
I'm sorry

Giving a laugh as Kyle messed her hair it felt nice to have something break up the searousness. Tighting her arm around Kyle's shoulders just a little Alice couldnt help but be a little scaired about what she had to tell Kyle. She didnt know how he would react.

"You have told me everything about you, now its time for me to tell you the one thing about me that I havent hardly told anyone else. I was married about a year ago...."

Alice goes through every detail with Kyle filling him in on who Seth was, and what had happend to him. She explained how things were better now and she was at peace with his death but why sometimes she still pulled away.

It was hard to tell once again but and a few tears filled Alice's eyes at differnt moments non the less.

"..thats why I keep my head up and stay so full of life. I made a promise to myself, to Seth and to God. Sometimes its hard but I know I will be ok."

Alice falls quiet as she searches Kyle's eyes looking for his reaction and wondering what would happen now.

Jumping up out of his seat BJ's excitment bursts forth as he waits for Mick to put the saddle down.

Doing a little dance shows how excited he really was. Seeing Mick set the saddle down he goes over and takes his hand in his own before pulling Mick twords the door.

Hope gives a small smile as her finger gently runs over Scott's hand.

"It's ok to be scaired Scott. Thats how we stay cautious. "

For a moment she was quiet as she choose her words for Scott. Everything she said was the truth and though Scott was scaired she new he could do this.

"Your NOT going to fail, and you WILL remember. Scott your the only one who can do this. Katie's life now rests with you. If your friend is to pass on and go home finally she deserves to be where she is comfortable with her friends right? In a place where she might get better. Not dieing in a damp dark basment."

Hope, hoped that her woulds would help Scott. Bring her hand to Scott's face very gently she ran a thumb down his cheek and his jawbone. Studying his eyes for a long moment, behind the sadness and confustion she saw a man that wanted to help her friend, she saw the happyness once Scott had. For the first time, Hope really saw the man behind the outside shell insted of just knowing and hearing it there. It made my stomach do flip flops.

As if a force pulled her Hope could feel herself moving closer to Scott, she new what was coming and she couldnt stop it not that she wanted to. She wasnt sure at the moment what it was but something was pulling her twords Scott.

Still holding the side of his face in her hand Hope looking deep into Scott's eyes.

"I know, you can do it Scott."

Closing her eyes Hope can feel her lips brush Scott's ever so lightly. A million and one feeling suddonly bursted into Hope all at once sending her stomach to do flip flops. It was a feeling she never had before but she couldnt say she didnt like it, because she did.

Retreating for a moment Hope looks into Scott eyes again before turning her head and coming back again feeling her lips brush his once more and the feelings hit her once more.

Pulling away just a little again Hope finally can regain her thoughts and cant help but think maybe she had just over steped her friendship. Giving a horse whisper Hope looks into his eyes and than away again she almost felt silly, not only was that her first kiss but she never even made sure it was ok.

"I'm sorry, I....I'm sorry."

Nate eyes Gage as the anger is present, but it was not anger twords Gage, it was more on an anger to put fear into him. There was no way Nate would let Gage get to him or see any emotion from him.

"You pocket huh?"

Looking to Con Nate nods.

"Get the needle from his pocket and give it to me Con."

Nate waits for a moment and than takes the needle from Con and holds it up for Gage to see.

"This is what you were asking for?"

Taking it Nate throws it onto the ground and steps on it breaking it and letting the liqued leak onto the floor.

"You have no option Gage, you have no where to go, and you have no one coming for you. Tell us what we want to know and it will be much easyer on you."

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