
Strike one

Looking at the milkshake and than up at Carson Jess cant help the small grunt the resembled a chuckle. Taking a sip Jess is quiet for a moment thinking about the fact the Axel had called. She wasnt quite sure how she felt about it. Finally looking up at Carson Jess her eyes almost blank as she was deep in thought remembering the past and how it still lived in the present.

"Carson, will I ever be normal again? Or will these scars always follow me around and cause me to not remember that there are some good people out there?"

Looking back down at her glass Jess runs a finger around the rim before taking the spoon and scooping some of the whip cream off.

"I had a friend..and I thought I needed an excuse to see him."

Jess lets out a small scoff discusted with herself for even thinking such a thing.

"When he caught on, he was a little less than happy and I felt real stupid. Strike one up for the stormcloud again."

Knowing Carson wouldnt understand the refrance Jess dosnt bother to explain. Leaning down she just sips her milkshake as her mind maybe thinks to much.

"I'm lucky you have a sister, or alse you wouldnt know how to quite make these as good as you do."

Jess can't help but the small smile that finally makes its way to her lips. Weather it was the milkshakes or Carson's presence that made her feel better Jess wasnt sure but it was helping.

Receving only the voice mail once again Charlotte grows a tad conserned for her sister. She new she would be leaving but she didnt know if anyone would be going with her or not. Charlotte had wanted to go but in the closing months of her job there was no way she could.

Pacing the kitchen floor She brings a hand to her head as she thinks. It wasnt like Angelica to not call and at least let her know she was safe. Having an idea she dials Jamie's number fast.

"Hey Jamie, I know your at work and all but I was wondering if you had Reese's cell phone."

Grabbing a pen and a peace of paper Charlotte quickly jots down a number quickly.

"Ok yeah I got it. Thank Jamie. Ok I'll let him know. Thank again...Later."

Handing up the phone again Charlotte dosnt keep it off for long before staring to dial the number she was just given. Waiting for an answer on the other end Reese's voice mail finally picks up. Well it was better than nothing she guessed.

"Hey Reese this is Charlotte Parker, Angelica's sister. I was wondering if you had a phone number I could reach Angelica on she isnt answering her cell phone and I was a bit worryed. She had gone back to Cali for a few days for some work but also it was our brother birthday and she was going to go viset his grave."

Pacing again Charlotte continues to talk trying not to talk to fast. When she really got worryed its something she did offten.

"I know she was pretty upset that I couldnt come with her and she would have to go alone. I guess I just wanted to see if eather you went with her because I know you guys are close friends, or if she found someone alse. If I dont hear back from you I'll just call our mothers house I just wanted to leave that for last. Didnt think it was woth making her worryed for nothing. Anyways I better get going I think I am rambaling now. Thanks Reese."

Hanging up the phone again Charlotte lets out a sigh as she sits down at the chair on the table. Glancing up at the clock she takes note to what time it was. Bret would be home for lunch soon as least for now that would take away some of her worry.

Slipping through the infermary door without being spoted Katie looks around the room. She had become pretty good about moving around with no one seeing her. She didnt know why she felt like she had to sneek but she did anyways.

Seeing Rick sitting over at his desk Katie gives a small wave before walking over to Scott. As she draws closer Katie can see he is awake and is happy.

"Heya Scotty, how ya doing?"

Giving a genuin smile Katie gives a wave to Scott. She hadnt been in, in a few days and she was happy to be back so she could see Scott for herself.

"I was wondering if maybe you would like to go to lunch with me? That is if its ok with Rick. I figured maybe some fresh air would be good. I have a picnic lunch and I was just gonna head to a quiet spot in the part."

Katie smile lingers on her lips. She wanted to help Scott so bad and she new all she could really do was be a friend. But sometimes the small things really helped people. Scott being cooped up was no good and if she could get him some fresh air she would be happy she did something.

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