

Looking back up at Ryder as he whipes sweat from her face Katie shakes her head. She felt foolish still but now Ryder was trying to make her feel better how could she not let him know she wasnt mad.

"Enemies ha, you'd have to do something pretty bad for that."

Katie shakes her head again giving a small laugh.

"I am sure you will be able to see us in action sooner or later, and as for Carson dont let him get to ya eh? He's a big softly unless you mess with his friends."

Giving Ryder a once over she shakes her head as she starts forward again.

"I think the the croc should be more scaired of you than you it."

Opening the back door Alice hopes she was going in the right back door. Making her way around things Alice follows the vocies.

Coming through another door Alice just smiles as she finally sees Kyle with the rest of the band. Just standing there for a moment Alice says nothing as she watches and than drawing close as Jen throws him the MD she chuckles.

"Ya know I was told its a bad thing to give this guy here sugars and I saw it first hand let me tell you."

Alice cant help the grin the cross her face.

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