
Now you...

As Scott comes up to Phinox he gives him a once over fast. The young man was beaten, brused, and thin but from his reports at the Agency he new this man was brilliant smart and a danger to them and there plane. Yes, this was the best person for the job that layed a head.

"As long as your think your up to it. Once I get inside with Derek and Jay and things are sacure, we will need to to disarm the bomb."

Giving a small nod Phinox goes to tell Scott more when his phone rings. Looking down and seeing the number it was the phone call they had been waiting for.

"We will talk more on the way I have to take this its the Agency."

Making his way through the halls quickly Phinox looks into each room trying to find Reese till finally he find him in the break room.

Pointing to his phone he finally answerd it and puts it on the speaker phone.


"Well well well you did answer your phone. Your eather very brave or your just stupid Phinox."

Looking to Reese Phinox continues the call.

"It took you longer than I thought to call seeing as we took Gage."

"That was a brave move you did I could kill Katie right now if I wanted to. Just ask your friend watching the camra how close I am to her."

Looking at Reese again Phinox's eyes open wider as he leaves the brakeroom and makes his way across the floor to the moniter to see Phinox and another standing next to Katie's almost lifeless body her head tilted in the air as a knife pressed so hard to her skin some blood could be seen trickling down.

Keeping his cool Phinox new not to anger them anymore than they had already.

"You do that and you know you will never get the two your after."

"Our demands have changed, we want Derek and Jay along with you. Your presus to us as well dear Phinox. We cant have Agency information running around."

Before Phinox could answer Rod continued.

"You know where to meet us, and you know who to bring. No cops, and dont do anything stupid or we will blow everyone sky high. Be here in two hours."

The line goes dead and Phinox looks to Reese and than looks back to the screen as the two guys were still are Katie.

"We have to work fast, and I new they would want me. No one gets away from the Agency that easy."

A look passed through Phinox's eyes as he turned away. A feeling loomed over him that her very well might not come out of this alive.

Letting out a small sigh Alice couldnt help but hear the tone in Kyle's voice and cringe just a little. She new this might change things but she wanted to tell him anyways and she hated this tention between them. Some how she had to fix it.

Jumping up from the bed Alice lets her energy through her Alice wants the energy back, the happyness...or at least let it be semi normal.

"Yeah, maybe I will see if Hunter will drive with me. Than again some quiet time will be nice too."

Standing at the stove Alice makes some tea for Kyle and brings it over to him at the bed. Sitting down again She looks at Kyle maybe he did want to be alone now.

"Would you like me to sit with you a little longer or should I go?"

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