
Disturbing the Dead

Hunter is quiet for a moment, just searching Alice's face, but finally he gives a little nod. He would trust her. He didn't like what he'd been seeing, but if she said it was nothing like the conclusions he'd drawn, then he believed her. Though not knowing why she couldn't say anything else to him, or why Kyle would be embarrassed, he respected the privacy she'd promised.

"Okay." He cocks his head towards the bus. "Come on while the others are stretching their legs."

He leads Alice to the bus and up the steps. It was amazing that the team had enough room on the bus to live while they were on the road, but everything inside was surprisingly compact, allowing for much more space than one might think possible.

Hunter makes his path to the back end of the bus where everyone had their own private space with narrow beds. Sliding doors along the small walkway opened into their mobile "bedrooms" with just enough space to have a few private belongings and a bed, while the larger cubby in the back was reserved for Jordan and Myla.

Reaching Kyle's space, the door is open. He's lying on his back in bed. He'd managed to get dressed at some point, though anything else just required too much energy. One arm was draped over his forehead, shielding his eyes from any extra light. His hair was a little matted along the sides of his face, signs that he'd been sweating, even though the bus was kept cool.

Hearing someone approach, he pries open his eyes just enough that he could see who it was. A slight, tired smile quirks his mouth and he gives a little wave, though his head hurts too much to sit up or move. "Didn't you know it's impolite to disturb the dead?" he mumbles.

Hunter leans on the doorframe behind Alice, more solemn and still trying to figure out just what was going on.

Scott eventually lifts his head again, resting his chin on his knees, his arms still wrapped around his legs. It hurt his ribs to sit like this, but at least he felt protected.

"I know how it feels," he comments quietly. "Every second, the pain just gets worse, and you just wish you could die, but your body keeps fighting even when your mind has given up. So you just suffer more."

He shifts his head to use his knees as a pillow, studying Hope for the longest time. It was so quiet in the infirmary. Everyone had left - he assumed it had to do with the case for Katie. How could there be so much peace and turmoil at the same time? He can feel the emotions starting to well up inside of him again as reality weighed heavier and heavier on his mind.

"I feel like I'm never going to be normal again," he admits. "Every time I'm one step ahead, I get knocked down again. I can't do anything for myself anymore... I'm constantly relying on others. While I'm not as scared anymore, I'm a bundle of nerves and I don't even know why. Am I just still recovering? Am I a traitor? Could I have helped this mess? Have I made things worse?"

The questions beg for answers, yet he knows that there really were none. He sighs, wincing a little as his ribs remind him not to move too quickly.

Closing his eyes again, he manages a slight nod. "I'm ready to talk to Carson... as soon as he can. I want to get it over with... please."

The hour of day was quickly becoming morning, and each minute that slipped by was another minute that worry grew.

Everyone in the room pays attention to what Phinox is saying. Though Jason isn't present, he's listening in, so at least he knows what's going on.

Reese looks around at the agents, weighing their reactions. He looks to Jay and Derek. "What say you?"

Jay is still emotional enough that it is hard for him to speak, so Derek takes over. "We're ready." He purses his lips grimly. "We both have families back home that don't even know why we're here. We've got other kids and wives to think about. But we're willing to give up what we have to, in order to bring Katie back. At the very least, we can't let the Agency win."

Listening, Jason blinks and wipes his eyes again, now halfway impressed by his father's words. He really was willing to risk his life for Katie. That said something about his character, didn't it?

Reese nods slowly, then turns to Phinox. "This is what I propose. We should prepare Derek and Jay and get them ready for an exchange. I want tracking devices placed in their shoes - something small that will go unnoticed. Hal?"

Hal is writing on a notepad and looks up. "Yeah.... I got a couple devices the size of a thumb tack. We can even put them in the lining of their shoes or something so at least no one would ever be able to see them. Hopefully the Agency will be anxious enough to get the men that they won't take the time for a full-body scan at least not right off." He glances towards Dalton. "I'll need help configuring the trackers - Scott used to do that."

Reese continues. "This is a security measure. If anything happens and we can't get Jay and Derek straight out again, we can at least know where they are. Next, I agree and want a team onsite or at least near it. I know that this is risky because we can't let the Agency think that we're planning something. But I want a team as close as possible so that they can move in if anything goes down."

He scans the face. "I think it best if we send Nate... Con... Wyatt... and I'd like to be there as well. While I'm gone, Hal, you will be in charge here, while you and Dalton stay on the monitors."

Jason's voice comes through the phone's intercom. "I want to go too."

Reese sighs deeply. "I don't think that's such a good idea."

"Please?" Jason pleads. "I want to be there..."

"We have yet to work on getting the meds out of you, Jase," Rick reminds.

"But we still have time... Phinox hasn't gotten the call yet."

Reese interrupts. "Jason... when the times comes to leave, if I find you emotionally stable, and if Rick will release you, then I will allow it." He nods with the decision. "Carson, you listening?"

"Yeah, I wondered if you were going to count me in or not."

"I want you to stay here. You've got three jobs - keeping an eye on the monitor and letting us know what happens with Katie. You also need to interrogate Gage - hopefully that will come before the team leaves, so get ready. And you also need to finish your task with Scott. We still don't know if he knows anything about this or not."

"Right." Though Carson's voice is confident, in reality, he was dreading all of this.

Reese turns to Misty. "I also want you with the team, but in the background. Katie will need medical attention, and I Rick needs to stay back here for all the other emergencies we got going. Most likely, Katie will need to be taken to the hospital immediately, but I trust you to assess the situation and do all you can on the way."

He pauses, heaving a sigh. "And now.... we wait. Phinox, is there anything we need to try to get out of Gage specifically? Alterior plans? Motives? Carson should have something to go on while we wait for your call to come through."

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