

Gentily giving Kyle a hug back Alice feels so much peace that, that in itself could be over welcoming.

Closing her eyes as she returns the hug silently she thanks the only person who could of helped her find this peace...God.

Being pulled away to look to Kyle, Alice had no doubt that her eyes held a new glow, a new fire, a new twinkle. She was sure her face like Kyle's was brighter.

Slow and steady, she liked the idea of that. It would give them the chanse to warm up together, build a trust, a faith, and a promise.

Giving a small chuckle Alice finally replys.

"I rather like prunes...but I think you right. We better get out before we catch a chill and get sick."

Giving Kyle's hand another squeeze Alice finally lets go and swims over to the edge to climb up the ladder and grab her towel to wrap it around herself.

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