

*As Jamie listens her heart Acks for Con. How horrable he must of been feeling. Con had always had the high life for jobs. Full of action and now, there wasent any. Moving her head to his shouler Jamie tilts her head to look up at Con. Geting a tiny yet good thingly feeling in her tummy at Con's touch to her arm and shoulder.*

"Con you know Reese would always take you back. You were always his right hand man Con. He would be happy to see you again. Maybe you could even help with the Jason case."

*Jamie thinks for a long moment. How she hated to see Con down. She offered as much comfort as she could. Being next to Con in his arms Jamie loved every moment hope in fact she did bring him the comfort he needed.*

"Maybe you should come back Con. Ya you would have a desk job, but you would be with your friends, and doing what you love. Maybe even geting in on the action once and a while. I think you should consider talking to Reese and working something out. Dont stay at the lumber yard if you unhappy. That never makes a job fun."

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