

Alice's continued interest only makes Kyle bewildered yet again. Why she had this desire to do a story on him, he would never know. Part of him wanted to argue and tell her to stop making a big deal out of someone as common as he. But deep down... tucked away... he would quietly admit to himself that someone's honest attention did feel a little good.

Her arm going around his shoulders makes his eyebrows rise, and he turns his face to her with question. Despite her laugh, for just a moment, Kyle sees something beyond the surface humor. There was something more there... something deep and hidden that might only come out a glimpse at a time, but it showed the strength within. If God was leading her, who was Kyle to stand in the way?

Receiving Alice's comment and point to his forehead, a laugh escapes and he reaches out to grab her finger to push it away. "What? You mean like this?" He furrows his brow to force an angry stare.

Leaning in closer to her face, another laugh comes. Standing abruptly, he makes the carriage wobble, and ignores the hollers from below to sit down. "I can make people laugh with a line I don't even have to say!" he shouts at the top of his lungs.

He balances himself despite the rocking motion and throws both hands in the air. "Look out world - Kyle Mitts is on the loose with his trusty sidekick Alice." He lowers his voice to a booming announcement. "Ladies and gentlemen, do not be alarmed. It is only one crazed human being, and they are kept moderately under control by the witty written words of Whitt, the whistling woman."

Suddenly realizing the absurdity of what just came out of his mouth, Kyle blinks and flops back down in the seat. "Well. Now. That was exciting." He swings his head around to look at Alice again. "Nothing like a little pepper to stir things up. I do believe I feel invigorated. Or perhaps it's the sugar that has finally hit my system from that cotton candy I had."

Or maybe, just maybe, it was knowing that someone he felt like he'd known all his life would be tagging along on his new adventure.

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