
A week

Con has already thought of just about every possibility in the book, but listens to Jamie, appreciating her concern more than he led on. Her care made him feel warm.

Turning, he looks to her, inches from her face. "I'll think about it. In the meantime, thanks for putting up with me." He searches her eyes, knowing that she would stand by him through thick and thin. Craning his neck, he pulls her a little closer, pressing his lips against hers in a passionate "thank you" for all she'd said and done for him.

A week goes by. Time seemed to be flying by without so much as stopping to let anyone breathe. The days all melted into the next. The work persists. The daily grind presses down on those who continue life's lot divvied out to them.

Laura grumbles and fiddles with power button on her computer. "Scott!!!"

Scott pokes his head up from someone else's computer several cubicles down. "I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Carson glances across the floor and quirks an eyebrow, a slight grin forming. Everyone's computers had been breaking down the last couple days it seemed, and poor Scott was getting the brunt of it. Turning back to his paperwork, he lets out a weary sigh. It was strange getting into the groove of things again...on one hand it felt all new, and on the other it was almost like he hadn't left at all.

Jason sits on his bed and leans back against the wall, reading Katie's letter for the third time. He folds it back up and puts it in the small shoebox along with all the other letters she'd sent to him. Grabbing his notepad and pencil, he jots out his reply.

Hey, Katie.
Wishing I could see that beach too. Or just a sunset for that matter.
Finding that hours have the ability to pass extremely slow under the right circumstances. Watching rain drip from the top of my window has become quite the past time. At least it puts me to sleep on the lonely nights.
I'm still hanging in there. Not so much to fear, other than the future itself. But surviving is a must.
Take care of yourself, Katie.

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