

Katie shakes her head that was one thing about words they could never be taking back no matter how foolish they sounded now.

Turning away Katie almost felt like a kid that had been scolded and wants to now just crawl away. A feeling it had been so long since she felt. Not turning back around Katie states.

"I have a unique ability with Jason. We dont tell many people about it for many reasons. We can talk to each other without even being next to one another, and when one is in danger, or hurt the other one knows it. I can always tell when he is near and he can with me too though its a little differnt for him. It comes in handy when going on missons like this. Put us together on a team and well....we just are pretty good togther. Along with being able to manipulate things so we can get into doors, past guards and such of that nature. Thats why I am here."

Staring back the way the came Katie figured it was best to rejoin the other. She mad a fool of herself and she new it. There was no point in standing around any longer.

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