washs over him that he's not sure he can describe. It wasnt often he felt like this for someone he hardly new. Yet at the same times it almost felt like he had known Scott all his life. In a way his heart went out to him, and he wanted to show him friendship, comfort not because he had to or he felt bad for him but because he wanted to.

"You do deserve it Scott. Your one of the best people I've met in my life in a long time. Maybe I have only known you for a few weeks. But in those few weeks I have seen people stick up for you, risk there jobs for you. I've hurd everyone talking about you and that in itself tell me that your a great person. Not to mention I got to have a few conversations of my own wtih you."

Giving a small nod of satisfaction Dalton looks away for a moment and than around the room before looking back to Scott.

"I can't wait till your able to start working again. Its going to be nice to have someone to keep me company. We are gonna have to find a new desk to put in here too. You need anything...let me know ok?!"

Going back to his paper work the smile lingered on Dalton's face. How sometimes the small things in life could really open someone eyes and show them that maybe it was ok to take a jump for someone.

Continuing to snuggle close to Luke Angel falls silent for a moment. Feeling the comfort of her husband was nice. His arms warped around her like a blanket.

"I guess its hard not being able to see something to really understand and not knowing what the future hold can make it scary too."

Moving just a little bit Angel tilts her so she can look Luke in the eyes giving a small smile. A question layed behind her eyes that she wasnted to ask though she wasnt sure how. How would it be taken and what would the answer be?

"Luke, I was thinking about going to Nevada for a few days to see what was up. I wanted to see if I could find out what was wrong with Austin and I know he'd talk to me. Also Misty had been working on some nerve damage repair research that she has been wantching me to come take a look for ages now. So I guess I'm asking if it would be ok with you if I went. If not that is quite alright."

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