
Continue to feel

As if coming from a transe and relizing just what she had done and who's hand she was holding Jess can't help the heat she feels coming to her cheeks. She hadnt intended on this being a imtamit as it was, nor did she even relize she had done it. But seeing Axel wasnt upset puts Jess at ease just a little.

As Axel withdraws his hand Jess sits back and lets out a breath she hadnt relized she was holding. Trying to compose herself again and not feel to embarssed. As Axel starts to talk about what happend it makes Jess relaxe just a little bit more.

"Wow, that sucks. They can't replace the nervers or fix them or anything?"

Looking up at Axel Jess stairs into his endless eyes. She had hoped she hadnt asked to many questions. Thinking for a moment Jess gives a small nod to herself as she thinks of maybe she something she could now shair with Axel.

" I have a big scar on my knee. Back when I use to drink I got pretty smashed one night and I tryed walking down the steps to Peter's apartment. I guess I wasnt going fast enough and he give me a little push. Maybe to a normal person it was just a push but to someone drunk it was a shove. I lost my footing and ended up falling down the steps. Messed up my knee pretty bad. I dont have to many problems with it anymore sometimes when it gets cold it hurts but other than that I just have a nasty scar as a reminder."

Still looking into Axel's eyes his last comment sends a strange searge to Jess heart, not one that was feared or one that made her feel uneasy but it was a warm feeling. Something Jess wasnt sure she ever felt before.

"Even if the rainbow fades, as long as there are stormy days to come there is a promise the rainbow will be back to brighten the sky up and let the light shine through again."

Giving a smile nod and a smile Angel playfuly gives a slap to her husbands shoulder for his teasing.

"The day I see you cry is the day...something is wrong."

Angel's smile shines through as she looks apon her husbands face. Oh how she loved him and he ment the world to her.

"I wont be gone for long I promise. I'll probley leave in a day or two so that way I am gonna sooner and come home sooner."

Leaning back again Angel gives Luke a quick kiss before nuzzaling into him again on the coutch bringing her feel up to the empty space next to them.

"I know I am going to miss you something awfel."

Sitting on the coutch in her room Katie lets out a long sigh. Things with Wyatt this morning had not went to well and she couldnt help but worry about Ty. He was her friend and she would hope he would have sence enough not to do anything stupid but after today she wasnt so sure she was thinking straght. She new all to well what anger could do to a person.

Receving Jason's emotion Katie can't help the smile that spread across her face thought the message wasnt a happy one at least she got to feel Jason. It was always a nice feeling.

I dont know J. In a situation like this its hard. I think what Austin is doing is wrong and at the moment I hate him to. Just feel yourself feel because the problem falls in line when you dont feel anything at all. Than you mind dosent know right from wrong and you just dont care what happend anymore.

Katie lets out a long sigh. It was so hard to give someone alse addvice when she was hurting herself.

I think maybe the thing that hurts the most out of this all is not understanding. The question of why, lingers. Not understanding, and having the question are the things that hurt the most sometimes. I am sure we will get our answers sooner or later but...untill than we have to hold tight ok. Dont give up on me yet.

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