
Over with

Alice gives a shake of her head and a small sigh that is followed by a smile. She felt bad for Kyle and new this had to be hard.

"Psht, you better not be dead. It's be pretty lonly without my best friend around."

Her hand findes Kyle's arm and gives it a gentil pat the smile still on her face as the tone in her voice was softer than normal.

"Not feeling to good this morning huh?"

Leaning in a little closer to Kyle Alice looks into his eyes studdying them for a long moment. She could see the longing for the drug he was addicted to but she could also see the will to be strong.

"You can beat this you know, your gonna be ok."

Phinox looks around the room at all the faces the Reese had assigned to go thinking to himself quickly if these were the best people to go for the job and he agreed that it was.

Thinking for a moment Phinox remembered something that has him a little worryed. He didnt know if anyone had delt with this before.

"There is something else, and it might answer a few questions of why I didnt get Katie out when I knocked Gage out."

Phinox is silent for a moment before looking up and around at all the faces once more.

"..if you look closly on the moniter behind Katie you will see a box. Its easy to over look at first but when I bent down to whisper to her I noticed it was connected to the ropes around her wrists. Its a bomb set up that if anyone was to mess with the ropes or pressure on it was taken away it would go off."

BJ gives a big toothy smile to Mick as he continues to help him with the saddle. The little boy loved helping out and enjoyed even more spending time with Mick.

"Tan we get somehting for mom when we are in town too?"

Excitment could be seen in his eyes as he looked to the man who was the most of a father to him as anyone had ever been. The boy had taken to Mick so fast one would think he has spent all his life with him.

"Oh Scott, you will be normal again. Once we get this all stratend out you will be ok. I just know it, your a stronger man than you think my friend."

Leaning back in the chair Hope let out a small sigh. All he wanted was peace, He wanted his friend back and he wanted all this horrar to end.

THough Hope couldnt say she new how it felt she new it must hurt because it did just thinking about it.

Giving a small sigh she new Scott wanted to get it over with and though she had stoped it for a little while she new she couldnt forever.

"As soon as Carson gets a free moment, we will get it over with."

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