

Continuing to watch her friend Alice only feels sorrow for how he felt now. She'd never been addicted to anything except her husband and writing. Cutting one of those out of her life was hard enough she could only imagen how up medicen could be worse.

"I havnt come this far just to leave you when you need me the most."

Turning a little on the bed Alice pulls her own legs up onto the bed her back to the wall. Gently putting her arm around Kyle's shoulders she looks out at Hunter. She new he was worryed, but everything would be ok. She new it.

"Its ok Hunter, everything is gonna be ok. You dont need to keep watch."

Looking back to Kyle Alice plays a few things though her head not sure if now was the right time to tell Kyle or not.

"I have something I want to tell you when your feeling more up to it Kyle. Its...a little bit more about myself I'd like you to know."

If Kyle wanted to know now she would tell him, but first and formost she wanted to offer comfort to her friend who was going though one heck of a time.

BJ thinks for a moment as he scrunchs his nose as he continues to help with the saddle. The little gears in his head turned as he thought about what he mom might like.

Finally his little face lit up as he stratend and looks at Mick with a big smile.

"I dot, a great idea. How about you get mom the flowers because you wove her, and I ta....ta..."

BJ stops and thinks for a moment as he continues to search for the right sound.

"..ta...CAN I can get the braided reins for her since I love her too. Dan we both got her something to like."

Standing aganst the wall in the intaragation room Hope wanted so bad to intervean and help Scott but she new she could not. Once Carson was done with him he would need her for comfort and to help him stay calm. For his sake she had to remain where she was till it was the right time.

The minutes dragged on feeling as though they were never ending. Till finally Hope let out her own sigh of releafe as Carson looks to her and signeled.

Coming slowly over to Scott she placed a gentil hand on Scott shoulder. Listing to what Carson had to say about his friend and Scott reaction she new he was scaired and couldnt blame him. She could very well be the same way.

Waiting till Carson had left Hope moves till she was infront of Scott and pulls a chair up next to him. Reaching out she took his hands in her own and help them for a moment before looking up at him again.

"When you first started coming to me Scott you had said that you felt so helpless like you couldnt help anyone. You were so upset that you had let someone die. Do you remember that?"

Hope waits for a moment before saying anything else for Scott to reply till finally she nods her head a little and gives a smile at him.

"Now is your chanse Scott, to save someone you care about. You dont want Katie to die right? Well its in your hands to herlp her now."

Nate eyes Gage for a long moment as Con said a little of what he wanted to. He sized the man up wanting to take him in to know just what he was up aganst.

Finally as Con finished Nate steped forward as he swong a chair around and sat down himself.

"What do you know about and why Katie Pent? The women you help toucher?"

Nate got right to the point, knowing Gage wouldnt know who we were and if they were good guys or bad guys. As far as he new, they were two people who got a hold of him and now wanted info.

"I would sujest you just tell us, or you yourself will feel a little bit of the same pain Katie did."

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