

*As Jamie sits with Con she starts to put a few things away so she could relax with him before he had to go again. Leting out a sigh Jamie replys to Con.*

"Ya, I've seen that to in Katie. It makes me worryed sick, and I cant really do anything to help her but comfort her when I can. I give her alot of credit, She is one strong cookie."

*As Jamie finishs puting everything away she scoots alittle close to Con. Resting a hand on Con chest she gives it alittle scritch and than just rests her hair there studing him for a long moment. For a while now Jamie new something was bothering him but he wouldent talk to her about it. Jamie turns her attachen to the harizon for a moment continplating for a moment. Jamie new work had been hard on Con, and being the bigest in the lumber yard took its toll on him as he boss worked him like a horse. Jamie lets out another sigh and turns her attachen back to Con.*

"Hun, I can tell something is bothering you again. I've been able to tell over the last month. But you want talk to me about it. Have I dont something wrong for you to not want to shair with me? Whatever it is thats bother you weather its with me or something alse I will listen. I'm here for you to talk to. Heaven knows I lay all my problems on you all the time and you listen without complaining. Let me do the same for you at least once?"

*As Nate listens to Carson he studys his eyes, his body launge. Carson indeed had changed that much is for certin. Carson had a weaght on his shoulders greater than any punishment one could grant. They all had to live with what happend to Misty, but Carson had to live with more. His memories were great.*

"You cant blame youself Carson. Weather you loved Misty back to not you gave her something no one alse could. You gave her hope and showed her how to be herself. You helped her smile, and gave her the spark she needed. Carson Misty wouldent want to to dwell in the past forever. She's want you to let go of that weaght on your shoulders and just remember the good times. Remebering her smiling face the good not the bad."

*Nate rethinks and intakes what Carson had said about beingin Australia. How lost and hurt Carson must of felt after the news of Misty. Nate himself felt the heavy weaght from it. Her voice still eccoed through the halls, and Carson and her own antics rining and Nate would roll his eyes and say his famuse line. "You have got to be kidding me.". It indeed was strang to see Carson there and know Misty would not be coming in the door to throws her arms around him, to fall in his lap or throw him a sassy comment. Nate new the pain himself and it hurt.*

"Your still welcomed here Carson. We could never as you to do more than try. No one is purfect. No matter what was done in the past, the time is now. We wont turn you away. We can get through this together."

*Nate nods and turns his gaze to Wyatt. The look in his eye said he to felt Carson's pain and he could tell he had started a change in himself.*

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