

For everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven:A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

And so time moves on waiting for no one.

*As Kaite reads the newest letter from Jason she lets out a sigh as a silent tear ran down her cheek. It had been two months since Katie had seen Jason but he kept her uptodat with many of his letters though they lacked the truth or at least the detail of what was really going on. Though Jason dident say anything Katie new and could feel everything. Evey broken nose or bruise, every trip Jason took to the infermary, every bit of anger Katie shaired with him worse than the last. Many times over the last few months Katie found herself calling into work. She would tell Reese she was sick when truth be told there were times Katie couldent get out of bed from the pain not hers but Jasons. This was one of those days. Her night had been restless and she got maybe all of two hours of sleep. Jason's letters had become lifeless and cold showing that prison does change even the strongest of hearts. How Katie wished she could take him in her arms. How she wished she was able to stop this change he was going through but she couldent. She was powerless and helpless.

Grabing her cane from the side of her bed Katie uses it to stand. Slowly walking to her desk siting down grabing a peace of paper she write her own reply to Jason trying to give him the hope, the love he needed.*

Dear J,
How I look forword to each letter you write. Even if its only one sentince long I can feel you through it and hear your voice in my head. That paper when I open the envalop has your smell on it. I close my eyes and I see you standing with me. Your hand clasped in mine. Its at those moments my lonly heart is filled.

I took a trip to the beach last week and watched the sun set. It wasent the same without you but I made the best of it. When you get out J we are going to have to go there again and enjoy it once again together. There are so many things I want to do with you when I get out, but most of all I just want to feel you in my arms. I want my yurning to hold you be satisfied. Soon J, soon I will lay my eyes on you again, my eyes that yern to see you. I guess I should end this letter before there is anymore mush put into it. Everyone at TJY says Hi. I'm doing semi ok. Nothing you need to worry about. I'm still standing strong for when you return home to me. I love you now Jason as much as I did 2 months ago if not more.

Love always,
Katie @->----

*Finishing her letter Katie stands and walks outside taking in the crisp morning air placing the letter in the mail box. Slowly Katie sits down on the pourch steps leting her tears fall till finally they stop and she can talk. Taking her phone she dial's Reese number to let him know today was an off day for her as ask if maybe Wyatt or Laura could bring home some work for her to do.*

*Jamie leans back on her arms as she takes in the warm sun on her face. The last month had gone by fast and it was times like this that Jamie now lived for. Since Misty had been gone Jamie had tryed to spend every moment like it was the last relizing how fast life can be snatched away. Every moment Jamie could weather it was whole day or just a few moment to see Con she would be happy.

Jamie laughs as Con talks about her cooking.*

"Oh ya its so hard to make egg salad. I guess that an upside to your parents owning a restront I know how to cook....a sandwich."

*Jamies cant help but get a silly grin on her face as she sits up.*

"Speaking of which...."

*Jamie reaches into the basket and pulls out some brownies.*

"Mom made these just for you. She knows they are you fav so eat up. Katie is doing the best that can be exspected. Jason has been writing her alot, She says everything is fine but you cant tell in her eyes there is so much unsaid. She's been calling into work alot in the last month. That makes me worryed in itself. But when she does come in she seems to be in good spirits just trying her best to keep her chin up."

*Jamie grabs one of the brownies and takes a bit before speaking again.*

"Ya Lockheart has been a big help to Reese through this all. She's really trying to get that second shot for Jason. I give her alot of credit for sticking through us with this more than she had to. I guess they found some pretty good evadence that points to the judge and jury being payed off. Just whatever they are planing on doing they do it soon and get Jason out of there. I feel so bad for him and Katie. It must hurt alot to care and love someone to deeply and have to be separated knowing you cant see them when you want to or even call them."

*Jamie grows silent as she gets lost in throught for a moment munching on her brownie.*

*As Nate rolls his shoulders as he sits at his computer thinking about what should be writen next. Finally it comes to him the perfect line. Once he is done a strange feeling comes over him. Like he was being watch. Turning his head and scaning the floor his eye catches Carson. For a moment Nate cant move wondering if Carson was really there. Nate hadent hurd from him they the day they found out about Misty quite some time ago. Studing Carson for a long moment Nate can see something differnt about him. It was a good differnt. Standing Nate makes his way over to Carson a smile forming on his face. Nate offers his hand to Carson proving he blamed him for nothing.*

"Welcome home Carson."

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