
Moving out

Kyle watches Alice exit the pool, then he boosts himself up out of the water too. Drying off a little with his towel, he joins Alice for the walk back to their room, his arm slung around her shoulders. But this time there was more in that simple gesture... this time it was a claim on something he had just gained.

Reaching the suite, Kyle stops at the door, turning to Alice one more time. "I guess this is where two prunes say goodnight."

Though he grinned, one could now see the exhaustion in his eyes. It had been a long day.

He reaches out to tuck a stray strand of wet hair behind Alice's ear. "Goodnight, Alice. And thank you." Already he was looking forward to tomorrow... This time he wasn't going to let his silly pride get in the way. They'd have all day on the road to spend time with each other.

Leaning closer, he plants a tender kiss on her forehead. Retreating, there's a spark in his eye that warned if he wasn't so tired, he'd probably be bouncing all over the hallway. A short laugh manages to slip out. "I think I'd take you over Mountain Dew any day."

Kyle opens the door and lets Alice in the room before they can linger too much longer. Their entrance is noticed by a few of the others, though most were busy with a game of UNO or watching tv. Kyle aims straight for the guys' room.

"Hey, Kyle, how's the head?" Chloe calls over to him.

Kyle scrunches his nose. "You had to remind me that's what this thing on my shoulders is, didn't you?"

Chloe bites her lip. "Sorry. You want to take something for it so at least you can sleep?"

He'd been turning her offer down all day long, but right about now, the thought of a good night's sleep was too appealing to say no again. "Alright. You win."

"Good." Chloe rises from her seat in the living room to grab the little bottle from her purse. "Here you go."

"Thanks." Trudging to the bedroom, Kyle sets the bottle down and tries to find some dry clothes. Only then does he notice that Hunter has turned in early, and he apologizes for the noise he's making. "Sorry."

Hunter eyes him from one of the beds and doesn't respond. Instead he just rolls over to turn his back. Staring at the wall instead, his gaze is not a peaceful one. He tries to sleep anyway, to keep his mind from wandering.

Kyle quirks an eyebrow at the tense feeling in the air, but he shrugs it off, heading for the shower. He was too tired to think about anything but falling into bed himself.

The sun has already shown itself above the horizon. Long shadows spread themselves across the land. Thunderheads build in the distance. On a quiet plane, if one listened carefully, they could hear the distant rumblings from within the gigantic clouds.

A more glorious morning would be rare. But on this day, those traveling in the black van through the back roads had their minds far from the golden rays or the anticipation of invigorating storms. Instead, their minds were on the task ahead... a rescue... a mission.

Wyatt keeps his eyes on the road, his fingers curled tightly around the steering wheel. He glances to his side where Scott sat, concentrating on an open book and his tool kit as he mentally prepared for what was ahead. Though he could probably perform the task in his sleep with his discovered knowledge of the bomb, he wasn't willing to take the risk of being unprepared.

Wyatt's eyes then drift to the rearview mirror. Jason and Misty were quiet. Jason was still a bit pale, but so far had hung on well since leaving TJY. Several medical bags took up one seat. No one knew how bad Katie really was. Already, Wyatt had a route mapped out in his mind that would get them back into town and to the hospital in the shortest amount of time.

As their destination is approached, Wyatt knows where to find a parking place, from all the maps they'd gone over. The abandoned brick building had plenty of trees around it... plenty of cover.

Wyatt pulls off the road and drives through an open grassy lot before coming to a stop in some trees. Without having to say anything, he and Jason get out and throw camouflage netting over the van. It wasn't a foolproof disguise, but it would keep anyone from noticing them at a glance.

Standing outside the van, Jason checks his amunition and holsters his hand gun. He and Scott were both in black and wearing bullet proof vests, prepared to take advantage of the shadows the morning sun was providing.

Jason nods to Wyatt, then to Misty. "We'll be back. If all goes well, we'll bring Katie back here. If anything goes down, we may take her to the van Reese brings. If that happens, Misty, we'll meet you on the street. Reese will have medical supplies with him in that van too."

Scott shoulders his backpack then looks down in his hand at the gun he held. Swallowing hard, he holsters it. Donning his earpiece, he tests it out, along with Jason. Everything worked. Everyone was in contact and connected both to here and back to TJY.

"Alright, Phinox, we're heading in," Jason informs. "So far so good." Nodding to Scott, both men take off through the brush towards the building.

Wyatt paces, his hands on his hips. He loosk worriedly to Misty. Would this really work?

Reese looks up as he hears Jason's voice over his own mic. In the lower level garage, he catches Phinox's eye and nods. It was time now that they pulled out too. They were on schedule.

"Alright guys, lets get moving."

The teams had changed. With the new plan in place, Reese wanted more agents to watch their backs in case anything went down. He would be presenting Derek, Jay and Phinox to the Agency. But driving separately at a safe distance would be Con, Nate, Ryder, Carson and Laura who would take secluded positions around the perimeter of the building. Hal would be the one staying to watch the monitor, while Dalton took care of communication and tracking from the control room.

Everyone donned their own mics and tested them, talking to Hal and Dalton. They were as ready as they ever would be. The perimeter team was in black with bullet proof vests, though with the hope that they wouldn't be needed. Derek and Jay climbed into one of the vans, each trying to prepare themselves for what would happen. Halfway there, they would be tied up along with Phinox. They were all banking on the Agency simply believing that Reese would tie his own men as a sign of surrender, not of trickery. Both Derek and Jay's minds were on their families... the ones they loved.

Reese looks around at his team and lifts his eyes with a silent prayer. "Get ready in the vans. We have two minutes." Breaking off from the others, he sprints up the stairs. He felt bare without dressing for the occasion like the rest of the team, but he was the dropoff man... any weapon or sign of battle would be a threat.

Jogging down the hall, Reese stops at Angelica's office. Taking a deep breath, he knocks the enters. "We're pulling out," he informs. Looking her in the eye, he conveyed all of his worry and hope that they would all be back soon, everyone safe. But if not, he wanted her to know that he cared about her.

Approaching slowly, he pulls her up out of her chair to take her in a strong embrace. "If you want to know how we're doing, ask Dalton or Hal," he tells her quietly. Pulling away, he brings his hands up to cradle her face, leaning in to kiss her lips. "Pray for us," he whispers. Brushing her cheek with his hand he turns, and is gone.

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