
The time has come

Walking with Kyle's arm drapped over her Alice felt so happy that she now had a new energy and a new reason to smile.

Getting to the outside of the room Alice returns Kyles kiss short and sweet but it gives emotions like non other.

"Thank you Kyle for restoring my Hope, and helping me start to fill the holes."

Finally entering the room a anew spring is in Alice's steps with a twinkle in her eye that she is sure everyone would notice.

Making her way to the bathroom Alice cleans up and throws in a pare of cloth pants, and a long night shirt. Combing out her hair and than climbs into bed throwing the top blanket off, but the sheet up to her chin. Tonight she would sleep with a smile.

Giving a nod to Wyatt and Scott Misty understands her order. She wasnt to sure about this, and to be honest she was scaired to death. Not for herself but Scott, Jason and even Katie. She wasnt sure what kind of condition she would be in when they found her.

"I'll be here for you guys and I am also linked up to your head set so I will be able to communicate is need be. Be safe guys and come back in one peace ok."

Misty's question didnt require an answer as there really wasnt one. All she could do was watch them both walk off to there destionation untill they finally were out of view.

Closing the van door once again she gives her confermation that she was linked up and could hear everything going on.

Now, it was just the waiting game and that could be the hardest part of all.

Typing a few buttons back at TJY and flipping a few switches Daltion make sure all the lights were green. Putting in his own ear peace he tests it out.

"Alright guys we are live, and green. Scott be safe out there I've got some jerky and MD back here with your name on it. I would hate it to go to wast."

Getting the response from everyone that there headsets were working Dalton stays alert and at attation. He hopes this worked and that everyone would come home safe even Phinox.

Getting into the van with the other Phinox's face still showed no emotion. There was a cloud that hung inside him he almost new that he wouldnt make it out even if he would try to.

Once inside and on there way Phinox holds out his hands as they are tied. Getting Jay and Derek's attachen he shows they a trick to keep the ropes loose.

"Hold your thumb inside the cup of your hand like this to give the rope extra. Than make your hands into fists so onces Reese ties the outsides you can tell there is extra inside. From looking at and even checked it because the Agency isnt stupid as long as you keep yours hands in fists they wont be able to tell the differance."

Letting Reese ties them up he makes sure they do as he told and all of them had room before he lets Reese tie him last. Letting out a sigh he sits back in the van. The never ending minutes were dragging on as the outcome would be no better.

"Once we are in the holding room, it will be no problem to open your hands and slip out of the ropes. After that, we kind of just have to play it by ear and hope it works out. Pick the lock to get out of the room, break down the door to get out. Have Jason or Scott open the door. We will have to see the best option. It might even work if we make a commotion and have them open the door than knock them out."

Looking across the van at the two men he gives a nod. He was sure they would do fine, and he would do whatever it took to get these two men out and back to there familys once again. How nobal, how honnerable they were. Phinox had wanted to be like that at one point in time and he though he was doing what was write but it all seemed to back fire and turned into a mess but now, at this moment it was what would make his amends.

Seeing Reese enter her office Angelica tenses just a little. She need Reese would be going with the others now, and she was scaired. If only he didnt have to go but she new, he had to.

Wrapping her arms around him and returning his kiss she pulls away before just taking him into a strong hug. Her voice cracks just a little, as she can feel he tears that wanted to break out of her eyes but she didnt let them. Though one could tell there where there by the glass look of her eyes.

"I will pray. Come back to me...ok?"

Holding on to his hand as long as she can Angelica finally has to let go. The space between them growing as she watched Reese walk out the door.

Sinking down into her chair finally a tear runs from her eye. Closing her eyes she says a quick prayer before opening them and trying to find some work to keep her mind busy. In a little while she would pray again. This whole thing was in God's hands now and Angelica new, he would do what was best. She only hoped what was best was everyone coming home again.

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