
Standing still

Scott had a hard time letting Hope's words penetrate this time. It was one thing to be convinced that he didn't have to be scared of his own shadow. It was another to be told he didn't have to be afraid of failing... in a life or death situation.

His body still shook, retaliating against the emotional strain he was under. Things had been going so well... and this past day had been murder.

Hope's hand on his face makes him look up. Though only one eye could see, it didn't matter. He could still stare back into her own eyes, able to see a million miles away. She was the only one with eyes like that. When he allowed it, he could be taken to another time and place, open to the words being spoken, and open to the peace that wanted to come. She knew he could do it. Someone had confidence in him, that he didn't even have in himself. What did that mean?

Her thumb running down his cheek sends an odd tingle through Scott. His heart was already racing, but something sped it up even more. Blinking back a bead of sweat, he feels her even closer to him, but there is no nervousness present. There is no anticipation, no awkwardness, just... quiet.

Scott doesn't move. Hope's lips on his send heat crawling up his face and down his neck. He blinks. What... how...? He didn't have time to question it. Again, her lips are pressed gently against his.

Stunned, her apology is barely even heard. He blinks again, but finds she has lowered her gaze. For a moment that feels like eternity, he just sits. But then he looks down too. He stares at his hands in hers and realizes that his shaking has stopped. Looking back up, it feels as though his breath has been sucked out of his lungs. But it wasn't a feeling that evoked fear. It was more like suddenly seeing things as they truly were, as if he'd been blind all along.

In a single instant, Hope was no longer just Scott's counselor. In a single instant, Hope was no longer just his casual friend. There was something more... and it was incredibly peaceful.

Realizing that they were just sitting in silence, Scott swallows hard. There were so many things on his mind right now, he thought he might go mad. And yet... it didn't seem to matter.

Ever so slowly, Scott slips his hand from Hope's, reaching out just a little to tilt her chin back up again so he could search her eyes. One might have thought she had kissed him just as a tactic to get him to calm down. But he knew better.

Back and forth, he studies one eye and then the other, searching for meaning... searching for true emotions. He was a mess. He was frail and weak and half-mad. But in a single moment, time seemed to have stopped. And the feeling inside of him was one that he had not felt for a very long time.

His voice is whispered. "Sorry for what?"

This time it's his turn to cradle her face. Her skin was so soft against his palm... so warm. Leaning in closer, he rests his forehead against hers, closing his eyes. "How come you believe in me, more than I believe in myself?"

The question just hangs in the air without an answer for now. But even in the silence, hearts move, and tingles like electricity shoot down spines.

His eyes still closed, Scott tilts his head, wanting to feel her lips again. Finding them with his own, his kiss is tender, and grows with passion as his hand slips behind Hope's head, his fingers enveloped by the softness of her hair. His body ached, but his heart felt alive. The taste of the kiss is one not easily forgotten, and once again, time stands still.

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