
Tell me

Kyle blinks back a bead of pool water. Alice had just proven him wrong. She was flirting with him... and it was obvious that she was very comfortable here with him, aside from all the teasing and the bantering. What had changed? And when? He swallows hard.

The mischief disappears from his eyes, though he tries to maintain some amount of humor. "I think it's okay..." He lets his sentence linger for several moments, trying to figure out exactly what else he wanted to say. "...as long as you mean it."

His fingers move a little so that he has a hold of her hands now instead of the other way around. His voice gets quieter. "I... don't think I could stand getting my hopes up for nothing."

He knew that his words were starting to reveal his true feelings. He knew that all of a sudden, he was starting to relay the deeper feelings that he'd been hiding. But the time seemed right. Maybe the gnawing feeling in his gut from being at odds all day long had proven to him the way he really felt. And he was tired of the games... he either wanted to know if he and Alice were just going to stay friends, which he would accept, or if there really was something more there.

Kyle's eyes continue to gaze into Alice's, trying so hard to read her and what she was really thinking. His voice comes out almost a whisper. "Either tell me to walk away now, or tell me not to let go. I can't stand the unknown in between."

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