
Bear with me

Feeling Kyle's hand finally take hers and lock fingers the companionship she had been missing, the emptyness she had longed to fill was now hanging in the balance of wondering if it would be now filled.

Searching Kyle's eyes so many question she wanted to ask, so many things she wanted to throw at him and hound him to know if this was true so her heart wouldnt be broken again as the emptyness would swallow her whole once more.

Kyle her best friend wanted to be..more? Had she really over looked it this whole time? Did Kyle really want to be more? The worst that could happen is he would say now, and they would just be friends again.

"As sure as the sun rises every day, I will be there at your back to make sure smile, and to make you laugh as I know you will be for more."

Still letting Kyle hold her one hand she brings his other to his face to wipe the water away that was making its way down his face. Her hand felt a little shaky as the ground she would be walking would be risking her hear again but she was read, and she felt comfortable with Kyle and maybe her talk with Hunter had made something click. Seth would want her to be happy.

"If your willing to bear with me Kyle than please dont let go, but if you cant understand that something I might get scaired, and are not willing to stick with me than walk away now. My heart cant handle losing anyone else that I feel so close to. If you need sometime to think as well, than I understand."

Alice's eyes beg, and plee with Kyle what her heart wants, and yet they hold the darkness, the shiled that also said it didnt want to be hurt anymore. She gave him all the outs he could want without making him feel traped, Alice just wanted to make sure this is what Kyle wanted and was willing to stick with her.

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